The discussions
Ps3/pc ip address conflict
SolvedWhat's up! When I am using my PS3 and my computer at the same time it says "Windows system error"... Seems there is an IP address conflict with ano...
Ps3 probs
Hello, So i tured off the ps3 and now it wont wor with the hdmi cables. i tried holding the power button for 5 secs but it does nothing it beep...
Resident evil 5 ps3
Hello, Any knows where i can buy it ??? can't wait for it.
Connecting ps3 via eithernet cable notebook
Hello, is it possible to get my ps3 online via eithernet cable to my notebook running windows 7. I cant really afford to fork out for a eithernet rout...
More than one player online on same ps3?
Hello, More than one player online on same ps3? Configuration: Windows Vista / Safari 533.4
Cricket broadband to ps3
SolvedHello, can i plug my cricket modem straight into my ps3 to go on playstation network?
Ps3 connection
SolvedHello, im trying to finally play online and I keep on connecting the connection cord to my laptop wich is runin to the wireless router wirelessly and...
Xbox playing ps3
Hello, hey guys i was wounderin is there any possible way of playing online match with my bro he has a ps3 and i have an xbox please tell me how if...
Hdmi on my ps3
Hello, i have a new phillips tv and i tryied hooking my ps3 through hdmi and my tv said files not supported please help hdmi worked on my vizio so...
How to not make ip adres time out on ps3
i have vodafone dongle please help me :(
Dns errors on ps3
Hello, i keep getting dns errors on my ps3. I tried to set it manually, reset my router, moved my ps3 a couple of feet from my router, keep trying and...
Ps3 hard disk wont load
Hello, i bought ncaa 11 and was playing it for like 2 days and when i turn it on it goes to push start and when i do it says reading hard disk dri...
Changing ip my ps3
Hello, I'm trying to manually change my ip address on my ps3 and it wont allow me to go forward, it only lets me go back auto ip address. then wh...
Ps3 wont work with 3 mobile broadband
Hello, i have a 3 mobile broadband dongle, i linked it up with my ps3 a while ago and have been playin fine online, last night i had connection is...
Help connect my ps3 to my laptop
Hello, can anybody help i cant get my laptop with 3g usb to connect to my ps3 using a ethenet cable it keeps saying ip address failed
No sound on my ps3
Hello, I have no sound on my ps3 whatsoeverm, can someone please help me. I have checked all the leads and change them but still I have no soun...
Ps3 internet
Hello, I have a Cricket A600 wireless acces to the internet usb broadband modem. It can plug right into the PS3. But it wont pick up the internet. Ho...
My ps3 wont start
Hello, I have one of the first PS3 with a 60 GB hard drive, I sat and played Blazing Angels (Squadrons of WW2) and suddenly it just switch off. now I...
Ps3 250gb to sony hdtv tosony home theater
Hello, Please I need help, my ps3 is connected to my lcd via hdmi, the picture is great and sound from tv but i want sound from only prob is my am...
I bought variety map packs on ps3 store.
SolvedI bought variety map packs on ps3 store today and downloaded, then installed....and i cant play the new maps???? what shall i do ???? tHANKS Con...
Ps3 network sign in problem
after many hours of trying obvious things, ie: quitting game, test network connection, reset modem(wired ethernnet Broadband) reset PS3, adjust networ...
Will verizon wireless broudband work on ps3
Hello, can i connect verizon wireless broudband to my ps3 using my pc
Hello, why can not ply my ps3 games online Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.6
Dongle for ps3
Hello, can i use a dongle to put my ps3 online u kown the ones you use for mobile internet ?? Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
More than one player online on same ps3?
Solved/ClosedHello, Does anyone know if 2 players can play online from the same PS3? My fiance and my son and I are always fighting over who's turn it is to play a...
Ps3 account
Hello, when i go to sing up a account for ps3 online my address says its not valid but it is. what do i do please help
Dell inspiron 1525 as tv for ps3 using hdmi
Hello, im trying use my dell inspiron 1525 as the monitor for my ps3 using a hdmi cable is this possible
My ps3 wont work
Hello, my ps3 was working then then sound went so i dont no wot to do please help me!!!!!!!!!!!! Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8...
Ps3 controller
Hello, I need to know if i can get a ps style controller for my xbox. i have been using a ps for years and i just purchased an xbox and cant get used...
Connecting ps3 to wireless laptop
Hello, I'd like to connect to the playstation network using my wireless laptop and an ethernet cable. My brother had it working before but I have ...
Playstation 2 format disc
Hello, Sir can I download this disc?
Ps3 keeps signng me out router all ok
Hello, ps3 keeps signing me out have had my router checked and is all ok . but still signing in and about 30mins signs me out again this has been lik...
No sound on ps3 - different tv
hey guyz can someone plz help me?? i went from a HMDI plug in to a tv that has components (Y, Pb/Cb, Pr/Cr, S-Video). at first i had nothing "no si...
I downloaded a game on my ps3 but it is not
Hello, hi i downloaded a game on my ps3 but it is not working can any one pleaseeee help me please answer back quick Configuration: Windows XP ...
Hello, my ps3 online network aint working it keeps on saying playstation(R)network is currently under going maintaenance i dont know wats happining?
Ps3 installing fail at 14%
Hello, i need help, occasionly when i download things on my PS3, they fail when i install them, but the thing is, it's always at 14%. this doesnt alw...
Playstation network (ps3)i have timed out....
Hello, i've been able to connect and play call of duty modern warefare 2 perfectly fine for months ! until now were for no seeable reason my ps3 wont ...
Why is my dlink is down 4 my ps3
Hello, my is GERARD RICH Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 7.0
No output from ps3
Hello, Hi I just bought a used Ps3 . I connected it to the TV using RCA cable. But I get no output whatsoever. I have connected the cables corre...
Ps3 problems
Hello, my ps3 will not connect to the internet because it says that it can not find my ip address becasue it gets timed out even though there is a eth...
Connect 2 ps3s urgent
Hello, My friends and I want to play Call of Duty 4 on 4 on two different systems and 2 different tvs, how would I connect them Configuration: ...
Psn sign up problem
Hello, when i try to sign up to psn it says my password/username isnt right please help thanks
Ps3 corrupt file
my ps3 was connected then i had to update it and it didnt work. i have moved and it says there is a 100% strength but it wont connect to the internet!
Ps3 an online wireless network game
Hello, Is it possible to play on the PS3 an online game, through a wireless network? Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 7.0
Ps3 wont load any media at all!!!!!
Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0my playstation will not load any games and will not even load downloaded games (goes to black screen)...
Ps3 losing hdmi connection in settings
Hello, I have a ps3 hooked up to a BenQ W500 projector or Samsung LCD HD tv through HDMI. When ps3 is turned on projector will not receive signal unl...
You can play ps3 games on xbox 360!!!!!
i paid 50 bucks to modify my xbox to play ps3 games so I don't know why every one says its impossible. just a fyi you can do it!!!!i'm doing it now
Cant watch blue ray on ps3 normal tv
Hello, can some1 help i've just got a ps3 and want 2 play a blue ray movie. But theres a catch the movie plays but in black in white......the t.v is a...
How do i hook up ps3 network with dial up
Hello, i dont know how to hook up ps3 network using dial up.I dont know what supplies i need and if it could be wireless or not so please HELP!!!!!