Force delete Mac file: in use, terminal

Force delete Mac file: in use, terminal

Have you tried to delete a file in your trash, but the file or folders you want to delete refuses to disappear? Or have you tried to delete a file that is in use? To solve these problems, you need to use a UNIX command to be entered in a Terminal. In this article we will show you how to force delete a file on Mac.

Please note the following when using the code below: replace "*" by spaces. The uppercase "R" is vital. It deletes files and folders.

  • Launch the Terminal
  • Type "sudo*rm*-R*"
  • Drag the files you want to delete files after this command
  • Confirm
  • Give an Administrator password
  • Confirm

For more information about the "rm" command, type "man rm" in the Terminal. <space> to scroll. <q> to quit.

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