The discussions
Laptop brightness not coming up when it gets to the welcome screen
Hello, good laptop when its turning on usually turn on with the brightness being sharp but once it get to that welcome screen the brightness ...
Cannot connect to internet with xp
Hello, Hi i got a HP windows xp cant connect to the internet
Acer v15 nitro - black edition
File history
SolvedHello, I need help. I installed Windows 10 Enterprise on my boss's Fujitsi Lifebook E756 laptop. Now, I would like to activate for data backup thro...
It takes windows too long to start. please help
I apologize in advance for my lame English. I did System Restore, and after 20 minunets or so there was a power outage. When I restarted the pc, it s...
Laptop only shows wallpaper and not responding any key input.
Hello, Tried cont-del-alt and restart many times still the same.
Boot failure ....not starting my pc
Hello, My system boot failure
Blue screen while trying to install xp
Solved/ClosedHello, I tried to install windows xp professional on my acer system. I made my first bootable device as cd rom and the second as HDD. The system b...
Fix the hidden files option is not showing issue in windows 10
SolvedMicrosoft Windows has a feature to hide files, so that they are not visible to second person using the PC or laptop. Moreover, Windows itself hide the...
Failed to install windows xp over vista
Hi, My daughter tried installing XP over Vista. Didn't work, so how can I fix it? Laptop was given to me with no recovery disc.
How to split number and text in excel into different columns
SolvedGood day Please assist with a formula what I can use to split text and number from one column into two columns. This is what I have COLUMN A A...
Systematically booting twice
Hello gents, So my PC runs windows 7 64 bits, and my graphic card is a GeForce GTX 750 A couple of weeks ago suddenly my computer started acting w...
Dell laptop blank screen issues
SolvedHello Please I desperately need a help for my dell laptop inspiron 1520 windows xp for it has suddenly went black for quite some days now. I have tri...
My pc keeps hanging
Hello, My PC is always dead hanging. Many times I tried this methods and hard reset also to no avail. Kindly give any best solutions.
My pen drive's size is reduced
Solved/ClosedHello, I am seeing this msg when ever I try to format my 2GB pen drive " Windows cannot format this drive" and my pen drive's capacity is also de...
Windows script host
Hello, I am not able to find script file. "C:\users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\NYoLi\LRlyC,vbs". I don't know how to solve this problem. Will b...
No audio output device is installed
Hello, I have a Dell Inspiron N5110 with Windows 7 Home Basic 64 bit. In device manger I found a Bluetooth audio device in Sound, Video, and Contr...
How to downgrade to windows7 from windows 10
I downloaded windows 10 when it was free to switch, I had windows 7. windows 10 has just been trouble since i got it & I'd like to get Windows 7 back...
I accidentally deleted the files on the desktop, but now i can’t find it anymore
Hi, Yesterday, when the child was playing computer games, I accidentally deleted one of my folders. I can't find this information on the recycle bi...
Shift key stuck
Hello, Too type something i need to hold the shift key and the letter and it takes way to long and it keeps making a beep noise when I type what...
Windows update error
SolvedWindows 10 update came in April. I updated my PC but update fail and I have 2 errors now: 1. Update error 0x80240034 2. Display drivers failed to ...
My computer is stuck performing automatic ide confirmation
Hello, My computer is stuck at "performing automatic ide confirmation." What should I do?
Bios settings
Hello, Using an HP desktop All-In-One running Windows 7 can't get it past the startup keyboard won't work to enter the password but works fine befor...
Xp can't recognize hard drive for os install
Solved/ClosedHello, I am aware of the AHCI/SATA problem. Unfortunately for me, the laptop I'm working with has Phoenix BIOS, which doesn't allow me to alter any...
Trouble updating from version 1709
Whether I try through the normal windows update (which is trying to install 1803) or the Windows 10 Update Assistant (which is trying to skip to 1809)...
How to modify color display
Good Morning, I am a photographer. My pictures straight out of my camera are great on my older 17in Dell. It has Vista as the operating system. In ...
Strange problem, my keyboard and mouse glitching
I have a problem, when I connect my laptop to the same network with my Pc it start to glitch the keboard and the mouse. How can I fix it? It s just wh...
Windows can't connect to sens service
Hello, My Dell is slowed down & wont let me login (its the pass i put on)So guest account i tryd it cum up X WINDOWS CANT CONNECT TO SENS SERVIC...
Pc black screen and cannot start up with reboot
Hello, Prior to above problem, pc was working but randomly hung. Then l went to fix corrupted wmp thro media features and also windows security recove...
Dual monitor shortcut key
Solved/ClosedHello, what is the shortcut key to transfer the active window to the atteched another monitor, please rply itz really urgent................... thn...
How to find windows 7 admin password?
Hi, I need to find the Windows 7 admin password, which is locked by the administrator.
I forgot the administrator password
Hi! Unfortunately I have forgotten my administrator password, so now I cannot install any software on my laptop. I am thinking of two possibilitie...
Fix blank or white shortcut icons on desktop
Solved/ClosedHello, My Desktop icons became blank or ‘white paper’ icon, where supposedly the icons should be colorful and customized in style and color. It...
Change laptop language
Solved/ClosedHello,i want u to advice me on how to change the language of my laptop from italian to english.thank uSystem Configuration: Windows Vista Internet Ex...
Virus and spyware definitions won't update
Hello, Virus and spyware definitions couldn't be updated on my computer.
Boot problem
Hello, I set first boot device CD/DVD and save, but after that restart it's ask boot from CD and immediately restarting only not booting.
How to delete script file messages?
Hello, How can I delete script file messages?
Windows 7 stuck at logging off
My computer is stucked at logging off how much I try to login I can't. Please help me.
Can't find deep freeze
Hello, My deep freeze icon is missing probably because i accidentally unplugged the wire to my plug i can see deep freeze 6.62 utility on my notif...
How to install windows xp on toshiba laptop?
Solved/ClosedHello, In Toshiba Satellite A205-s5859 laptop, I can't change the SATA drive. What shall I do to install Windows XP operating system in my laptop? ...
Using attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.* i could not wipe the attributes of my externa
SolvedHello, Following the advise in, I was not able to wipe the attributes of my f...
How can i put music onto my dongle?
Hello, How can I put music onto my dongle as my computer is not lit?
How do i change my background image on my laptop
Mow do I change my laptop laptop background image
Why i can't capture a video in the mp3 lame encoder like in the windows wp?
Hello, I want to ask you about about lame mp3 encoder in the KmPlayer. In Windows XP I can capture some video in the lame mp3 encoder, but in Windo...
My laptop only displays the background picture
Hello, My laptop is turning on and only background picture is displaying, then it also displaying saying that “please wait” with buffering moving i...
Window 10 64 byte defender
SolvedHello, Does Window Defender work safe as Anti-virus programs? I dont want to install anti-virus software because it is big for my computer right no...
Fn function key in windows 10 desktop
Is it possible to have standard function keys on an HP DESKTOP? Can I turn the FN off? I know it can be done on a laptop. I have an HP All-In-One. ...
My computer running windows 10 is locked
ClosedI found a thread on this forum that was similar to my problem,like this : (it is t...