The discussions
Excel: chnge gen # format to date format.
Hello, I have searched this site but can't see how to get an Excel colume I have to convert to a date format. The column has dates in this general nu...
If specific cell value in a column, copy
Hello everybody, I have a table in a worksheet that keeps daily financial records (workbook keeps whole month). Column A is a serial number for ea...
Please help me on xl
Hello, A warm hello to all friends... I need a little help from you all. I am making an XL attached at under in...
Save the html page as excel sheet
ClosedHello, I have a HTML page which contains a table. I want the contents of the data to be stored into an excel sheet. For this I want a pop up asking...
Assign value from one cell to other-excel vb
Hello, I need to assign a value to a cell and to the following 5 cells. If I could assign a value to a cell from one cell to another it would lo...
To change date format to month & year
Hello sir Sir i have problem in date format. A -Column B-Column C-Column kishore 28-10-2011 200.00 suresh 28-10-2011 500.00 kamles...
Icons and browser wont open
Hello, Some, not all of the program, file icons and internet browser icons on my laptop wont open, when I click on them a screen pops up asking m...
Find word in a cell from multiple worksheets
Hello, Bascially i would like a VBA code that can automatically look up a certain word in a cell from multiple sheets. But the difficult part is t...
Inserted formula should not be viewable
Hello, I have one Excel Sheet where in last 2 cells( out of 10) i have inserted formula.I will be updating data till 7th Cell, Then i will send th...
Excel vba to filter rows containing same word
ClosedHello, In my Excel there is a column, say, column A, where all the cells are text string such as company names. My task is to filter all the rows w...
Forget my memory card password
Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 535.1 micro sd 512 memory card.i am make my mobil to resetting all so the memory card asking passw...
Vlook up fails!
SolvedHello, this is the code that i have: =VLOOKUP(C2,'sport'!I:L,1,FALSE) Where C2 can be varied, depends on user input. the column containin...
Copy, compare and update
ClosedHi,anybody here can help me to this problme using VBA?.i need is a macro that will copy the master sheet to a new sheet and rename it as master rev.0 ...
Macro sum
ClosedHello, Can I get a macro to add a total line? I want to specify the starting row each time, but then sum down to the row above the totals. I'v...
Excel macros>functions
Hello, I have a function that I need some help with to save a mass amount of time. I have a report tab named "total" which I would like to keep, bu...
Compare columns and update the row
Hello, I need some help with a VBA code. I have tried differents codes that i found in the forum but they didn t match with what i m looking for...
Macro to delete rows containing a date
Hello, On a daily basis I populate data on different worksheets. Meaning on each day I have to delete T-2 data to populate T-1 data. I would lik...
Sd card password lost
Hello, I lost the password of my 1GB micro SD card .when i put the card in my mobile it shows the card is blocked.please give me a solution to op...
Excel 2010compare multiple columns of data
Hello, I have been given 6 seperate excel docs with serial numbers in, i have created 6 columns containing these different serial numbers but now...
Compare lists, return a value from 3rd list
Hello, I have two spreadsheets; one with a list of part numbers (list A) and the other with a list of part numbers (list B) AND part descriptions ...
Excel03searching row,then deleting/updating
Hello, I'm currently trying to piece together an Excel spreadsheet with the following functions done by forms: 1) Add data (including a unique 6 ...
Hello, It's sanaz dastgheibi again. My forms is like a word table have some colomn and some rows. Is it clear? I appreciate for your concern ...
Hello, please giveme the formula of percentage Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
Excel macro to copy cell i4 to active cell
Hello, I'm trying to write a macro to copy data in cell I4 to the cell I select (also in column I), but I'm confused between absolute and relative...
Vb excel 2010 - loop until can't find
SolvedHello, We are trying to manipulate data from a very old DOS program. We have a lengthy macro that works well until the end where it seaches for s...
Excel transfer
Hello, I have a problem. I want to transfer some data from the files to excel. I meant I have some forms from my colleages about their work ti...
Excel: locate value in one list & copy
SolvedHello, I need some help with Exel. I have two lists: List one contains two coulmns: ID numbers and age. List two contains also two coulms: ID ...
Forgot password to folder lock
Hello, i have installed folder lock trial version 6.5.0 i forgat password i don't know how to unlock it plz help me .............. Configurat...
Copy if condition range is met
Solvedhey guys i tried hard, altered other peoples codes but i cant figure it out for the life of me all im trying to do is copy from sheet to anot...
Data reshuffling of cells
SolvedHello, Dear Friends, I need your help to solve the following problem. I have few files containing data of more than 50,000 records. Some rec...
Transfer data in one sheet to another sheet
Hello, how i can transfer some cells in one sheet to another sheet automatically. for example i have one sale report that i want to this information...
Summary with data from different worksheets
Hello, I have a file with 42 worksheets, all the same format (kind of "entry screens"). I need to create a summary table listing the data from all ...
Find word within certain lookup reference
SolvedHello, I need help to solve this problem. Example : Cell A1 : "cost of electricity" Cell B1 : "$100" Cell A2 : "telephone charges" Cell B2 :...
Auto fill/ auto populate, a working spreadshe
Hello, I need help developing a working spreadsheet. I am not sure how to do this as I have never created a macros. What I have: Data assoc...
I want to compare data in two sheets
Hello, I am stuck up with a problem in macro please do help me, I have 2 sheets with data i want compare two sheets, if the data is same it should ...
Phone password forgoten
ClosedHello, i forgot my password for my phone cherry mobile q1c.. can you help me to unlock it?
Is blank
Hello, Please help: I would like a formula that for a cell to turns into a value in case a reference cell is blank and turn to another value if it ...
Excel: if cells match use related value
Hello, Here is what I need to figure out how to do: If the value of A matches any other cell in A then I need all matching columns to t...
File names list
Hello, I will be very thankful to the person who can help me in solving of following: I have a folder containing 1000's of files, each file hav...
Combining values using if/then search
SolvedHello, I am trying to combine two worksheets that have some similar data points but not all. Example: Sheet 1 has columns: Name, Age, Class She...
How to make more color
SolvedHello, all expert, I am using the Excel 2003 worksheet to make a project. But due to the limintation for the conditional formatting for the color ...
Copy and paste/transpose each row by n times
SolvedHello, To get my data in to an Enterprise program, I need to have my data like the following: Col A Col B Col C Bank A 2010 1 Bank A...
Deleting multiple rows (2 rows and leave 1)
Hello, I need a REALLY QUICK reply. I'm working on a worksheet in excel that has hundreds of rows and I want to delete every 2 consecutive rows an...
Two worksheets compare info and insert data
Hello, I have two worksheets and I am trying to find and compare information in one and then return the matching information to the spreadsheet fo...
Format one cell based on multiple conditions
Hello, I'm a teacher and am trying to make my life easier by identifying students much more easily in Excel. What I'm trying to do is this...I hav...
Problem with excel 2003
Hello, I have a problem with excel 2003 I am trying to do this: i have a sheet with 20.000 rows and some of them (the rows with the died perso...
List of sheet names used in one sheet
Hello, I have been given a model with 53 sheets, I want to check if the formulas are ok. I was thinking to make a flowchart or matrix to be able t...
Use password to remove controls set by macro
Hello, I created a Macro that forces users to click "Enable Macro" or the rest of the sheets in the excel document will not populate (unhide). Als...
I forget my memory card password
Hello, I Forget My Memory Card pass word can i break my memory card password please help me thanks Configuration: Windows XP / Safari...
Changin format of date in excel
Hello, Trying to chang the date format in 2007 Excel. The date looks like 05 Oct 2011/0630 and I was wanting 10/5/2011 6:30... Any help greatly ap...