The discussions
Find similar town names in excel
Hello, I have a list of towns in Massachusetts. I want to combine similar towns into one entry, so for instance, Brookline and Brookline Villa...
How to add vat to a calculated sum in a cell?
Hello, I am having troubles working this out on Excel. I have a cell which I have done a small calculation and I want to add VAT onto this total t...
Excel formula
Hello, Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 8.0 Dear sir, I need a formula, if the cell contain a prescribed text and the c...
Smtp mail server name & where is stored
Hello, Configuration: Windows 2000 / Internet Explorer 6.0 I am having to find the SMTP Mail Server Name for the email that I occupy for my...
Excel formula
SolvedHello, I am looking for a formula or script that can help me with the following. I am doing a spreadsheet for 19 different offices (on seperate...
If reads "open" in other cell, returns "abc"
Hello, I am manipulating a worksheet such that of the cell in column H reads "open" as opposed to anything else, the corresponding row cell in colum...
Excel sheet counter
Hello, I want to count days, exclude Sat.and Sun and Stat. holidays and have the program tell me the date 20 days, 40 days down the line. eg. I p...
Formula for excel
Hello, If I need to look at a cell and if its > than 5 than I need to add 1 unit to another cell. Each additional 5 means 1 more unit in that col...
Automatically change cell color on a certain
Hello, I am trying to create a spreadsheet that is going to contain a lot of dates. What I'm trying to setup is say I have a future date such as 3...
Opening a word document in multiple versions
The following tip can be used to avoid any problem in opening a word document in multiple versions of MS Word in different systems. If we have a r...
Outlook connector 32 bit - download failure
Hello, When I try to download outlook hotmail connector I get a message - 'Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloade...
Matching columns
SolvedHello, I have to an issue with matching columns. Column A Column B Column C Column D Column A: This has 300 lines with account #'s Column...
Permannet deleted emails
Hello, I have accidently deleted permanantly emails how to retrieve the messages Regards Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
Daily report/ continuous tracking problem
Hello, I have 3 different spreadsheets I am trying to put together so that I don't have to re-enter data 3 times. One changes daily, a report for t...
Excel question about linking workbooks
Hello, I am having a hard time figuring out how to link workbooks. I would like to have a main workbook that we number with a job number and a row...
Nested if condition for a text range
Hello, Hi, My intension is to add the values of Column I whereever Column B value = A and Column E Value = Network of sheet1 and want this to be ...
Merge data from two sheets
Hello, Hi, I have two sheets with different data, but one colum is the same (customer name) so I want to add the data from sheet 2 into sheet 1 so...
If cell contains 6 charactors copy them
Hello, I have a little problem I'm hoping someone can help with with. I appreciate any advice you can give me. I have a column in excel that h...
Convert date format
Hello: I would like to know how to convert this date format 20091015 (for 2009-10-15) to 10/15/2009. A solution might be to insert a dash between ...
Create worksheets with links from a list
Hello I have a list in excel and for each entry in the list I would like to create a new worksheet with a link from the original list. Is this possibl...
Excel 2007 vba: copy pivot table
Hello, I want to copy the numbers (numbers only) in a pivot table to another worksheet by using VBA. The following code works if I use debug mode...
Convert number to text
Hello, I want a function for converting number ( like Rs.100) to One Hundred pls provide solutions Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Expl...
Office 2007 excell wont open excel 2003 docum
Hello, Please help me this is could cost me my job! I got a new computer wirh win 7 and put office 2007 on it. I had files back in excel that 2003 ...
Filter data into separate workbooks
Hello, I have an excel spreadsheet with data of all of the companies in our organization, I would like to filter the data into different workbooks...
I am forgot my password
Hello, alizh6@hotmail it,s my email addregge i ma for got my passwor please u can cheik and send to our email you fllwoing the email addrege tahhnk...
Retrieve saved mails
Hello, I saved my some of my imp mails (by save as option) as an html and htm page.... but now i cannot read them. and i've also deleted them perm...
How can i recall the data if i use drop down
Hello, I Have a data in a worksheet (1) which is a raw data contains ( Names, date of birth, place , Phone No.,,,etc..), on another sheet I have d...
Opera mini download
Hello, i have a micromax q5 mobile. by mistake i deleate the opera mini which was pre lodad in phone. now i want to recover it. is it possible....
If statement required please
SolvedHello, Date 1 Date 2 Days varience Status 04/05/2010 29/04/2010 -5 On Time 04/05/2010 06/05/2010...
Highlight same value of column b in column d
Hello, I have Occupied Room numbers in column B in a sheet named Room List. Also, I have total Room numbers in column D in same sheet. I want to hi...
An if or contain query?
Hello, could anyone help me,......if cells a to f contain YES then cell g reads as YES or NO. i tried =IF(a1:f1=yes,"yes","no") many tha...
Excel forumlas
Hello, I have a column that contains "yes" or "no". I need to total the "yes" in each column. What is the formula to do this? Thanks
Sata dv7 1448dx
Hello, I'have HP Pavilion 1448dx so i can not instal xp. somebody could help me please? Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
Password on the loose
Hello, Like, i totally forgot my (msn) password can someone please help me....i have all my friends emails.. and i cant remeber on...
Need a macro for the following
Hello, i am have a set of numbers( indicating the product serial number) in rows having comments which include some text + date of manufacturing...
Macro that takes multiple csv files and puts
SolvedHello, I need a macro that takes multiple csv files and puts them all in 1 worksheet. The csv files all have header info that i do not want copied ...
Ms office 2007 opens files as read only
SolvedHello, I installed Office 2007. Each time I open a file in Excel, it opens it as Read Only and won't let me save with the same file name and thus...
Excel 2007 "if....then select row and move&qu
SolvedHi all! I have what would appear to be a basic question, but can't seem to put my brain around the solution. I have a spreadsheet on Sheet 1. O...
word, icon on desktop, missing in programs f
Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.3 In reply to your question, I have installed Office 2007. After installing, I found the Office 2007 item on ...
Spell number
Hello, My name John, I have tried to do spelling but it's impossible after following your instruction, could you help by details ?? Configurati...
Hello, I have 2 excel sheets. In sheet1 i have some data that i am getting from one application. Using Macro i wanted to generate a output ...
Ms office 2007 opens files as read only
Hello, Each time I open a file in Excel it opens as read only so when I save it, I end up renaming the file and have two copies of the same file. ...
Language problem
Hello, I am facing a problem that couldn't let me type in arabic fonts, I tried many things but nothing solved the problem. and when I tried some...
Forgot memory card password
Hello, i forgot my memory card passwod of nokia 5230. how can i restore it? Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
How to autofill with non consecutive data
Hello, I have a list of customer names and account totals but the customer name is not repeated down the column. For example: Customer A bl...
Comparing 2 spreadsheets
Hello, I need to compare 2 spreadsheets that are coming form different sources but have mainly the same content. I can easily edit them so that t...
I want to dowload microsoft office word 2003
Sir, I wish to download Microsoft office word 2003 but I don't know where to go. Please help me so that I get the program. I really need your h...
Time formula in a single cell
Hi, Kindly tell me the formula for time to get in a single cell (for delay). Eg: 12:16-12:20. If the time i key as 12:18 (inbetween 12:16-12:20) i...