The discussions
My dell vostro doesn't boot
Hello, I have been working on this lappy since 2-3 years.....But these days every time I press the power button on, it shows the Dell screen and sto...
Computer shuts down when connect modem and run internet
Hello, My Desktop computer shutdown when connect Modem and run internet about 10 minutes then Restart my Desktop Computer. Besides I use a USB cable f...
I am unable to install microsoft essentials for my windows 8.1
am not able to download Microsoft essential for windows 8.1 with 64 bit, need help
Some problem after booting every time.
Hello, adding information can unintentionally change or delete values and cause components to stop working correctly. if you do not trust source o...
Windows was unable to complete the format !!
I have a 16GB Samsung micro SD card which is corrupted.. so i tried to format it but windows is showing "Windows was Unable to complete the format".....
Stuck on desktop without loading icons
SolvedHello, I have been having a strange problem the last few weeks which has been getting worse. When I turn on the computer, windows XP gets to the...
Upgraded windows 10 my dvd do not work anymore
Since I upgraded Windows 10 my DVD do not work anymore! Can any one help me to get it working, any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Change computer from japanese to english
Hp desktop no start up
Good morning have spent the last 6 hours trying to start my all in one HP desktop running windows 10. only the mouse pointer in visible on screen. I ...
How to access password locked photos files
Hello, sir / maam last month i have window 8.1. i have added some permission on the folder in that folder their are some photos and permission are...
How do i turn off my fn
Hello, I playing on a komplett and keybord lenovo and my FN is activate i cant find how to shut it down Its annoying if u play something that u n...
Lg monitor stuck in power saving mode
Hello, I have an LG W2253V monitor that I have hooked up to my Acer laptop through an HDMI cord and today it entered randomly into "HDMI power savi...
Restart problem
Hello, I use intel i3 6100 6th gen processor & motherboard from gigabyte, when i m use my pc at that time after 45-50 mins restart autoamtically whe...
Forgot password can't log-in help please
ClosedI have tried all of the methods listed unsuccessfully. The problem is with each one the box I receive has only a password space. There isn't a space t...
Hello, Tried many suggestions to get cursor to work & nothing. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 50.0.2661.89
Passport not working
Hello, my passport ultra is not working in win 10.its lights are on but it is not visible.. please tel me the solution
Flash drive issue
Hello, I'm having issues with my flash drive. it worked fine until i tried to connect to the internet via ethernet. after solving the infamous net...
Computer shuts down while using youtube
Hello, my pc shuts down while using youtube or while watching videos . Help me to fix this issue
Can not access windows after blue screen even in safe mode
I need to find out how to get cmd option when not being able to use windows as blue screeen flashes and then I try to use safe modes and just continue...
Windows 10
anyone with any knowledge of windows 10 ??? ..i really could use some help
Cpu running but no display
Hello, Good day. I have problem with my pc. My cpu is running but there's no display. I tried cleaning all components, tried removing CMOS then put...
D- sub power saving mode
Hello, Sir when I trim on my cpu ..the monitor show d-sub power saving mode. Can you help fix this problem. Monitor LG Configuration: iPhone ...
Black screen after startup
I'm sure this question has been asked many times, but I have literally tried everything. So this morning I go to do a little bit of work and start ...
Log on there's a black screen with a cursor
Hello, I have a laptop that has a broke screen so I use a cable to connect to a desktop screen I recently downloaded windows 10 and now when I log o...
Windows 7 blue screen error
Hello, I have a ddr1 Pentium 4 pc which contains 2 gb of ram 80 gb hard 2.8 ghz processor and 512 mb nvidia 8400 gs graphics card with Windows xp ...
Russian to english on acer
Hello, I am having trouble switching my Windows 7 Acer laptop from Russian to English. Can anyone help? Thanks!! Configuration: Windows / Ch...
Suddenly no signal on monitor
Hello, everyone yestarday i done a OC to my CPU and then i reloaded the Defult options,and today im turning on the computer all my computer works ...
Change desktop background
Hello, I tried to change windows 7 back ground picture but it did now work int shows black screen with Desk top icons the selected picture was not...
Windows taking too much time to start up
I have Windows 7 ,32bit. It takes very long to start up on my laptop Dell Inspiron N5050. It shows only 'Starting Windows' for 5 to 10 min. Then it st...
Windows 7 slow to shutdown and startup
SolvedHello, My computer has regressed over time in performance. Maybe it's because I have installed a lot of programs I'm not sure but the os is slow t...
Ibm laptop
i need help i have one of the old laptops IBM thinkpad it uses window xp pro it wants administrator password that command prompt doesnt work and that ...
Toolbar can not get out of the programs
SolvedHello, i have no toolbar & can not get out of the programs i'am in Configuration: Windows / Chrome 53.0.2785.143
Desktop booting issue
Hello, My desktop with Windows 7 OS is hanging with the following message: GRUB Loading Stage 1.5 Error 22 Any solutions any one? Configura...
Window problem install 3 anti virus in same time
Hello, I install 3 anti virus in same time, now my computer restart automatically before apen desktop Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
How to access computer without entering microsoft password
SolvedI have windows 10 & know it need to be online to update. However I can now not access anything unless I sign in with my Microsoft password and am conn...
Formatting by xp instead of vista
Hello, when trying formatting my hp pavilion dv5 notebook pc with xp instead of installed vista the formatting is not complete please advise ...
Run dual monitors
Hello, tring to run dual monitors, main is dell24 inch,came with inspiron620, 2nd is Samsung 24 inch...have dell going to tower vga type cable, ho...
Operating system not found
Hello, How do I restore my Acer aspire series 7551 model # ms2310 from the utility setup's says operating system not found Configurat...
Hdd problem
Greetings, My lenovo laptop has a Hard Disk Problem I can access BIOS but under informationtab>> HDD: (blank) not even saying "NOT...
Windows 10 cant locate my wd ultra disc
Windows 10 cant locate my WD Ultra disc. ??? Its vsible on the computor. I just tried to format it. :-D
Computer wont let me do anything on my account!
Hello, I have been having trouble after login in my account, it won't let me do anything on my account! But when I go to another account that accoun...
Laptop power problem
Hello, i have lenovo ideapad. power is blinking but even if i press the swithc on..nothing is showing on the screen? what could be the problem. I ...
Wireless assistant
I have downloaded HP wireless assistant but cannot see an icon, does that mean it has not downloaded or is it hidden; what does the icon look like ple...
Drag, but not drop.
Hi all, I came across an interesting problem where a colleague of mine could drag a window to place it in a convenient spot, but could not drop it....
My laptop is auto restart in again in every10seconds
Hello, I am Deepak and we start my laptop in evening time and my the laptop was again and again restarting in every10-15 seconds
Window explorer stopped working and black screen
Hello, I'm using Compaq Presario CQ40. The above condition happened after i was using the laptop normally for more than 1 hour. After that, I trie...
Picture and fax viewer
I need to download my picture and fax viewer. I has gone from my computer. Is there anywhere I can find this download. I have tried all the methods ...
Black screen after installing windows 8.1
Hi I have an problem on my asus x552c that black screen is appear with pointer I install Windows 8.1 pro while previous I already upgraded to wind...