The discussions
Excell delete row where column a = column b
Hello, This should be simple but I can't find the solution. I need to delete rows from a spreadsheet where column A = column B. Please help. ...
Password problem
ClosedHello, I have a problem with my hotmail password. When I put it in on most computers and my laptop and press enter or login/sign in, it backspaces or ...
New workbook
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible (and if it is, how) to do the following: Data is entered into a excel workbook like a database. A...
Excel formula
Hello, I am working on log spreadsheet. The concept is to keep a log of all of our near miss activities at work like a broken chair that needs to ...
Excel help
Hello, I'm trying to set a formula in below way, but it doesn't work, why?ould u plzz help? =IF(J10="Safari 4.5",650,IF(J10="Safari 7",850,IF...
Formula needed
Hello, Hi - needing some help with a formula - I have several columns taken from sage data. I have in one column employees hours and another employ...
Formula challenge for the excel wizzards. please help
Hello, This might be a long explanation, but only because I want to be clear about the problem. I have 3 different Workbooks and the names are ...
Excel 2010 formula/macro help
Hello, I'm hoping some of you excel wiz's can help me, I've been off the tools too long. Worksheet 1 Column A contains dates Column B contain...
Excel logic
Hello, I am trying to create a worksheet in excel that will allow me to add a certain amount if 2 conditions are met. So far I can only get it to a...
Date format
Hello, please advise me in Changing the date format eg. from 10-02-2012 to 10th February, 2012 Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer...
Insert row in excel by criteria
ClosedHello, Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 10.0.2 I want to insert row in excel using formula because i have dates in the and there is da...
Copying value to another worksheet
ClosedHello, I am trying to copy a value for from one worksheet, do some math --> say I have three values that I want to subtract separately from cell i...
Pdf reader for samsung gt-b3410
Hello, I use samsung gt-b3410 . I want to download pdf reader for my phone.. from where shall I get??.. pls help me with this... Configuration...
Excel conditional formatting row color
ClosedHello, Column A indicates what type of transaction I've made (ie POS/ATM/CASH/Bill Pay) Column D is the date the transaction has cleared my bank. ...
Excel macro - create new files from ranges
Hi. I am trying to create a macro that will create new excel files for ranges of rows in a worksheet. I want to copy the range F5:S61 and paste i...
Enter sheet update other worksheet with text
Hello, Can anyone help me with this problem. I am updating leave availability , As soon as I enter the name in one worksheet the other workshee...
Instant auto filter
Hello, I am using Excel 2010, and I would like to write some codes that does the following: I have a data sheet of many entries, in rows 9~6000+ ...
How to determine cell value in excel column
SolvedHello, Sorry the title is really vague, it's hard to describe with a limited number of characters. I have a column (C) which contains a full li...
Forget the password
Hello, sir i am using sony ericsson w890i. and i need to format my memory card but i forgot the password. plz sir tell me what should i do ? and sir...
Computer just keep asking for password
Hello, Hi, I am having trouble with my hoshiba labtop. It keeps asking for my password. and behind it is a black screen. It will not allow me to do ...
Read first two characters
Hello, I am new at VB and cannot complete a macro so your help will be appreciated. If I have this data on a worksheet: A ...
Admin. password
Hello, My Daughter cant remember what she changed the owner password to on her laptop. She has windows 7 home pre. Is there anyway to resolve this? ...
Macro - sort range error
ClosedHello, I've created a Macro within Excel that is supposed to Delete, Formulate and Sort data.. I've managed to get the Macro to the point where it...
Worksheet_change from a data validation list
Hello, I want my pivots to rebuilt when a value in range("Book_Select") is changed. This range is a drop down data valiation list. What is wrong w...
Comparing values of 1 excel cell with column
Hello, Please can you assist me with this excel formula? In sheet 1 I have business rules specified in column A and all the requirements that exe...
When value appears adjacent cell acknowledges
Hello, I am looking for some VBA code that looks at a column in my worksheet called "Database" and when a value appears in this column, I would li...
Excel macro
SolvedHello, I wonder if anyone can help me with a small (I think) problem, please? I'm trying to write a macro to manipulate a spreadsheet sent to m...
Pull data from one tab/sheet to another
Hello, Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 9.0 Reading all of these posts I get a lot of ideas, but since I am a novice at this ...
Hide rows without conditional formatting
ClosedHello, I'm creating an Excel spreadsheet and want to give it a cleaner look by hiding the contents of a row based on the value of a cell in that ro...
Macro help
Hello, I am new to VB and Excel. I've got the following code: I've got everything working fine, but need the entire row to change colors...
Sum a range only if certain text in another
ClosedHello, I need a formula to sum the values in a range of cells but only for the cells that have a specific text in a completely different range of ce...
Excel search and save problem
Hello, I'm a total Excel noobie so I hope you can help me, I will try and be as brief as posible. Each week I will be getting an Excel CSV of 4...
How to make secondary cells color of primary
Hello, Is there a way to make cells automaticaly change to the color I chose for another? Example: I decide to make cell A1 red. When I do this ...
Filter-cut-paste to other sheet
Hello, Could you please help me on this one, i have a data sheet and i want to filter then cut the data if the criteria is met (Adhoc,Chaser,Excep...
Open pdf file using command buttong in excel
SolvedHello, i have a form in excel which retrieves details of a user from one of the worksheet. against tht user row, there is a pdf file name which basic...
Import from list to table
Hello, I have a list of user ID's, Users & roles allowed on an application. I now need to make a table with users & user names and a place an x u...
Compare cell a1 to entire a col in sheet2
SolvedHello, I have been trying to compare sheet1 A2 to sheet2 A2 through A500 and if it exists somewhere in sheet2's a col then copy that entire row to ...
Excel problem
SolvedHello, Hello, I am hoping that someone can help with the following problem, I have a list of numbers, golf staplford scores, located in cell...
Macros and histograms
Hello, I want to create a histogram on sheet2 while the data required is on sheet1 using a macro. everytime I try, it either says no data availabl...
Conditional formating on more than one cell
Hello, I have 50 columns. Each column represents a different department. Row 2 shows numerical targets for each department. Row 3 shows curren...
Excel - copy data macro
SolvedHello, I am currently learning the tricks in excel but have become stuck. I have created an expenses sheet where employees record various expenses...
Absolute column but reference current row
Hello, Here is my formula i need it to auto fill for a column which stays that same but changes depending which row. Column T is time spent C...
Transfer value between cells
ClosedHello, i am maintaining attendance on daily basis per day per sheet. but sheet 1 contains only number of present on that day. how to auto up...
Excel question
ClosedHello, I am trying to find out how to get the following working, I have a list of numbers located in cells D-AN, these random numbers are loaded we...
How to calculate all the difference alphabet
ClosedHello, Can I calculate all the difference alphabet in 1 column ? Example : in 1 column have A,B,C.... Have any formulue can help me direct c...
Cut and paste row containing certain keywords
Hello, I am wanting to be able to run a macro that will cut and paste into a new sheet any rows that contain certain keywords Is it possible, ...
Excel macro-pasting on next available row
Hello, I am having issues with my macro, I hope someone can help. I have a list, where I would like the macro to see if the value in Column J "Paid...
Read data from one excel and write to other
Hello, I am a newbie. I am trying to find out if we can achieve the below scenario using macros. We have 2 excels in our case. Excel1 contain...
Copy the data from this sheet to other sheet
Hello, I have a problem about macro excel as: I have the data in file excel: Exam: Vendor account Date Invoice Due date Amount c...
Convert rows to cols
Hello, I have an example as below A cac 20 A dwp 22 B cac 15 B dwp 22 B erp 20 I want output as A CAC 20 DWP 22 B ...