The discussions

Excel, filling in cell values automatically


Hello, I have two worksheets in Excel 2007 and am trying to automatically fill in cells in worksheet two based on values in the first worksheet. A...

4 replies Last reply on 16 Aug 2010 by

Text help in excel


Hello, i need to get 2 text cells on sheet 1 to list in 1 cell on page 2 any help would be cool with me since i am new to this neet thing called e...

3 replies Last reply on 16 Aug 2010 by

Excel message box

Hello, Im sure this has been answered before, but I'm having trouble finding it. I want a message box to pop up every time a cell in a column (...

1 reply Last reply on 15 Aug 2010 by

I am deleting the excel files through lan co

hello, I am deleting the Excel files through LAN connection from onther system its very important data's how i can recover the dox, anybody can help...

3 replies Last reply on 14 Aug 2010 by

How do i select a row in a macro

I have a simple problem, how do I write a macro that will simply select what ever row I click on? I simply want to be able to click on a row, run my m...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Aug 2010 by

Vlookup in other worksheet (date)


Hello, Attached please find the reference file. I am doing a VLOOKUP from sheet 1 to she...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Aug 2010 by

Excel macro using visual basic - newbie

Hello all, I'm a complete newbie to macro's and am hoping there is someone out there generous enough to offer some help, because I'm confused! B...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Aug 2010 by

Help with excel please


Hi I have an excel spreadsheet with two columns in A is a list of codes, and in B a list of names containing the codes in a string A ...

4 replies Last reply on 12 Aug 2010 by

Copy entry from each worksheet to new sheet


Hello friends, After reading some very useful suggestions. I thought of posting my problem, hoping i'll find a solution I have a workbook which...

9 replies Last reply on 12 Aug 2010 by

Excel absolute reference?


Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.7 I have cells A1:A5 as "5, 10, 15, 20, 25" respectively. I want to make cells C1:G1, ref...

4 replies Last reply on 11 Aug 2010 by

How do i keep a range with copy paste macro

Hello, I have a macro assigned to a button which copies a selection of rows in my excel worksheet & pastes it in the next blank row below. This macro ...

1 reply Last reply on 11 Aug 2010 by

Browsers all stop. router is fine.


Hello, Recently, without installing any new software, my browsers all eventually stop. Firefox is my main, and would be the first to fall after abo...

Last reply on 10 Aug 2010 by

Copy filtered data from one sheet to another

Hello, Can you please provide me the macro code so that I cancopy and paste the filtered data from sheet one to sheet 2, without selecting any oth...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Aug 2010 by

Copy column from one excel file to another

Hello, I have fifty column in a excel file. problem is that i want to import one column from that file into another excel file at a specified lo...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Aug 2010 by

I lost the backward arrow on internet browser

Hello, I lost my back arrow on the browser , any one can help ???

1 reply Last reply on 10 Aug 2010 by

Unable to browse the net on pc

Hello, i'm ram, i have pc and laptop. When i'm plug the cable modem on my laptop it's can browse the net. But the same cable modem unplug from laptop ...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Aug 2010 by

Excel averaging cell range

Hello, I'm working in Excel 2007 and I need to calculate the average value of cells in column D whose values in column C are within a specific threh...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Aug 2010 by

Excel if question....

Hello, I need help with an excel spreadsheet and an IF statement. I have 5 columns with numbers from 0 through 9. If the value in the cell is "0...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Aug 2010 by

Enter userform data in new worksheet

Hello, I am trying to save textbox value in the new worksheet each time I click on command button and name the sheets as day1, day2,day3 so on ....

1 reply Last reply on 9 Aug 2010 by

Macro for copying data to a new worksheet

Hello, I need a Macro to copy data to a new worksheet the condition is IF any data is same in "F"column then the entire subsequent rows should be ...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Aug 2010 by

Macro to insert next template 2 rows after th

Hello, Hi, I'm trying to create an automated wire frame builder in Excel 2003 that will allow people to show me how they would like webpages to...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Aug 2010 by

Excel user form

Hello, I created an user form with three combo boxes, five text boxes and two command buttons. This form will be used as a data entry template. On...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Aug 2010 by

Mirror many random cells at excel

Hello, i'm a data entry,,,Eh,, i have a sheet with 720 number of different items... and i get a paper with 40 items per day but those ite...

9 replies Last reply on 9 Aug 2010 by

Excel - multiple variables, multiple returns

Hi, I've been driving myself crazy on excel trying to figure out a formula to calculate the responses for a test. Here's what I need it to do: I...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Aug 2010 by

Help with a conditional macro?


Hello, I am trying to use VBA to check whether an M appears in column B and then, if it does, paste the information from that row (Columns A thr...

4 replies Last reply on 7 Aug 2010 by

Excel formula

Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0 hi, What is the formula for the following: If A1 = Yes, B1 = Green & populat...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Aug 2010 by

Sound not play on browser

Hello, i have a problem with my audio device , i means my s/m sounds are work properly, vlc, media player............etc, play sound. but intern...

2 replies Last reply on 7 Aug 2010 by

Go to next page in word doc using vba code


Hello, Can any one tell me how go to next page in microsoft word doc using Excel Vba + macro code

Last reply on 6 Aug 2010 by
VBA guru

Need help with macro

Hello, I have attached a sample of what I would like done. Configuration: Window...

6 replies Last reply on 6 Aug 2010 by

Transfer numbers from one work sheet to anoth

Hello, i have woork book with a cost sheet on page 1 and a quote on page 2 a bill of materials on page 3 and so on.I wish to set the work book up so t...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Aug 2010 by

Macro for getting information from a report

Hi I have a report in excel. I want to extract the data from that report to another worksheet with much consolidated information. For example, ...

4 replies Last reply on 6 Aug 2010 by

Spliting lines of data in a cell into columns

Hello, I would like to know how can I go about extracting lines of data in each cell of a partocular column and split them into various columns. ...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Aug 2010 by

Copy rows until meet given line


Hello, I'm trying to split one spreadsheet into several spreadsheets. The splitting has to be done when a certain value is found. I need to mo...

2 replies Last reply on 6 Aug 2010 by

Background picture in excel 2007

Hi Can anybody tell me how to put a background picture on only the section where you working in say A1 to J55? When i put the picture in it fill the ...

2 replies Last reply on 6 Aug 2010 by

Macro to change value of 1 cell to another

Hello, I have a spreadsheet that contains colums that have a value of true or false. I want to change all the true values to the column title i...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Aug 2010 by

Email reminders from my excel tracking sheet

Hello, I need to notify folks when their credentials are about to expire and heard I can set up my excel spreadsheet to automatically send email not...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Aug 2010 by

Combine sheets - different size n shape

Hello, i need help to combine two sheets in the same document by VBA scripts. My 2 worksheets have very similar format (same column numbers, same he...

3 replies Last reply on 5 Aug 2010 by

Insert 2 rows, copy the formula.vba help pls


Hello, I have a huge file to work on. Please help me with a VBA that does the following for the entire sheet (until the last row) 1) Whenever y...

3 replies Last reply on 5 Aug 2010 by

Where is my browser

Hello, does anyone know what happened to my firefox browser im tring to google back as my home page but i cant find the browser! Configuration:...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Aug 2010 by

Match two columns and copy specific cells

Hello, I know this has been asked many times over, but I am at a stumbling point and haven't been ale to get past so any help would be appreciated...

1 reply Last reply on 4 Aug 2010 by

Vba macro-move to cell underneath the button


Hello, I want my VBA macro to move to the cell 'underneath' the particular button that is being pressed. (I have a series of buttons down the page, e...

9 replies Last reply on 4 Aug 2010 by

Excel 2007 conditional formatting

Hello, I work in a school and want to keep track of certain events by date and student. For example if Student A, go on a visit I on say June 1st...

3 replies Last reply on 3 Aug 2010 by

Excel date formula (tricky)

Hello, I am facing a typical problem for which I need a workaround in Excel. Our financial system (legacy software) gives us a report of our total...

18 replies Last reply on 3 Aug 2010 by

Macro cell references

Hi there I need to create a macro to increment a cell by one each time it is run... However, the way this will work will be a button (with the M...

2 replies Last reply on 2 Aug 2010 by

Width & merge cells


Hello, I Have 1 WorkSheet In Which There Are Too Many Sub Sheets. I Want The Width & Merge Cells Of Sheet1 In To All Sheets. But I Dont Need The ...

15 replies Last reply on 2 Aug 2010 by
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Excel comparison question

Hello, Here's my problem: I have 2 columns that contain around 90% same but 10% different values (column A starts from second row A2, column B ...

6 replies Last reply on 2 Aug 2010 by

Matching 2 columns in excel


Hello, I've got 2 columns of data- I'm trying to see if there's a match between the data in Column A with Column B- if the data is in Column B somewhe...

2 replies Last reply on 2 Aug 2010 by

I would really appreciate this excel help!

Hello, I have Sheet 1 & Sheet 2 Sheet 1 = contains a list of clients and the total of USD entered each day Sheet 2 = contains the list of cl...

7 replies Last reply on 2 Aug 2010 by
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Macro that increase previous cell

Hi, Can I get help in creating macro that adds up 1 to reference cell. The reference cell will start with letters such as LT. In other word if the ...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Aug 2010 by

Copy specific cells from sheet1 to data sheet

Hello, Iam new here, if somebody could give me a hand with a sort of code, that would be great. I want to copy the next cells (B5, C3, E15) loc...

3 replies Last reply on 2 Aug 2010 by
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