The discussions

Create a new matrix in excel macro

Hello, I would like to create a new matrix under some conditions from old dataset. Basically, I want to choose rows from the old data as long as ...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Feb 2011 by

Data entry in two excel files using a form

Hello, I have two excell files "a.xls" and "b.xls" both are having Three sheets "Sheet1", "Sheet2" and "Sheet3". Both the sheets are protected by...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Feb 2011 by

How to check for the last row of excel

hi, i am writing data from csv file to excel using c#, by data contains more that 80000 rows, so i want to check the end of the excel file i.e the ...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Feb 2011 by

Countif macro codes on multiple criteria

Hello, I need a macro codes with condition applied in formulae. I have a text as below in excel from C1 to C33 and i want a macro to count of "f...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Feb 2011 by

Highlighting cells based on dates of other ce

Hello, I am working on the following. I have names of customers in column A and dates in columns B, D, F, H, J and L. I am trying to highlight the...

3 replies Last reply on 9 Feb 2011 by

Rollup or summary sheet

Hello, i am quite a 'newbie' at VBA and have run into something that i can't seem to get started. i have sheets by month that have the same amoun...

4 replies Last reply on 8 Feb 2011 by

Copying data excel worksheets

Hello, Can someone give me an easier way to do this? I have in column A; Team 1, Team 2, 3,4 etc down to 30. In coloumn B, I have 'week 1' Afte...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Feb 2011 by

Match excel data and return associated data

Hello, I have an excel sheet that I am trying to match data up on. Essentially, my data looks like this: Column A Column B Column C Col...

2 replies Last reply on 8 Feb 2011 by

Microsoft excel look ups

Hi Guys, Please can you help. I am trying to do a formula which allows me to look take a cell, for example the word 'help' and look for it in a...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Feb 2011 by

Excel-format exported file to proper col/rows

Hello, This is my problem: I generate a report from my accounting system and export the data to Excel. As an example, if i generate a sales order ...

3 replies Last reply on 8 Feb 2011 by

Excel search & display query

Hi All, I am a non IT person.. I have a simple requirement, but dont know how to go about. The requirement is My data. Sno Release Project ...

11 replies Last reply on 8 Feb 2011 by

May i request help with comparing two columns

Greetings everyone, I needed some help and would appreciate any comments or advice if possible. I am working in development finance and i got ...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Feb 2011 by

Vba search & find, select entire row and move

Hello, Hi, Can anyone help????? I need vba for cmdbutton on userform to move one row data into another row. I have a worksheet "details1" ...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Feb 2011 by

Macro to class interval


Hello, I have a workbook of employee data and at dth column i have ages of employee. in eth column i have to define age interval like. 18-25...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Feb 2011 by

Vba for excel

Hello, I need to open one after another xls files from the spec. folder, then activate another workbook and copy 4 cells from it, then paste those...

3 replies Last reply on 7 Feb 2011 by

I need information to move to the next cells.

Ok, so my problem is probably simple, but since I'm new to this, I'd like a little help. So, I have stuff that I have in "Quote Download" tab, and I n...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Feb 2011 by

Macro code for making a graph in excel

Hello, I would like to create a graph from a macro. Here is what I have got so far. Charts.Add ActiveChart.ChartType = xlXYScatterLinesN...

10 replies Last reply on 4 Feb 2011 by
Neil A

Macro regarding the cell color

Hi I would like to have a macro for the following when i type "red" in a cell the whole cell turns red when i type "orange" in a cell the whole ...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Feb 2011 by

Extract info from excel

Hello, I wonder if you could please help me. I thought this would be something simple but after an exhaustive search and using filters and Vllookup I...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Feb 2011 by

Excel less than but greater than


Hello, How would I get into L2 if J2=>10 then "lates", if J2=

2 replies Last reply on 3 Feb 2011 by

Excel-extracting names into seperate elements

Hello, I have several hundred names in an excel file written like this Doe, John A and I want to seperate them into 2 columns with first names in ...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Feb 2011 by

Excel 2007 date 20100915 without formatting

Hello, I have a column of dates (around 800 rows) with dates entered in as 2010/09/15 as date format. I need to convert these to GENERAL format an...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Feb 2011 by

Find and replace in excel

Hello, all i have been suffering to find a solution for a problem which is : I have three categories which I call region (Central, Northern and ...

8 replies Last reply on 28 Jan 2011 by

How to add count to a column w/ 3000+ rows?

Hello, I have a column with numbers in them (1) Column, over 3000+ rows. How can I simply add the 'COUNT' text in each cell without having to ent...

1 reply Last reply on 28 Jan 2011 by

Highlight max/min in excel 2007, vba

Hello, I'm quite new to Excel VBA and need some help doing the following. I have a lot of data and need to highlight (or change the background ...

2 replies Last reply on 27 Jan 2011 by

Macro - check name and then insert blank row

Hello, Would appreciate any help on below. I need a macro that would insert a blank row after each unique entry. To illustrate imagine follo...

1 reply Last reply on 27 Jan 2011 by

Excel formula to populate fields

Hello, I have a spreadsheet with Employee names (A2...A150) & one of 5 Divisions that they work for (B2...B150). What I am trying to do is put the...

1 reply Last reply on 27 Jan 2011 by

Copy 5 columns and paste to next 5 columns

Hello, I have to run daily reports where I have to add new day data to the right end of the spreadsheet. Example is below. I want to create a macr...

1 reply Last reply on 27 Jan 2011 by

How to copy sheet1, sheet 2, sheet3 in sheet4

Hello, How to copy sheet1, sheet2, sheet3 and Sheet 4 in Sheet 5(same excel workbook) using macro? I want to copy columns A-W The rows will ...

1 reply Last reply on 27 Jan 2011 by

How to do in excel

Hello, I've four columns: A (with Names), B (with date of birth), C(random name of column A) and D (the result i want automatically). What formul...

1 reply Last reply on 27 Jan 2011 by

Color change macro

HI All, I need an excel macro where i require to do the following things: if i type RED then the cell in which i type RED turns red, SImilarl...

1 reply Last reply on 22 Jan 2011 by

Excel if function


Hello, Could someone please help me with the following problem. I want to know how to do a if function in vba to search for a value (output), a...

4 replies Last reply on 20 Jan 2011 by

Macro to find and copy all columns

Dear all, I've searched online for 2hours but still unable to find suitable threads, please direct me to the information or help me out with the fo...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Jan 2011 by

Excel macro assistance please.

Hello, I am trying to write a simple Macro which would look at a corporate organizational chart in Excel. The Macro would list the company name an...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Jan 2011 by

Excel macro, time input button

Hello, Excel Macro Help PLEASEE!!!? Ideally i want a time in and a time out button, so that when workers sign in they click the timein button a...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Jan 2011 by

Excel hide column formula

Hello, I'm trying to find a way to hide a colum in my excel workbook when I would select one of 3 drop down menu items. The drop down list is lo...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Jan 2011 by

Copy paste multiple rows - incrementing issue

Hello, I'm having a problem, I have 9 rows of data that contain formulas that pick up data from other worksheets. When I copy and paste to the nex...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Jan 2011 by

Excel: don't print when cell value is 0

Hello, Please, I have an excel file with several worksheets. I made a macro that when I click a button, the worksheets are printed. There are sev...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Jan 2011 by

Filter problem in excel 2007

Hello, Im Xishan, using excel 2007 & facing problem while delteing rows of filtered data. When i delete filtered rows, other rows(unfiltered ones) ...

1 reply Last reply on 17 Jan 2011 by

Help! trying to copy rows of data via macro

Hello, I could really use some help. Here is what I am trying to do.I have a mound of data that i want to break up into different sheets. I want to u...

5 replies Last reply on 16 Jan 2011 by

Lost windows excel files upon pc restore

Hello, I'm candy. I was forced to have my pc in its restore factory setting upon crashing because it wont open if I didn't. I have a very importan...

1 reply Last reply on 16 Jan 2011 by

Excel - automatically filling empty cell

Hello, I have an Excel worksheet that has two columns: CSJNumber (column A) and ARRARvw (column B). Cell A2 and every other cell in that column h...

5 replies Last reply on 14 Jan 2011 by

Ms excel


Hello, I want to use ms excel but i am not getting any option of ms excel in my computer how can i use ms excel when i don't have it.......? ...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Jan 2011 by

Macro to copy and paste repetitively

Hello, I would like to develop a macro which can copy a cell value and paste the exact value in the three rows below. Then, repeat the motion auto...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Jan 2011 by

Button to color sertain numbers (excel)


Hello, Im looking for a way to make a button color all numers equal to the the number on the button.. as an eksample, lets say i have a row of...

2 replies Last reply on 7 Jan 2011 by

Excel: copying conditional data to new sheet

Hello, I have been given a half-done spreadsheet to make into something useable, hopefully someone will be able to help out. I have a workbook ...

3 replies Last reply on 7 Jan 2011 by

Deleting rows based on duplicates in a column

Hello, I have a database in which I administer. It is in MS SQL 2005. I pull the data into excel and delete the duplicates if any exist. However, ...

8 replies Last reply on 7 Jan 2011 by

Help( excel)

Hello, My name is Mando how to tell excel cell A1=B1 and say if we get A1 then its this??? A is a number that we have registered as a working da...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Jan 2011 by

Import excel data into mysql database


Hello, This is Nischala .Can any one suggest me wheather we can import excel sheet data into mysql database using .net application( or asp....

4 replies Last reply on 5 Jan 2011 by
Er.mayank khandelwal

If-then statement to copy rows


Hello, I am wondering if there is a way to copy a specific row from one worksheet to another in the same workbook based on an IF-Then statement. ...

5 replies Last reply on 4 Jan 2011 by
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