The discussions

How to get sub total in excel

Hello, plz help me in getting sub total, for following example Reg exp ab01 11 ab01 10 ab01 9 sub total=30 ab02 8 ab02 ...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Oct 2009 by

How can iget my password back

Hello,iwant to i want to access my gmail password gmail id is want my password back of this mail id bcs i h...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Oct 2009 by


Hello, My laptop isnt working rite now?

2 replies Last reply on 13 Oct 2009 by

Send email automatically when file copied

Hello, our client uploads files via FTP to a location. whenever a file is uploaded, we need an email to be sent to us automatically giving details of...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Oct 2009 by

Running total as a percentage

Hello, I have a group of employees that must complete training. They are listed in a column. As each employee completes the training I will enter an ...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Oct 2009 by

Excel help

Hello, I have two worksheets. In the first worksheet I have 1 column (column a1) with numbers in them, on the second worksheet I have 2 columns wit...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Oct 2009 by

Password lost and secret question changed

Hello, please , i'm in a bad situation , very bad, today , at 8am , when i wanted to open my mail , they said that i was using a wrong password, firs...

2 replies Last reply on 12 Oct 2009 by


Elow , I was on my hotmail awl day in school and when i go home i tryed going on it buh it didnt let mi :( it says incorrect password, i clicked on ...

3 replies Last reply on 12 Oct 2009 by

Get contents of cell if matches a string

Hello, I am looking to populate a cell with the contents of another cell in that row if the contents of that cell contain any or part of a word. ...

2 replies Last reply on 12 Oct 2009 by

Which excel function shall i use

Hello, I need you a great help. I want to input every updated data in cell A1 in sheet 1 every day, for example, but I want all old data were input ...

3 replies Last reply on 12 Oct 2009 by

Compare one column to multiple columns

Hello, I have a list of values in one column (A) that appear within 5 other columns (B,C,D,E,F). I would like Excel to highlight whenever a value f...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Oct 2009 by

Compare two sheets and paste in new sheet

Hello, I need some help for my work. Sheet1 contains some numbers in column A2:A500 Sheet 2 contains some numbers in A2 : AXXX ...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Oct 2009 by

Outlook 2007

Hello, dear my problem is that when i open outlook 2007 it autometic send email to my all office users . These are just spam email i am very upset p...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Oct 2009 by

Email and i need the password

Hello, theres this emil its and i need the password for windows live id so i could sgin into it... can you help me??? find th...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Oct 2009 by


Hello,I have a problem with ms excel I want to write a formula contain 20 fields but after pressing ENTER it say *Value* Thanks

1 reply Last reply on 11 Oct 2009 by


forgot hotmail password ,i never sigh out from it my friend sigh out and chek his mail since then cannot sigh as i forgot passwrd

1 reply Last reply on 11 Oct 2009 by

Word 2007

Hi there, Can anyone help me about how to highlight text using word 2007. Word 2007 seems really hard to use. Are we still able to highlight te...

1 reply Last reply on 11 Oct 2009 by

2 xcell worksheet link

Hello, Dear Team i have a quary, tht i want to copy one xcell worksheet data to another xcell worksheet data, and moreover when i changes/modify 1s...

1 reply Last reply on 11 Oct 2009 by

Erecovery password

Hello, restarted laptop aspire 5715Z after it shut down. pressed alt + f10 then selected restore to factory settings whereupon it asked for a password...

1 reply Last reply on 11 Oct 2009 by

Words aren't showing up on the screen.

Hello, My keyboard is working fine but when I type, I cannot see the words being displayed on the screen. It was working fine yesterday but this mor...

1 reply Last reply on 11 Oct 2009 by

Unable to send

Hello, I am having issues with my Outlook. I have 2 different accounts assigned to my Outlook. One is my POP/SMTP and the other is an exchange serv...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Oct 2009 by

Ms access 2007 (need help)

Hello, I need help creating a spreadsheet for my husbands warehouse. I have no idea where to start. I need to include PO's, $amount, QTY, invoice num...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Oct 2009 by

I want cells to change background colour

Hello, hi there i want to formula something in excel for eg: in column J- i want if a person enters "yes" then the cell should change t...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Oct 2009 by

Vba to print and replace....

Hello, I use the below code to open a .lst file in notepad, what i need to know is how i can print this file using vba? code: RetVal = Shell...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Oct 2009 by

Microsoft excel problem

Hello, dear i am in trouble in microsoft excel for the reference formula product recieving payment balance chairs ...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Oct 2009 by

Office outlook 2007 error

Hello, I have been running older version of Outlook, purchased new version 2007. It almost loads but has error: SKU113.CAB. I can't seem to get past...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Oct 2009 by

Copy a row if contains specific text

Hello, I am in a real bind here. I have a log that has three types of logged information on it. Event Log, Presentation Log and Event Log, and Mee...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Oct 2009 by

Compareing 2 columns

Hello, I am trying to compare values between 2 columns and check which ones don't exist in anohter. Please help.

1 reply Last reply on 10 Oct 2009 by

Excel "text to format" question

Hello, My question seems like it would be quite common, but I can't find the answer anywhere: So, if I have a list of names on Excel (that's ove...

3 replies Last reply on 10 Oct 2009 by

Browsing problem

Hello, in my browsing some page are open and some page are not open a error massage seen.what should me to do.

1 reply Last reply on 10 Oct 2009 by


Hello, Hi ummm I made an account ANdcan't find my password plz help me

1 reply Last reply on 10 Oct 2009 by

Search excel for grouped cell contents?

Hello, I want to be able to search an excel chart looking for "groups of cells" that have the same sequence of contents. For instance cell 1 wo...

5 replies Last reply on 9 Oct 2009 by

If function with time date

Hello, I need to add hours to a time date based upon a severity code. Example cell D2 has the severity code it if is less than 3 the cell will ne...

2 replies Last reply on 9 Oct 2009 by


Hello, Design a worksheet with the fields Patient Number, Weight in kg, Height in cm for 100 patients. Enter a proper criteria to filter the records ...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Oct 2009 by

Lost password

Hello, Dear Sir, I am Pramod Kumar using your hotmail account since last 15 year unfortunility I lost my passwork yesterday. It therefore I reques...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Oct 2009 by

Help with excel if formula

Hello, I am trying (hard) to work out the following but everytime I put a formula in I just can't seem to get it right so am looking for some help....

2 replies Last reply on 8 Oct 2009 by

I want an error to show.

Hello, Im a newby to excel and learning formulas at present. -I have a column in spread sheet. -The purpose of this column is to enter a produc...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Oct 2009 by

Need help with a formula

I want a formula that will search column B for zeroes. When it finds one, I want it to look to the neighboring cell in column C, take that value and a...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Oct 2009 by

Replicate cell contents when a value is enter

Hello, Thanks in advance for any/ all help and advice provided I'm using Office 2007 XP Pro What I want is if a string value is entered into ce...

3 replies Last reply on 8 Oct 2009 by

What is hdd (hp) master password?


Hello, I have Windows XP and it's shut me out of me out. When I turn on it has black screen, asks for a DriveLock Password, a second I forget, then ...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Oct 2009 by

Forgot my password

Hello, i have forgot my router password, it isan wireless broadband router ieee 802 11g, i bought it at a shop but cant remember laptop...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Oct 2009 by

Excel font color change

Hello, Our office uses excel to track internal audits. I would like the contents in the rows of columns A thru G to turn red when I enter the date...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Oct 2009 by

My dorado 880 chinese mobile phone cant brows

Hello, My Dorado 880 Chinese dual sim phone cannot browse the internet What can I do to make it browse? I'll appreciate.

1 reply Last reply on 8 Oct 2009 by

If statement

Hello, If (N2) >0, then cell value will equal L2, otherwise it will be N2 or =SUM(N2*0.04)+((L2*0.96)) how to put that into a formula I keep g...

2 replies Last reply on 8 Oct 2009 by

Password lost

Hello, i have lost my yahoo id password and i dnt remember the security question and alternate e-mail address....plz sumone help i have saved lots of...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Oct 2009 by

Vba to open an excel file in notepad


Hello, Can someone tell me the vba code to open an .xls or .csv file in notepad? thanks PM

1 reply Last reply on 8 Oct 2009 by

Hacked msn account and changed the password

can someone plz help me? someone hacked into my account and i cant get it back, because they changed the password to it. im so clueless someone plz...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Oct 2009 by

Vba code to write formulae in excell

Hello Sir I have values (Digits) in excell columns like A & B , i need to display the sum of each digits (A+B) in column C. i dont want to displa...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Oct 2009 by

Calculate the sum if two different conditions

Hello, If in column a:a if have numbers 1 to 5 and in column b:b i have a and b randomly and finally in cloumn c:c, i have different time say, 12min...

3 replies Last reply on 8 Oct 2009 by

Web browser

Hello, pls i want to know if it is possible for me to use opera mini browser on my china tv mobile E71 pro,if yes, i need assistance on how to down...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Oct 2009 by
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