The discussions
My laptop cant format
my laptop cant intall any os I hav tried 7 8 and xp what du I du in 7 and xp it says that a file is missing in windows 8 it cant find a selected dest...
Laptop wont start up
Hello, when I turn my laptop(toshiba) on I get the following:"Hard Drive Recovery has been selected. Choose yes to continue" appears. If I choose...
My lenovo laptop not working
Hello, My lenovo laptop not starting its just turns on wen I press power button then shows lenovo logo again gets off again starts n logo again off ...
Toshiba laptop factory reset
Hello, I'm trying to do a factory reset on my laptop and have had this message come up: Unable to reset your PC. A required drive partition is...
My windows 8 won't open
Each time i press the power button all the keyboards and power button light and the screen stay black. .... I'm not sure but i guess that happened jus...
Laptop is on but failing to display on the monitor
my laptop is on but failing to display on the monitor what can i do
My loptop keyboard is not working
Hello, My laptop keys c v r f t are not working Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Transfer the pictures on my apple mac computer onto my samsung s
how do i transfer the pictures on my apple mac computer onto my samsung s3
Dvd-rw drive disappears
Hi. Suddenly, the DVD-RW Drive of my laptop disappears. I don't know how it happen. I think it disappears since I updated it from Windows 8 to 8.1. I ...
Formating a computer / laptop, to english version
SolvedI bought a laptop in South America, without realizing it was in Spanish version, is there anyway I can changed it to English versions?. Thanking yo...
Acer aspire
My laptop is dead. I have disconnected power lead and removed battery. Then held power button down for 30 seconds. Replaced power lead and pressed st...
My laptop opens then beeps and shut down after 3 mins
Hello, Hi I'll just ask. What to do . when I open my laptop and successfully open into the window and work fine but after 3 - 5 mins. It beeps c...
Game making sound but no video
Hello, I'm a Acer Aspire 1670 laptop user I downloaded five nights at Freddy's 3 and when I open it I hear sounds but no video and when I press th...
My hdd became unpartitioned
Toshiba laptop cursor is frozen and won't work
Hello! I have a Toshiba laptop that I've had for about 2 years. The cursor has recently became frozen or disappears altogether. I've tried using F5 an...
My acer asphire 4752zg froze on acer logo starup
Hello, Its started when i installed an esset anti-virus and then after i succesfully installed it i run the activator and it restart to safe mode afte...
Screen is black won't start up
Hello, My HP won't start up it just saying its starting Windows but hasn't started in 30 min....also it was all black with a cursor in the left co...
Dell inspiron 15 5000 no fan sounds, no lights anywhere
Hello, My laptop has a fully charged battery and worked fine a couple of hours ok. I shut it down and went back to work on my computer. Now there ...
My dell laptop dosent work how can i get it to work
Hello, Configuration: Windows / Mozilla 11.0 I have a small dell laptop but now when I turn it on it beeps qonstley and when it is turning the...
Gateway laptop.
Hello, Everytime I power on my Gateway NE56R41u laptop, I have a blank black screen. It does not show the Gateway logo when I power it on, the screen ...
Toshiba satelite c660 laptop not starting
Hello, Dear sir my laptop toshiba satellite c660 not starting up charging is ok but when i press power button The green light of power but after 5...
Mousepad is not working
Hello, my tosbia pc mousepad is not working at all nothing is working I've tried everything can some please help me Configuration: iPad / Safar...
Laptop screen won't turn on
Hello, I put my HP dv7-316 to sleep yesterday and when I came back to turn it on the screen won't turn on, hooked it up to av external monitor and s...
Dead laptop
Hello, What are ram sticks? Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 40.0.2214.109
My vaio laptop boots but turns off.
I had a problem starting up a laptop that I haven't used for 6-9 months. Yesterday, my VAIO PCG-71312L turned off and then turned off. I fixed the pr...
Laptop hardware
Hello, I have a problem in my DELL laptop. It is turning on and then the screen is going blank and black after showing some ubuntu commands. before ...
I know my yahoo id and password but i cant sing in
how can i change my Alternative Email for yahoo? i know my yahoo id and password but i cant sing in
Dvd drive not play certain cds
I have tried the various suggestion s from the net ,deleting the lower and upper filters.but still can't play. But when I checked in 4d36e967, 4d36e96...
Retrieve deleted messages in gmail
can you find my gmail deleted messages in my trash
My acer sw5-012-16aa is not turning on
It Was working fine a bit ago then I turned it off and it would not turn on. I tried holding the power button but nothing. Is there any way I can fix ...
Acer difficulty of starting up windows
Hello, My laptop has a difficulty of starting up windows,the course of this action might be a recent hardware or software,tried a startup repair s...
Blank screen
Hello, i have started setup of bios driver then i closed it before it finish then when i switch on the it give me blank screen if i put a flash i...
Hp elitebook boots but screen stays blank
Hi. I got a problem with my EliteBook - it boots (I hear the sound of Windows coming up), but the screen stays black from the moment I press the po...
Laptop won't start, even bios doesn't come
Hello, As mentioned above, I have a local brand laptop and i'm facing "black screen" issue while trying to boot. There's power but nothing happens aft...
Toshiba back to factory settings
I have a toshiba laptop that doesnt have a battery that comes out can u help me to restore my computer back to factory settings (what keys to press) ...
My mousepad isn't working
Hello, My Asus mousepad isn't working, I've already tried FN+F9 but it doesn't work. Please help me. Thank you!
Pendrive creating sound
After removing pen drive from laptob, it is making sound . It is continuing, ev i restearted the laptob. How to stop this
Won't boot from harddrive
My Acer Aspire7739Z no longer boots from the HDD, I've tried using my Win7 disk & gotas far as install UI but the HDD is not recognized. I downloa...
Power on problem
Hello I have an Hp Pavilion dv6000. When I switch it on, it goes off within 2-3 seconds. Please can someone assist me?
Screen problem
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Opera 9.80 I have samsung laptop model no. NP305E5A-A03IN. My laptop was not used for a long time. after man...
Laptop monitor
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Opera 9.80 whenever i am turning on my laptop. monitor goes completely black. power button is showing on but...
Hp laptop only showing desktop walpaper and mouse....
Every time I try to turn on my laptop it loads but all I can see is my wallpaper. I can here everything loading though. I hear my skype turn on and ev...
Laptop keeps shutting off
Hello, My laptop keeps shutting down by itself. The battery is full but it only shuts on when I start charging the battery. Configuration: iPh...
Even with fn+f5 not working
Hello, i am almost crazy! ican't work. i had the laptop for about six months without a problem. i use the touchpad. two weeks ago, the cursor started...
My hp laptop all of a sudden turned off and won't turn back on
I was using the laptop without charging and it just shuts off. I assumed it was battery so I got the charger and it still won't turn on. I looked arou...
Toshiba reboot and select proper boot device. no dvd
Hi I am at my wits end!!! Turn laptop on and get message "Reboot and select proper Boot device". I have followed the advice on this forum. If I pr...
My computer os is window 7 press power key,power flash light on
Hello, my computer os is window 7 press power key,power flash light on then itself light off a few second. i heard fan inside computer.Pleas...
To recover my sony vaio laptop to factory set
ClosedHello, I am using sony vaio E series "vpceb14EN"..I have formatted my laptop and installed Windows 7 without making its recovery disk or cd. Pleas...
Hdmi crap
Hello, sup so I have a dynex 32 Inch tand my computer worked fine yesterday, but then when I came home I tried connecting it didn't work, so I used my...
My mouse is not working properly
i got a toshiba satellite laptop 3 months ago and now my mouse is not working properly. it only scroll the page but the pointer is not moving, it move...