The discussions
Crashing internet
Hello, i have a pc on my network that every time internet explore is pulled up it has to close , so i went mozila which worked for 2 weeks and it als...
Problem with reinstalling vista
Hello, i have a hp pavillion dv2000 laptop few days i had a problem with os (Vista ) so i formatted my laptop and installed vista trial version whil...
Automatically shutdown
Hello, Hi! I also have that problem. I've checked processor temperature, I mentioned that it is very hot. So, if that there is any I can so...
Xp finds no sound device/need sound on pc
Hello, Have "3" devices to choose from... loaded XP home and pro- they cant find SOUND or my devices! tried all control panel and device manager...S...
Toshiba laptop problem plz help
Hello, I'm having a problem with my Toshiba. Every time i start it up it loads normal but then it says "A disk read error occurred Press Ctrl+Alt+Del...
Format my pc
Hello,my pc does not work and i want to format it and install windows xp sp2 but, when i boot the cd after some searches the windows cd installation...
About disk management
Hello All, Yesterday I turn my Pc & I found Some Problem from disk management. When i open disk management but local hdd are not pleas...
Slow and only 40% memory unused
Hello, When I am using my hp laptop Windows xp, I do the disk cleaning and then defragament files it says I only have 40-47% unused. Can any one tel...
Changed my ip and forgot it
Hello, i have a laptop, on which i had static IP configuration, today i had to change the config to dynamic and get an IP from DHCP. but i forgot t...
No icons only black screen no task man
Hello, windows xp home ed. dell comp. shut comp dn. unplugged, replugged started no icons or wallpaper only black screen click mouse get a beep had w...
Error message
Hello, When I launch my internet explorer 8 a message in a small box appears in the middle if the page and says "Windows has shut down this program t...
Freeze when startup
Hello, OK SO i got a laptop and a desktop (big computer) i start it up then login go to start or click on a program and it freezes and wont go away ...
Cleanup hard disk
Hello, hai how can i format my laptop which has windows vista operating system. please someone help me with this thank you
Windows not opening
Hello, i have PC of SIEMENS touch screen. It automaticaly shutdown and start two times, third time an error message come at thw windows loading time ...
Not sure what to do...
Hello, ok so i tried task manager and starting a new task and using explorer.exe my start menu flashes on then goes away again. when i go to the pr...
Cmd not open
Hello, when i open cmd from start its not open
Error message ntldr missing
Hello, I am using DELL Inspiron 6400 with windows XP. While I am booting my machine it is displaying the error message NTLDR Missing I do not...
Boot cd
Hello, How to make boot CD in nero? Please ans me.
System icon problems
Hello, i was wondering if everyone can help me as i am curently using Windows Vista just now and everytime when i open then shut off my laptop some o...
How to reinstall windows xp
Hello, My PC was attacked by virus a few weeks ago. I cannot even start it in Safe mode. I want to reinstall Windows XP, but the PC says it cannot ...
My notebook will not shut down.
Hello, when shutting down my notebook it goes through the whole process and says windows is shutting down but, when it should power off it just goes ...
Let's talk
Hello, I invite u all to chat and talk about manythings like arts, culture, atc.
Videphelper registration code needed
Hello, I'm looking for the registration code for Videohelper. Can anyone help me with that??? Thanks
Compaq cxq40/327tu windows xp problem
Hello, I Have Compaq CQ40/327TU Model with Widows Vista Basic, but my application is not compatable for the same so i decide to get windows xpsp3 li...
Help me install win xp on my hp pav dv6500
Hello, if tryit to install windows xp once everything went well it got installed then i had to installl drivers and it said that its the wrong drive...
Windows xp rebots after loading screen
HEY, My Other Computer Is doing something i dont know how to a little bit of a computer geek but this is way over my head...while i was do...
Cannot dwnld the window live
Hello, i dnt undrstnd wyh i cant dwnld the wndws live. I've tried evrything. it still wont work. please help me
Semiantivirus.vbs error
Hello, Whenever I am rebooting our Machine getting an error C:\WINDOWS\system32\semiantivirus.vbs laoding failed. Even I am trying to open the ...
Keyboard locked at ms-dos startup
Hello, An older, computer illiterate friend did something to his computer and now it will not start up. I have not had a chance to go to his house bu...
Hello, i am getting an error message when i double click on any drive as a recylcer i miising type correct name
Cant repair laptop os, mising ext. floppy dr.
Hi, My laptop does not finnish booting up. I have an older laptop with a bios that does not boot up from a cdrom. I cant use the floppy drive becau...
My compaq presario problem
Hello, My compaq presario S6300NX restart after getting to the desk top. I tried restoring the computer. also tried starting in safe mode and it doe...
How to format a pendrive using software
Hello, help.... is there any software to reformate flashdrives. got an 8g that i need to fix
China mobile
Hello, Every body i m new here can any body tell me what is the china mobile software name which enable me to reset my mobile or i c...
In device manager other devices r notworking
Hello, Notebook xp pro In the 'Device manager'....... "other Devices" are not installed properly(Its yellow flag) so i can paly my audio output Bu...
Genuine tool
Hello, My hecking windows is genuine but this genuine tool request keeps annoying me what should i do to stop that?
Username not working when clicked
Hello, On one of the files on my windows xp system, the username will not load. One works and one doesnt. When i click it it flashes to the desktop t...
Machine shutting down
Hello, I just purchased a new laptop - Dell. It is running windows vista 64 bit. When I am on the internet it just shutdowns. I bring it back u...
Sound problems
Hello, when i turn the sound on for my computer i can hear my finger movements through my speakers and i cant turn my sound up very loud without my c...
Help with graphics
Hello, Hi, I have put a P5Q SE/R & P5Q SE motherboard in and added a VGA Driver V682. I was having trouble with getting the 2nd external display w...
Application error
Hello, IEXplore.exe - Application Error The memory could not be "read" how to remove this error ls m...
Open windows
Hello, Just turned on an old compter for the kids to learn on (Windows Me), errors keep popping up, until login, then i log in and it runs for a minu...
Having trouble with disk
Hello, I have pics on a disk that I want to download on my computer, but it tells me to make sure the disk is inserted whenit already is. I can not s...
Only wallpaper, no start button or icons....
after I open task manager and ask it to run "start menu" or anything pertaining to the operating system it tells me win32 is what?
Artificial conferencing
Hello, Is it possible ??? I have 1 pc, two phone lines, two modems, one lan card, with broadband I sms my any phone or mobile number to my pc...
No start bar & no icons
Hello, All i recently developed a problem I lost my start bar and all icons tried most things but even in safe mode i get "SHDOCVW.dll " cant be foun...
Realtek audio problem
Hello, Dears need help ....I installing Realtek audio driver in Windows XP SP 3. Looks like all drivers are ok but there is no sound.Before I was i...
Windows xp problem
Hello, BT IT installed Macfee on my PC a few days ago and it was doing a scan and it found c.windows32 or something like that, it showed as a virus...
Can't start windows
Hello, what can i do my windows can't start because Windows root>/system32\ntoskrnl.exe was corrupted or missing.I do not cd rom on my CPU.