The discussions
Automatic repair couldn't repair your pc
Hello any one give me a sugestion to work my laptop properly....... Yesterday night i shutdown my laptop propely.....when i on my laptop on the morn...
Toshiba satellite laptop suddenly displaying letter/number combo
I have a Toshiba Satellite P55-A with Windows 8.1, and suddenly when I type the letter "e" I get: e8. Same thing happens with "c" which displays as:...
When i type hutch it shows £
Hello, when i type hutch key it shows £ symbol. How to correct this Configuration: Windows 8 / Chrome 41.0.2272.89
What does the initials NTLDR IS MISSING on my dell laptop (8 or so yrs.old..)
Connect mobile internet to my computer
Hello, How I can connect my sony Xperia z with my computer touse my mobile Internet in computer in my computer there was no wifi or Bluetooth So...
Problem with starting windows
Hello, I am having asuseebook x205TA im trying to start it only blank screen n cursor appears nothing else Please help me how to start Configu...
Cant recover my yahoo account
please i cant be able to recover my yahoo security answer but when i sign-in it keeps on asking for it and i cant remember it anymore so what do i do
Problem signing in to my admin account. accidentally disable it
Hello, Configuration: Windows / Chrome 41.0.2272.89 im having a problem signing in to my admin account because i accidentally di...
Hkcmd module is not responding
Hello, Hope u can help I've had to reset a friends laptop it's an acer using vista but I keep getting a file come up every time I load up saying hkc...
Not start
Hello, my computer won't come on it wasn't correct shut down
Pc not starting
hallo I remove the ram out of my pc, by the time I switch it on It doesn't want. it only display the name of the pc, then keep on restating. pleas...
Please help me to open windows live account for htc hd7 t9292
Hello please help me to open windows live account for HTC HD7 T9292.Again I want to download whatsapp massagers please.thanks
Can install windows xp on aspire e1-570g
Hello, Can I install windows Xp on aspire E1-570G ?
Laptop won't start up
Hello, I have a gateway laptop that we can't get to turn on. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 39.0.2171.93
Disc errors
Hello, acer e1-571 says preparing automatic repair....then diagnosing your pc....then repairing disc errors this might take an hour or so, but it just...
Black screen after admin password
Hello, When I put in my administrator password in to my Asus X551m PC notebook it goes to a black screen and that's it Configuration: iPhone...
Change restore control panel setting from boot
Hello, Pls help me. virus came in my laptop and control panel are not working pls guide me how i change restore control panel setting from boot C...
Ya hp laptop screen is black
Hello, Hi I have a HP Laptop, screen is black,everything else comes on but the screen,,, help Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 40.0.2214.109
Won't load login
Please help when I turned on my laptop this morning it was slow and then said it was doing a system update and went to a black screen after that and n...
Soundcloud on windows phone.
Can I download sound cloud on my windows 8 phone ??
Bsod will be the death of me t_t
Hello, On my hp pc, I just restarted it to install an update. After the update was installed, I waited patiently for it to restart only to get a b...
Dell configuration
Hello, I have a dell inspiron laptop. When it its turned on it showconfigurating update 3/3 0% completed" It then periodically goes blank only for...
For install windows xp blue sceen of some text
Hello, i am new here, i couldn't installed windows xp because when i installed xp it shows a blue sceen of some text. so please help me how can i in...
Can't access folders in my admin account
Good morning everybody, I have a little problem with my pc. I can't acces any folder or the control panel in the admin account. It's a windows 7 and...
Bvc library one system password is forgotten
ClosedHello, in bvc library one system password is forgotten plz help me ....u hav given 1 trick that is not working.... Configuration: Windows XP ...
Can't open d drive
Hello, i can't open d drive, how to open it plz help me Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 36.0
My new hard drive did not beep after installing but does now
I just installed a new hard drive. Then I tried to install the back up genuine Window 7 professional 64 bit. the computer would not boot and now beeps...
How inatall printer driver for 64 bit?
Hello, how inatall printer driver for 64 bit? Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 41.0.2272.89
Was recovering it when it ask me for recovery disk 3 which i don
SolvedHello, I ave a hp Pavilion dv2000 i was recovering it when it ask me for recovery disk 3 which I don't have so i cancel it after canceling it it whe...
Had-set not connect
Hello, had-set not connect in the computer Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 41.0.2272.89
Cannot sign into my laptop
Hello, Can anyone help please Configuration: iPad / Safari 8.0
Hide/ unhide of folders
I have hidden a folder but now i am not able to unhide it.. Although I tried tricks from advanced setting in control panel but it is not working.. kin...
Forgotten administrator password on windows xp
forgotten administrator password on windows xp..... please help
Laptop micro phone voice problme
Hello, hi when i talking on skype, the person with whom i talking he dosn't hear me, but i hear him. how can i solve this mic problem?
Dell inspiron n5110
Hello, When I turn on, after the initial startup before the password box shows up, the screen turns black and just the curser shows. I have pressed ...
How restore from setup utility
hello, How do I do a system restore from the boot menu or setup it give only two options that is f2 and f12. Is there any way I can...
Upgrading from vista to win 7
SolvedMy practise equipment is a Toshiba Satellite laptop (A215-S4757) ..what I would like to do is upgrade the OS from Vista Home Premium 32 bit to Windows...
Bluetooth drivers
How do I check out my XP Bluetooth and really upgrade the drivers part to make it work the right way?
Factory reset
my daughter reset to factory settings on her acer e1-571 laptop but didn't plug in to the power so the battery ran out,when i plugged in after she to...
Sleepy monitor
Hello, I have a desktop computer my monitor will say no signal and go to sleep I have taken it to get fixed and it worked at the other location but ...
Windows explorer stop working ..
Hello, when we enter password .. my desktop show me black no desktop icon no start menu. but only one msg show me .windows explorer stop working....
Windows can't format sd card
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 40.0.2214.115 usign cmd to format the sd card, following error is shown, DiskPart has encountered a...
Dell vostro 5560 can't display the icons on desktop
Hello, My Dell vostro 5560 goes black after log in. It give sound when logging and the cursor is on but can't display the icons on desktop. Please...
Belkin n wireless router
SolvedHi, this is my first post on this forum, so I hope I am adhering to protocol. I recently added a wifi extender to my old Belkin N router, since the...
Windows desktop update then black screen
When it starts up, it says Setting up personalized setting for: Windows Desktop Update. Then it continues as a black screen and I'm unable to do anyth...
My computer is working but my internet is not working
Hello, My computer is working but my internet connection is not working today Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Internal hard disk isn"t detected
Hello, when i try to format my Toshiba Satellite c855-278, The installer doesn't detect the hard drive, even a launch Bios, It is not detected, only...
Bluetooth software for inspiron 1545
Hello, how can i get the blutooth software for inspiron 1545 Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 39.0.2171.95
Pls my gmail account was disabbled some minutes ago pls help
Hello, pls my gmail account was disabbled some minutes ago pls help Configuration: iPhone / Opera 9.80
I forget my yahoo password
Hello, i forget my yahoo password a few months ago. i cannot remember it. i cannot recieve confrigation code on my mobile. please help me. i have a...