The discussions
System retore
Hello, I am trying to restore my computer to factory settings, which i have done a handful of times. However, i talked to some dell people (i have a...
Acer aspire x3200 xp drivers needed
ClosedHello, I was wondering where I could possibly download drivers for my Acer Aspire X3200 for Windows XP I am setting the machine up as dual booting, ...
My hp pavlion dv6 has lost intenet connectio
Hello, I was in my bedroom when my laptop (hp pavlion dv6) lost connectionto the intenet. I searched for answers on my laptop & apparently I m...
Lost my web cam cd
Hello, i lost my d-tech web cam cd.Now i want to install web cam in my system .so plz send me the link to install the web cam in my system
I got hacked, how can i delete msn?
Hello, my msn got hacked. i keep coming online my friends say and the person keeps swearing and pretending to be me i had to msn's and their both h...
I/odevice error while formating the system
Hello, while formating the istalling windows stage i got a message stating that there is some problem with i/odevice but i am ver much su...
Surfing net on my computer through blackberry
Hello, Pls tell me the way to surf the net on my computer through my blackberry mobile. Thanks nl Varshney
Microsoft office 97
Hello, I can't install microsoft office 97 in my new vista window's lap top Help!!!!!
Connetion of gprs from phone to laptop
Hello, connetion of gprs from phone to laptop, hand set is sony ericsson C510 & C510a plz send setup fast
Message from unknown
Hello, why is it every time i received a message, there's always "message from unknown" displayed instead of the person who text me. Please help, i...
Windows xp cd-rom
Hello, Can someone please help me. I need to know how to get a Windows XP CD-ROM to install Windows Xp on my computer. OR can u give me ways to g...
Why my system keeps rebooting.
Hello, When i try to turn on my computer[windows xp]it keeps rebooting during setup.I dunno how to get into repair mode but i think it is impossible...
Problems with my book external 300gb
Hello, Hi I have an WD External hard drive which is not being recognize by my computer, just recently I have formatted it to NTFS from FAT32. I am a ...
Cant acess net in my mobile
Hello, Hello, I am using china mobile King Corpration N5800 for browsing internet. i don not know which pc suite is suitable and from where it down...
Ethernet errors
Hello, I have built a new machine took the old sata drive out of the other machine, which had a abit-nf7 board, and current board is a asrock n68, but...
I don't have icons on my taskbar .
Hello, I was told that I had Trojans and Viruses and Malawre by something that looked authentic from Microsoft . I didn't open it . I just pressed i...
Hello, how can i restore my windows vista application back to my hp instead of linix
Headset problem in laptop
Hello, i am using persario c700 laptop..i have installed xp......i am not able to do video chat just because my misc is not working but i can hear th...
Creative4.1 driver cd
Hello, I wants to download free driver cd for creative 4.1 speaker system.
Hello, how can i establish a lan connection in three systems using bus topology?
I am question your answer
Hello, 1.write a procedure to insert clipart or picture into the document? will you edit the m-s word document
Opening a file in start menu
Hello, hi sir, ...
Need for speed 2
Hello, yesterday i got nfs 2 game from my friend. but i can't install it. ERROR you must install from cd-rom how can i fix the problem?
Boot from usb pen drive
Hello, i use Fujitsu siemens Laptop. but my Cd rom not working well . if i insert any CD into CDROM the cd will damage. i want to format my OS &...
Help me please anyone
Hello, I've lost all my icons and start taskbar and have no way of getting into my control panel or my computer or my documents. I don't even really ...
Someone please
Hello, im in desperate need, if someone will send me a pword cracker i will pay once it works. email it to
Connecting 2 computers
Hello, I have a coumputer and the other coumputer does not have internet acces. I had interent on the coumputer than it broke . How can i fix both co...
Recovery disk
Hello, can anyone help me does anyone have a recovery disk for a acer aspire 5315 as i have lost mine i would be so grateful thank you margaret
Hp camera
Hello, Ho do i turn a camera on in an hp laptob???
Security problem
Hello, I have Windows XP my security setting will not let me download a file
Change the operating system
Network security
Hello, If I link mypersonal computer to someone else's network for ability to access their printer will they be able to access my personal files or s...
Tell me how
Hello, how can i install windows media player 11 on my computer desktop which is xp please tell me
Start up
Hello, My dell will let me type in my password at the log in screen, but once it says welcome, it then goes to a blank screen. Any help would be grea...
Disable profile
hello, my profile on facebook has been disable suddenly please help me get it back thx
Computer problem
Hello,I have Windows vista, It turn off very two hour when I playing My computer and I want to don't need to turn off Very two hour so I want to play...
Configure ris
Hello, My question is given below. How to configure Ris services. Please give me answer step by step.
My compaq laptop doesnt play dvd and cd
Hello, my laptop compaq show the drive of dvd cd and it opens too. but it cant play any disks? i have checked all the drives they are okey . what can...
Installing xp using pen drive
Hello, hi anyone can tell me how to install windows xp using pen drive and the detail procedure of making the pendrive into bootable one....... than...
Dvi conection to vga conection
Hello, I have only a DVI connection on my computer. But my flat screen needs a VGA connection. SO, I used a simple connector that changes the DVI p...
Alert on the right bottom of the screen .
Hello, how to get rid of the alert shown in the right bottom of the screen that u may be a victim of the software counterfieting.
Vista admin recovery/reset
Hello, I have a friend that has a Vista PC (probably the Home version) that she can't remember the password to the admin account. I am tring to fin...
Gueine microsoft
Hello, i have a problem with my laptop.when i turn it on i receive one message by a gueine microsoft and after my desctop is all black with one messa...
Start up fail to run windows 7
Hello, My start up failed to run and windows 7 try to solve the problem, but it seems stuck and i can use my windows 7, any solution ?
Can't send emails through messenger
Hello, I'm new to the internet and my service provider is the post office. I want to conect my emails to my messenger but when i try do this it asks ...
No icons on desktop, no taskbar
Hello, i m using hcl leaptop. which is now not displasying any icon on desktop except wallpaper. even not displaying taskbar also. only mouse pointer...
Backup file recovery
Hello, i took the backup my files thru' windows sp-xp2 backup software. the backup files has demaged. how can i restore my backup files. 2. my c:\d...
Serial for xp
Hello, I have lost the product key of my genuine XP professional software
Computer sound problem
Hello,i do not hear any sound from my dell d510 laptop when a virus affected it but i formatted the system and i still can not hear any sound yet.Pls ...
Blinking battery, blue screen & shuts down.
Hello, I have been having the same problem with my laptop. The battery light blinks when the battery charger is plugged in. This doesn't happen all t...