The discussions
Forgot e-mail password and sec. answer
Hello, I forgot my hotmail e-mail password and the secret answer for my e-mail,, could u plz send it to me on purple_but...
Column match
SolvedHello, I have two columns in excel 2007. Both columns show menu items from another computer system. So, as an example different roles in our com...
Forget my e71pmobile password
Hello, any one help me .. i forget my password of e71 pmobile(china) i change it default password Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explore...
Office(excel) 2007 shortcut keys
Hello, Sir this is vivek, can anyone provide me shortcut keys for excel 2007. wud b vry gr8fl thx...Vivek Configuration: Windows XP / Saf...
Getting values from other xls file
SolvedHello, I have 2 xls files (book1.xls and book2.xls). In book1.xls the first column (A1) has certain names in first 10 rows (say x1, x2, x3, x4, .....
How to subtract two dates
Hello, I want to subtract Dates in 1 column from Dates in other column eg: 25.05.2010 - 02.05.2010 = Answer has to be 23.05.2010 I want to ...
Micro sd memory card password is forget
Solved/ClosedHello, i use NOKIA 3110c mobile. MY micro SD memory card password is forget. how can it find give me any solution. my id is : ...
Micro sd 1gb password forget
SolvedHello, . now i am using nokia 6085 mobile .. i forget my possword in micro sd 1 GB memory card.. plz tell me the solution what are the steps to fo...
Motorola droid i need my password back!
Hello, I have a motorola droid and when you set it up you have to create a google mail account but i have forgotten my password and answer to my s...
Excel - macro copy date for "n" month
SolvedHello, Would you please help me to create a macro for generate Date schedule to Sheet2 It just like an installment schedule. Sheet1 Col ...
.url to xls format
Hello, some of my files were xls files were deleted automatically, i am using ms excel 2007. i tried to recover them but was unsuccessful and can...
Looking up a dollar amount between two column
Hello, I want a cell to look up a value in a table that has three rows of data. A1 A2 A3 0 10 10.00 11 20 11.00 21 30 12.0...
Lookup last name in a range
SolvedHello, = LOOKUP(1E+30,Sheet3!E118:E141) I jused this formula to look up the last date of a range, but now want to change it to names but it won...
Ibm password
Hello, have a ibm think centre 8172. turn it on,my icon comes up but i dont remember the password. i cant even get to the desktop on it. any ideas...
Kindly help me on macros
Hi All, Kindly provide me a Macro for find and replace for an X no of dots in to a single / Example: manoj..............Kumar Rajesh..........
Counting values in multiple combobox's
SolvedHello, I'm looking for some assistance with excel VBA, it would be great to gain your assistance. I've created a UserForm with 4 x ComboBox's, ...
Title... lost password
Hello, i lost my nokia 2690 mmc password and i have my imp. Data in it and i even dont have file manager in my cell Configuration: / Opera 9.80
Auto date change
Hello, =IF(OR(A1=1, A1=2, A1=3), TODAY(),"") Iam yusing this formula on my work sheet. The problem is that when I open my sheet the next da...
What funtion/s should do i need
SolvedI'm working on tool for a user to input a qty of items, then calulate the number of cartons required. The cartons come in 1, 5 & 20 unit packs. ...
Memory card password recalling software
hello i m sameer sathe i have entered password to memory card but now i m unable to recall it so iwant to remove that password so please convey me pro...
Did everything i could to get my password!!
Hello i tried logging onto my myspace but i forgot my password, i clicked on the Forgot my Password and it told me to type in my email, after i did t...
Huge password problem
HI I modified my password on an acer aspire one and I havee a little is bought from dubai, i set the keybord for english but when it ask...
Multipul equations resulting in 1 answer?
SolvedHi all, Recently I asked the question below: That solved the pr...
Mapping jpeg name to excel database
Hello, I've got a folder with a number of jpeg pictures each named after employee names. i need to rename with full names (First Middle Last Name) ...
Align same data in 1 row for different column
Hello, i have 7 columns with some what similar data now i want to align the same data in 1 row from each column so that i can identify the unique on...
Forgot adminstrater password to my dell compu
Hello, recently i had to reinstall windows vista on my dell computer, forgot my administrater password please help me out Configuration: Window...
Cannot use word 7
Hello, I am having dificulties getting into my 25-key pass code. I don't have a 25 pass code but they still will nit let me use my word. What ...
How can i send e-mails without ssl
Hello, how can i send emails without ssl Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0
Macro-to create 1 [.csv] using multiple excel
Greetings, I have more than one Excel Workbooks containing multiple worksheets in each of them. It would be a great help if some one provide me ...
If cell a1 have data in copy date in b2
SolvedHello, please can you help on how the following works in excel. In excel 2007: If cell a1 are 1,2 or 3 then the current date displays in b2, or if da...
Hello, i forgot my mob password
Hello, i forgot my password of my mob.its an e63 nokia.its IMEI no is 351502042825455.any sugessions for a master reset plz im waiting for a quick res...
How can is end free indian song to mobile
Hello,i wanted to know that how i can send free indian songs to mobile in pakistan.if you know any website about it please tell me.i will be very than...
Excel 2007 vba if then offset
I have a sheet where the rows size varies and I am looking for code to lookup column F starting in row 3 to the bottom and if the cell has a "Q" then ...
The setup password toshiba a215 isn't working
Hello, My laptop has a setup password when it turns on. for some reason now when i type it in it doesn't work. It keeps saying invalid password. Is...
Internet connected but cannot browse?
Hello, well here's the background to my problem: I'm running xp sp3 on a dell inspiron 1300 and 4 years old, and yesterday it updated and ran a ...
Remove value of "0" from blank excel cell
Hello, I need to set conditional formatting so if the number 0 - 999 is typed in a cell, the cell fill will be yellow. If the cell is blank, I need...
Hello, I am at my wits end. I have given up on anything to do with microsoft office 2007. A few days ago I started getting an error msg (prepa...
I can't send emails with outlook 2007
I am able to receive emails but for some reason it isn't letting me send them. I am running windows 7. I have tried almost all the settings... pleas...
Forgot my password
Hello, i forgot my password for my 2GB micro SD memory card. i want recover my password coz i dont want to lose any of my data which save on my me...
Excel issue - how to return data from a list
Hello, I'm using Excel 2007 and I simply can't do what I need to and can't find an answer anywhere! I have a large table of approx 500,000 ...
Macro for more than 3 conditional formats
Hello, I recently used the attached link to circumvent the limitation of excel's conditional formating (i.e. 3 conditions) and used the macro to exten...
Excel every 25th row
Hello, I have over 7,000 rows and I need to find every 25th one and don't want to hand count. Is there a way to sort or is there a formula to find ...
Dell desktop 3 password recovery
I got a dell desktop 3 and a half years ago. I just did a cd restore on it and cannot for the life of me remember the original admin passord I put on ...
Forget my password
I FORGET MY YAHOO PASSWORD PLEASE HELP ME I m really in great date of birth is 09-08-1985 post code is 61010
#value error when sourcing data from...
Solved....Negative conditional formatted cell In MS Excel. Hi guys, I haven't been very busy at work lately and the boss has told me do try and do 's...
Conditional formating with text and color
I want to format a cell B2 such that if cell E2 has any text then B2 will be change to a color and text
Excel urgent
hi. This is possiable? i have a, large amount of employee data .sometime some employee runaway,or after vacation not come this case i want to...
Insert multiple columns then copy data
I want a macro to insert varying number of columns then copy the corresponding data original data: ColumnA ColumnB Col...
Annoying border in word 2007
Hello, I did some picture editing in photoshop and save them as .jpg format. Then I insert the pictures in Word 2007. Everything looks fine. But w...
Hello, I would like to ask for help to make this macro search for a "text" in a certain range. Please help. Thank you, Fong Cells.Find(What:="text"...