The discussions
Computer turns off after 3 sec of turning on
Mycomputer is not reconizing a usb drive
When I connect a moble drive I do not see it in "my computer". I do see the usb drive in the safe to remove harware ( the little green arrow on the bo...
Trying to repair widows startup on my dell xp
I'm trying to repair my dell desktop widow xp home edition because it will not start up anymore Can someone please give me some advise on what to do...
Problem in laptop
SolvedConfiguration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0 i was working on my laptop sudenly it becam off the when i open after some time it was loading late ...
My computer keeps freezing.
Hello, im having serious computer trouble where my computer freezes up and then has startup problems. it started when i was modding starwars jedi aca...
hello :D k when i start up my pc, it brings me to a thing that says: Safe Mode Safe Mode with networking safe mode with command prompt last kno...
I do have usb plugs for keyboard and mouse
Hi again, Thank you so much for your help. I do have USB type plugs (male & female). So do I try the bios or the safe mode first or does it matter?
Windows xp not recognising any new usb driver
Hi, my windows XP laptop won't recognise any new USB memory stick or hard-drive (for example my friend's external) but will however recognise my memor...
Matchita uj88oas
I HAVE BEEN HAVING horrible PROBLEMS with the DVD Matchita drive on my reaonably new (still under Warrantee) Toshiba Satelitte p. Toshiba are not ad...
Pen drive
Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 3.6.3Actually,i want to know that is there any method of knowing the previous history of pen drive i.e. what's all ...
Hai, There is a Regsvr.exe problem appears at startup in my computer. I cant solve this. What may be the reason?
Xp freezes on startup
I'm running Windows XP professional on my desktop, when i turn it on it comes up saying: "we apologise for the inconvienience, but windoes did n...
SolvedHello! My computer have a problem I hope you can help me. The problem is the window cannot find Script file"C:\WINDOWS\solution.vbs" and sudden...
Problem connecting my nokia 2600 witha pc
Hello,i have a problem connecting my nokia 2600 - c 2 phone with my laptop (fujitsu siemens) windows xp i;v installed te drivers from a cd that i got...
My kaspersky is turned off
Hi every body I just have installed kaspersky and when it finished nothing happen and the kasparsky icons is not at the desktop i saw the secur...
How to make a bootable cd
how to make a bootable cd, send me answer. Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 7.0
Compaq presario f560ea audio driver
josh Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 532.5
Hcl ec2 laptop drivers for 9100tr
Closedhello, i'm having LX INFINITI POWERLITE 9100 TR HCL EC2 laptop i need know where to get my laptop drivers.........................
Problem in my pc
Solvedurgent>when i my pc i found a message"you may be victim of software counterferfeiting" so what should i do?
.exe won't work unless 'run as administrator'
To clarify, this is my mother's PC. She doesn't have a clue what she's done to trigger this and asking her is pointless. Since yesterday her PC has re...
Wap settings for lg gm200
Hello, I am Saurabh dhumal requesting for LG GM200 WAP settings
I forgot my xp password
Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0PLEASE GIVE ME ANSWARE
Help w/ black screen no cursor, no cd drive
Have the infamous Black Screen Of Death With Cursor. Cant' do recovery with CD Drive _______ Toshiba Satellite T135-S1310 Specs as follows: ...
Can't able to save,remove or alterate a file
I can't able to copy, remove/erase or alterate a file or folder in my computer. if it will happen, the very next restarting all the deleted files will...
Keyboard on laptop kieeps typing
hi my laptop keyboard keeps typing iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii on its own. i've tried an external keyboard but the same thing still happ...
Remote desktop over lan
Hello, i just want to access my computer which is located on LAN with local ip. I just access outerside. i use live ip and other server have live ip ...
Laptop wont run start-up windows 7
Yesterday My Laptop decided it wasnt going to work even though it had been absoloutly fine the day before. I switch it on and it loaded the dell lo...
Re formatting acer aspire 1800
Hello, I want to reformat an acer aspire 1800. the 1st problem the system goes into checking file system mode on partition "D" and it takes a day or ...
Addition of friends has been temporarily disa
Windows XP / urgentAddition of friends has been temporarily disabled.
Keyboard is off
My keyboard and trackpad no longer work after static shocked the trackpad. What can I do to remedy this or is it all fried? Tried resetting and syste...
Why does magicjack turn itself off after time
Hello, Magicjack turns itself off a few times a day, I have my computer to not go to sleep and not to hibernate, also HWMonitor closes also, witch i ...
Mouse key on ibm lenovo laptop t61
Hello, Dear am using laptop IBM lenovo T61 Series there is a mouse key in between the keys that some time works and some time not appreci...
Msn messenger disappearing
Hello, i downloaded the msn messenger 8.5 long back. but sometimes it be disappeared from the taskbar and i have no other way to open the messenger o...
Boot up stays on post screen for too long
my motherboard is Intel D865PERL, with P4 CPU, 512 DDR PC3200 Ram after power on, it shows the POST screen, then it stays there for a minute then ...
Please help! login issue in xp
HI there, tonight my computer with XP on crashed, and after a disc scan and a rebootit started to ask me for a login and password....which i never...
Sahara laptop restore to factory settings
Closedi bought my sahara laptop second hand and not knowing anything about computers updated it via internet. now im getting problems as it is apparently no...
Help plz how can i sav my deta
how can i save my deta my anty virus kesper sky is deleting all my folders bcoz there are virus win32 and trojen but i hav my so much deta inside but ...
Windows 7 64 bit verses 32 bit
I am trying to work from home on my computer but I'm told at my job that their system is not compatable with a 64 bit. Can I change/add a 32 bit on my...
Urgent @#1
i hv lost da option system tools n search from my pc. can anyone help me 2 get it back those two options
Sending files
Solvedhow can i send music files or images via bluetooth with my HTC _HD2? Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.5.9
How can i repair ie on win7
i have got a problem with win7 IE8.When i start my pc a window saying that "internet open with " then i clicked IE8 But it doesnt work.then i reset I...
Could not access f8
I have a problem with my computer which operating a windows xp. After my Pc automatically shut down i tried to push the power bottun and the windows ...
Xp reinstallation
Hello, My grandmother gave me her old computer and it is loaded with viruses and spyware and junk. I want to reinstall windows xp but the reinst...
Got a 2.5 western digital with leopard format
I have a 160gb Western Digital 2.5" HDD which came out of a Macintosh I book 14" loaded with Leopard 10.6. I would like to use it as an external hdd f...
Xp crash
Hi,my problem now.. my xp was crashed and cannot boot windows...i format the c:/ and trying to install xp sp3 on it..but at the end after windows s...
Chinese fonts
hi, i am having toshiba L300 satelite and i have installed windows vista in it after using i have again installed xp in it on another par...
Reset admin pass for windows vista h p
Hello, Can someone help me reset administrator and or password for my compaq pc with windows vista home premium I can log on as guest and get to comm...
Probleme pour ouvrir mon compte
Why i can not open my account Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0