The discussions
Need pix on my phone from my computer
how do you send pictures from your computer to your phone? ive tried just about everything and i cant figure it out. if you know how please tell me as...
My comupter showes only the dell logo!!!
Hello, i have been having this problem when i turn my computer on it shows only the Dell Logo , doesn't start after that point on, tried to change th...
Bios setting
Hello, i am not able to go in Bios setting.. f1 key not work.. my lenovo lapi show f2 key for setup after that i don't know the path where to acc...
Monitor setting blocked
Hello, i am not able to change the size,colour as my moniter show "Control Menu is Locked" when i press key.. so tell me the solution if any. than...
From where i change my bios setting
Hello, Can you tell me from where i change my Lenovo Y series bios setting..
Xp problem
Hello, i have abt windw cmputer use vista but i want chnge to xp.. but icant boot and cmputer cannt read my xp cd..i try to setup in computer...
Format my vista with xp
Hello, I have a Lenovo Y-series Laptop with vista homebasic.. and i am a student of computer science as you know graphics not work on vista so pleas...
Operating system
Hello, i bought a Compaq Presario CQ60-104TU Notebook PC, and dealer uploaded the pirated version of vista, and now it is asking for product key.....
My pen drive does not work what 2 do ?
Hello, Got a transcend pen drive 4gb when connecting to usb port light blinks on the pen drive even shows in my computer after double clic...
Restore laptop
Hello, I would like to restore my Toshiba Equium M50-164 to factory settings but I have lost the disk it cam with. Is that possible and if so how do ...
To resole the gpedit
Hello, unfortunately i disable run command on from start up through gpedit command now i want to access the commad how cai i access the coomand.
Email accept
Hello, i have beening log in at facebook for 2 weeks and i had to confimed my email i dont understand what to do there.CAN someone help there but hqa...
After installation of xp i want my vista back
Hello, i have a vista preinstalled in my acer 2920z laptop and i installed xp in another partition in the same machine . now i cant access the vista ...
Windows xp on hp dv7-1135ea
Hello,i need drivers for xp please help!!!!!
No disk drive and i cant remember windows pas
Hello, i have an asus eee pc, so it has no disk drive or floppy drive and ive forgotten my windows pass word what can i do ?
Two icons of winxp
Hello, I had two winxp operation system on my PC and I removed one. But I still have two choices of icons of Winxp when I turn on my PC. there is not...
Inter net page opening
Hello, i can t open inter net page can t find page server try other clik anther page
Can some one give me advice on this
Hello, hi i cant get into my tagged account geting no messages my friends think some one has hacked into my tag account and i cant find away to get i...
Log in problem
Hello, hai friend i have to using my brother system but he had put username password on windows login path how can i log in to system pls tell me sol...
Can i delete just the backn up file
Hello, Is it possible to delete just the backup file from an external drive, i have other files on there which is still want?
Mother board replaced losing internet connect
Hello, My motherboard had to be replaced last week. Prof charged me $600 to do it... but now my computer will not ping when I am on the net. And whi...
Very low memory
Hello, Yesterday, I checked the C drive, it has more than 2GB left. Today, the laptop showed an auto message saying "You are running on very low m...
Flash disk dosnt appear in my computer
Hello, when i connect a usb flashdisk to my computer it will install corectly but when i open my computer ther is no any removable disk in that windo...
Start menu problem
Hello, Greetings from my end !!! i had laptop ( lenevo), two days back i had installed antivirius in my laptop,after the installaisation that is...
Comp freeze
Hello,when i boot my comp an anti virus software appears and i cant remove it or do anything else on the comp.
Error loading page
Hello,my internet is connected i open one page but the other doesnt open if i open one thing in youtube it opens but when i open the next clip or anot...
I have the cds ,but not manuel, need code
Hello, I have the Cds for open for business and apartment, but i donno where i put the manuels and i have the cases but cannot find the 20 digit code ...
I was able to downgraded from vista to xp
Hello, i was able to downgrade from vista to xp( HP Pavilion dv2700 Notebook PC).i need the following sound,lan,wan and AVG. THANKS U REGARDS
Windows xp won't boot
Hello, my pc will not do anything past the first screen that comes up. ASUS P4S533 X and then the BIOS update shows up, but after that, the screen is...
Windows vista problem
Ok so I'm on my Windows Vista computer then when I try to go to the login page but It always stays on the Disk Checking page and Im using a EMachines ...
I can't install xp in cq40144tu laptop
Hello,sir/madam i can't install xp in my cq40 144tu laptop plz help me
Im having trouble with loggin on
Hello, I did everything that was told to do. I clicked on F8 then i chose safe mode like you said and then this little box popped up that said admini...
Log in
Hello, I have signed up for facebook..however, I can't seem to get to the place to log on to. I keep getting a varity of logins messages and when I f...
Help i need to reset my computer!
Hello, Yeah all I know is that I have a Compaq Computer. It's kind of lol nothing it's like a 2005 or 2006 somewhere around in their but have liked...
I am reiges person so i want send maseages
Hello, I am reginald randeniya I want to send maseages there fore i want find lot email address please guied me to fin email address...
Random zooming
Hello, I have a new Acer Aspire laptop and the screen zooms in and out randomly when I am browsing the internet, regardless of the website being v...
Other windows
Hello, i have a big problem. When I'm trying to open local disk C or D, it opens in other windows. Other files and folders open in good standing. It s...
Finger reader software needed for hp
Hello, i have a hp pavillion dv4 -1100 ea and the finger reader isn't working and the comp promts me to download it from the net or use my retr...
Can't get songs to my mp3 player
Hello, I downloaded bitturrent and can't figure out how to get the songs I downloaded onto my mp3 player?
Dosnt anyone know
Hello,dose anyone know any site were u can go on blocked sites?
Importing a text file into command prompt
Hello, I have a text file with the following contents Trial.txt C:\trial\trial for me\trial for us C:\folder1\folder for us\ I want to i...
Hello, I have deleted my files from recycle bin, Now how can i get that data.
Does it software?
Hello, hello,, does S-Video to RCA need a software to work?? or its just simply plug-in the cable?? hope someone answer my question thank you...
I have a problem with adobe's new flashplayer
Hello,So I tried to watch a Youtube video and when I clicked on the link to the video, in the box where it should show the video, it says "Hello, you ...
Can't see folder / drive properties
Hello, I have Window XP SP3 installed. It was working fine. I wass running AVG antivirus program so far, since problem with my folder properties, I ...
How 2 access 2 differnt vb6.0 project
Hello, i am developing a visual basic 6.0 project where I need to access different projects from one projects .let us hav an eg. A,B,C,D are 4 diffe...
Msn problem
Hello, I hav some question hav to ask,when i wan to remove the window live messenger from control panel,it does not show on control panel,then i go t...
Windows vista cd (copy)
Hello all, I was wondering something. I needed to know where can I get the torrent or the file to burn a legit copy of Microsoft Windows Vista?? I kn...
Installation problem
Hello, I am facing 2 problems, first whenever I try to Install any software on my XP based pc, the install wizrd appers for may 2 secs and vanish...