Link Instagram to Facebook: account, business, page

Link Instagram to Facebook: account, business, page

Linking your Instagram account to your Facebook account lets you increase interaction with your followers on posts and stories. In this article we'll fill you in on the pros and cons and how to link them.

Why link your Instagram to Facebook?

One of the main advantages is that you will be able to reach a wider audience more easily. Each time you post on one of the platforms, the post will also be shared on the other. This includes your photos and stories! So if one of your contacts doesn't have an Instagram account, they will still be able to see your posts on Facebook. Your posts appear exactly the same on each platform, including captions, locations, mentions, and hashtags.

Facebook's algorithm prioritizes posts with the most interactions. So, for example, if you also post the same photo on Instagram, Facebook also counts those 'likes' and will make your post more visible. Additionally, all your Instagram posts are saved in a specific album on Facebook, which makes them easier to find and edit.

Disadvantages? Well, if you generally have a different type of audience on each platform, then some post might not be appropriate or interesting for certain groups. You will just have to remember to disable the sharing for each specific post.

Open Instagram and go to your profile. Then click on the three horizontal lines that appear at the top right. In the next menu, click Settings > Account > Linked accounts. Among the options that appear, select Facebook, and enter your Facebook login credentials.

Now your accounts will be linked. Now when posting you will see the option to share the post on Facebook and vice versa.

In case you decide to unlink both accounts, go back to the Linked Accounts section in the previous step.

Click on the three horizontal lines, then go to Settings > Account > Linked accounts. Select Facebook, and then Unlink account (on iPhone) or Unlink (on Android).

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