The discussions
Excel cell search and enter value
Hello, I need help constructing a formula in Excell 2007 that will do the following - search the spreadsheet for matching number - if it f...
Macro for extracting particular data
Hello, I request someone to help in solving my problem. I have two sheets one is "cashbook" and another sheet is "transaction". In "cashbook" shee...
Unhide tab in excel
SolvedHello, I have a cell in excel that is either true or false. Based on that then it is linked to a check box. When ever I type the word "True" it ...
Excel drop down list
Hello, My question is regarding drop down list in excel. If i have data of all 12 month. and i have created a drop down list in excel of all 12 mo...
Office for mac sort columns into new workbook
Hello, I am new to VB and need some help. I have sorted a spreadsheet by user ID in column"D" and now I need to move the data in columns E and F in...
Excel - conditional formating
Hello, I want to highlight a row with a certain colour. I have 4 rows. The first one is physical stock the second one is qty outstanding , third i...
Function data from web in ms excel
Hello, I would like to import data from one webpage to Excel using function Data - From Web. The problem is that this web page has at the end .jsp (...
Copy specific data to a new sheet and save it
Hello, I am looking for a macro that will copy data based on a specific cell(group name) and paste it to a new workbook. I am also looking for th...
Macro/udf to auto transpose cells
Hello and greetings! I am stuck in a list of my team members more than 2000 where details for every individual is not recorded based on fields/column...
Columns matching...
Hi, I have a workbook in which there are 3 sets of 3 columns names (Narration, Debit, Credit) (Doc. No., Debit, Credit) (Diff, Debit, Cre...
Macro for counting duplicates in raw
SolvedHello, I apologize in advance if even my search efforts have not found an answer to my question, believe me I've tried. Ok, I need ...
Working with time in a rota spreed sheet
Hello, I have a spreadsheet of a work rota, i have start and end time in seperate columns , i need to work out how many hours each persons shift...
Match data from excell
SolvedHello, I have information in different spreadshits which I would like to match by the name and year of a company. How can I do that? Example: ...
Copy data from 1 excel sheet to another by cl
Hello, i am trying to copy data from 1 excel sheet to another by clicking on button. my code is: Sub Button4_Click() Worksheets("ManHour").Ran...
Locating excel files and copying using macro
Hello, I want to copy certain data on rows and columns of different excel file from one tab with the date as the identifier and put it in a new...
Excel/vba2010-select cells between 2 keywords
SolvedHi guys, Here's a tricky one. I'm trying to write a macro that starts from the active cell - goes up the column selecting say 20 cells and searches...
Matching columns from different worksheet
Hello, I am trying to match project codes in different work sheets and display the date. Column E5 worksheet Contract award to match worksheet ...
Cells ending in '0'
Hello, Is it possible to use conditional formatting to highlight the cells in a column of sequencial numbers ending in '0'? ie 10, 20, 30 etc to ...
Excel 2010 lookup options
ClosedHello, I'm trying to compare a field with TODAY() against a range a fields that are sequential dates, and when it matches, I need to return the values...
Help with excel
SolvedHello, does anyone kno of a formula that will automatically input the next month. for example if I am starting with 10/28/2011 what is the formu...
Multiple rows and columns in a single row
Hello, I have some data in excel sheet. Here is the example. AAA 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
Copy rows by column match condition
Hello, I want to copy the rows from one sheet to other sheet based on column name matching. E.g, ================================== EN...
Macro/vba needed to find, match, copy/paste
ClosedHello, Ok so i've searched and searched and still haven't found code to do exactly what I need. The macro needs to be able to search hundrends of ...
Excel (mac) opens docs when started
ClosedHello, Recently my Excel (Office 07 for Mac) program tries to open ALL the documents in a particular file whenever I start it up. It choses to open...
I need this excel formula urgently
Hello, I have the values 2,3, 2, 4, 5, 7,5,1. I want a formula that will select the first five lowest values and add them thanks
Excel vba
Hello, Please, I face difficulties to come into solution on one issue about how to use vba & one cell of a sheet1 to enter data into cells on ano...
Excel auto populate
SolvedHello, I've created a drop down list as B, I and A. on one sheet I need it to calculate the count automatically. The next sheet has coulmns sa...
Excel macro
Hello, I'm trying to create a formula if I input an age range ex. 17-24 in one column then write a price, if another age range is entered ex. 25-2...
Help! cells to follow "scrolling."
Hello! This is the situation that I am facing. I have already freezed the required panes on a spreadsheet however I am trying to get a table to...
Excel charts / graphs
SolvedHello, I need your help with regards to creating a chart on a different sheet in the same workbook. I've got employee names on top as a row , ...
Excel 2007 conundrum
Hello, I need to sum rangeof prices in Q6:P143, based on a selection made from a range of calender months in I6:1143. The calender months that ne...
Multiple rows in multiple columns
Hello, I have a spreadsheet with two columns and 100+ rows. Data in column A, the category repeats, Data in column B is unique to what is in col...
Make multiple columns into a single column
Hello, I have data in excel sheet with 3600 columns and each column has 6 rows.Suppose say Column 'A'...It has 6 rows.I want the Column 'B' dat...
Blank rows deletion
Hello, Dear friends, I really appreciate your support and help all the time. I have another problem and I need your help once again. I have ...
[ooo calc] spreadsheet: if / then ?
ClosedHello I would like to make a comparison calculation and tried to use an IF(), but I keep getting an error. I use Open Office Calc, here, but that...
Please help in excel data function making
Hello, Am Ravi Kiran, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India, I have a doubt in Ms EXCEL 2007, my doubt is that am having a client who is a small...
Searching in 2nd sheet for values in first
Hello, I am looking for a macro to search data in col A of first sheet in col A of 2nd sheet and whereever there is a match copy the data in ColB ...
Macro to compare two sheet and return a value
Hello, Can you please help me with a macro. What I am trying to get is a macro that will compare two names in two sheets (Sheet1, col AD and Sheet...
Macros 2 columns info into 1 same wksht.
Hello, I have two columns of information. One column is labeled description and lists a (numerical and text) description of and item. EX: 1/2" ...
Compare two cells and do another formula
ClosedHello, I need some help on this, i have three cells containing either the letter H, B or U. Next to these i will have another three cells with one...
Cells display a total or text
SolvedHello, I have an excel workbook that has cells that display a currency amount U43, U45, U47, U49, U51 and Q53. For example U43 would have $200 in...
Excel table, lookup, match, index, array ??
Hello, Can anyone help, please? I have a table with manager names running down column A, and dates running along row 1. Inside the table fo...
[excel] formula for this problem
Hello, i'm so confused with excel formula. how to get data from other table and other sheet which comparing data in row and shown in the...
Pop up msg in excel when condition is tru
Hello, I want to get a pop up message in excel when a condition is TRUE. I am bringing in live data and want to notified through pop up when the nu...
Need to match and fetch data to 1st sheet fro
Hello, I have two excel sheet having "Name" common in both sheet, 1st dosent have mobile number that I am trying to fetch from 1st sheet. the tota...
Excel:move a columm that contain <a to anothe
ClosedHello, I really don't know this things in excel but this is an assignment that i have. I had an text file with a data and some items have an ex...
Excel transfer selected rows
SolvedHello, I have in place a data validation,''list''. I want to be able to transfer selected rows with the different list names into separate worksh...
How to move data in excell?
Hello, I would like to separate data in one excell cell into two excell cells e.g. 241 GOLD CREEK RD, BROOKFIELD, QLD 4069 in one cell into 241 ...
Excel auto fill
Hello, I am pulling informaton from a row into a column. I was wondering if there is a way to auto fill formulas in the column with the row numb...
Data validation macro modification for excel
Hello, I am having an issue with manipulating a macro that will allow me to choose a secondary data validation set based on the condition of a pri...