Block Instagram tags: in captions, comments, and stories

If you don't want other Instagram users to tag you in their posts, captions or stories without your consent, don't worry, you can control this feature. You just need to activate the manual tagging option and in this article, we'll show you how to do it.
Any Instagram user can freely tag another user in a post, which will automatically appear in the user's profile. Many brands use this feature to spam, causing our profile to be filled with photos that we'd rather not have at all. Fortunately, it is possible to change this setting to manually authorize (or not) each of these tags after viewing the post in question and without making our account private.
How to stop being tagged on Instagram mobile?
1) Open the Instagram app and log in to your account. Then, click on your profile picture in the bottom right corner, and click on the hamburger (three horizontal lines) icon in the top right corner and you will see the settings menu.
2) Go to Privacy.
3) Under the section Interactions, tap on Tags.
4) Then tap on Manually Approve Tags under the Tagged Posts and switch it on. In Allow Tags From choose whether you want to allow only people you follow to tag you, everyone, or no one.
5) Once this is done, you will see On written next to Manually Approve Tags and the pending tags will appear under this section.
6) To return to the automatic authorization of tags, simply click on the button again and switch it off.
How to avoid Instagram tags on PC?
1) On your computer, open the browser and go to the Instagram website. Enter your username and password, and once you're logged in, click on your profile picture in the upper-right corner. Then, click on the gear icon next to the Edit Profile section.
2) In the pop-up window, select Privacy and Security tab:
3) Scroll down to the Photos of You section. The option Add automatically is checked by default. Change it to Add manually to start controlling the posts you are tagged in from now on.