The latest articles by Natalia Kudryavtseva

  • Google Play Store error codes and how to fix them

    Sometimes Google Play can generate certain errors that may prevent you from successfully downloading an application. Each error is identified by a number, which may seem confusing at first glance, but refers to the source of the problem. In this article, you will find some of the most frequent errors and the various options to solve them.

  • 4K monitors and graphics cards: to play games, watch movies

    After the progress in image quality and the emergence of Full HD and 1080p many users found it hard to imagine that something better would come along, but it did: 4K technology, which makes playing games and watching movies on PCs comparable to looking out the window and seeing and feeling the live-action. In this article, we will tell you what you need to play games and watch 4K movies on your PC.

  • Best image format: for web, for printing, for quality

    There are many formats for saving an image, including JPEG, GIF, PNG and TIFF. Each of them has its own specifications, its advantages and disadvantages. This article will guide you through the main features of each one.

  • Change the motherboard battery: with power on

    The motherboard of PCs and laptops contains a battery that runs the CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) and keeps the computer's clock accurate. Although it may not seem vital to the operation of the computer in principle, many problems and errors result from the wear and tear of this battery. In this article, we explain how and when to change the motherboard battery.

  • How to use Signal on desktop: Windows, Mac, Linux

    Do you want to use Signal on your PC? The Signal instant messaging app is known as a great alternative to WhatsApp and Telegram, and stands out for its focus on taking care of users' privacy. In this article, we explain how you can use Signal on a computer.

  • How to use OK Google: activate, search

    Google's Voice Assistant is triggered when the user says 'Ok, Google'. After that, the system captures what you are saying and answers your questions, for example, informing the weather forecast, creating a route on Google Maps or displaying the results of a search. However, to use the feature, you must first activate it. Read on to find out how to do it.

  • Internet Explorer can't display the webpage: quick fix

    Sometimes, when using the Internet Explorer, you can encounter an error that says "Cannot display the webpage" even though you are still able to use other programs requiring an internet connection. In this case, the problem might be related to the wrong web browser settings. The good news is that it's easy to fix. Read on to discover how to fix this error.