The discussions
Windows setup fails
Hello, im trying to set Windows XP pro up on a computer. Booting it from CD, when it finishes "setup is inspecting your computer's hardware configura...
Drivers cannot be open.
Hello, When i double click on any drive i have recived the following msg. D:\ application cannot be open in Win32 mode Please help me.
Recovering a hard drive
Hello, this is the 3rd time i posted this it seems to dissapare off this site so here goes again. have acer laptop aspire 3690 i tried to recov...
My computer is really screwed
Hello, i have a preloaded computer, i shouldn't but I do. anyways, there is something that probably is an extremely advanced virus on it. what happen...
I cant open and copy desktop files and folder
Hello, in my computer desktop i have files and folders something very impotent, but i cannot open those files and folders, also i cant copy those fil...
Sony vaio freezed up
Hello, i have a problem with my sony vaio...after the 1st page the whole thing is freeze no movement at all...later after sometime this message app...
My computer is acting extremely weird.
Hello everyone :] Basically, yesterday my computer was working great, nothring was out of the ordianry, then today, when i turned it on, the windows ...
Windows 98 will not boot
i have a problem starting windows it will not load can u help me and explain what a dos disk does and how to use one.
My computer gets turned off while booting
Hello, i hav both windows xp as wel as vista but while formating from that cds during loading process my computer gets turned off so i canno...
Increase my computer speed
Hello, i am using dell inspiron 6400 which has preinstalled windows vista. I want to format my laptop because it has slow down speed of my laptop as w...
My webcam
Hello, i cant seem to find my webcam when i go to any website that requires a webcam it works but i cant find it on my pc please help i have an acer a...
Hello, hi frnds got some problem with my pen drive it shows 0 byte .after double clicking on it ,shows a msg "insert a disk into drive g " when i try...
Msn live
Hello, i had windows messenger beta, but i uninstalled it, and i uninstalled everything to go with it, but everytime i try to download windows li...
Can not boot to safe mode
Hello, i have a Gateway laptop I can not boot into safe mode i can get to F11 but it won't start recovery,I can get to reinstall ...
Hello, i have a dv6000 laptop and my left speaker stoped working, im not sure if i set something wrong or if it is broke can anyonw help me please.
Cd drive not seen by win2k or xp
Hello, I had a perfectly running PC until I replaced my 120 GB IDE Hard disk with a 320GB Seagate Barracuda (wonderful Drive). I can boot in either ...
Toshiba a135-2356 laptop keyboard malfunction
Hello, Left side keys are not working & Fn key. I did a system restore, took out the battery & problem still exist. Currently using On-Screen keybo...
Windows system error
Hello, help
Problem in win98 while opening d;f:g drives
Hello, Hi I use Win98, I have a problem, whenever, I try to open my D;F:G drives by double clicking on them, it shows unable to locate the a...
Online video watching problem
Hello, I wanted to ask a question on my friends behalf he's been watching videos online as normal for a while now until today whenever he tries to wa...
Sound problem in xpsp2
Hello, I use XPSP2, whenever I play a movie, for sometime it goes well, but after some time the sound goes off, no sound. I tried ins...
Hello, How can I retrive my login password. I have Vista. Does viste lock you out after so many tries.
Hello, i have a problem when i place something on my USB hub the windows is restarting pls help i don't know what to do anymore PS... always down o...
Computer problems
Hello, our speakers don't have any sounds and we have no clue what or how to get it back. we went on various things to get sound back, but there sayi...
System reboots when i go online
Hello, my system works normally for hours if i don't go online,once i connect if it is only normall mail checks and chat it works normally too,..but ...
How to partition and format a hard disk
Hello, How to partition and format a hard disk ,PLS SEND THE SCREEN SHOTS
Open with problems
Hello Whenever i open any program it always demands 'open with' application please give me a suitable suggestion. And even add or remove program...
How do install a second hard drive
Hello, I am having the most trouble iv ever had trying to install a second hard drive ... my computer is an hp pavilion a1620n the second hard drive ...
Office 2007 opening very slowly on windows xp
Hello, As per title i am facing problem when opened word documents in Windows 2007.
I lost my webcam cd...
Hello, I lost my webcam cd... the type of my webcam is buffalo... what can i do? please help..
Internet explorer is missing in my xp sp3
Hello, i have windows xp SP3 . but i dnt have internet explorer icon in my windows, . Even i checked it in custom desktop settings , i didnt find e...
Windows/system32/boot.vbs is missing
Hello, when I am opening my computer, the message" Windows\system32\boot.vbs cann't find" is showing.What I'll do?
Cant get onto any email websites
Hello, Can you guys help me with this? My laptop used to let me use mail and stuff, but recently i havent been able to get onto yahoo mail, aol mail,...
Need help with recovering files
Hello, Hello, My brother did something to my computer. All he was supposed to do was install drivers so my DVD-RW would work. I asked him not to do ...
Problem booting up
Hello, I have an acer aspire 7720-6381 labtop. I havw problems booting up my labtop. It goes as far as the microsoft emblem with the bars going acros...
I need a drivers to my sound card
Hello, Saludos: mean HELLO. My sound card work well in Windows Vista, but in WIN XP do not work. Mother Board info: Product.. Livermore ...
My web cam driver
Hello, Salam, I have USB web cam with driver but when i connect through usb then show Generic Digital Camera.but that camera have no name no ser...
How to edit registry
Hello, pl help me. how to edit the registry?
Iv turned of my monitor drivers
SolvedHello, iv turned of my monitor drivers and now my screen is blank and when i restart my computer in safe mode it just stops half way wat can i do ple...
Can't get my laptop to boot
Hello, my son's dell inspiron 5000 all of a sudden will not completely boot up some time it looks like it's booting all the way to window's and then ...
System restore
Hello, i cant use my system restore as iertutil.dll is missing how do i reinstall it without a disc thanks
Block websites
Blue screen
Hello, I have an acer travelmate 4060 always when i boot it shows the blue scree, i've tried booting on safe mode but still the blue screen shows up....
Help vista boot up probelm
Hello, my vista on boot up takes ages so swiitch off it come up systom goes in to this for ages the conme up see your dealer.i swtich it ...
Lost cd driver
Hello, i recently backed up my drivers using driver guide toolkit and unfortunately it went wrong and the backed up data won't run during restoration...
Generic host error
Hello, I am facing Generci host problem when I connected to Internet (BSNL BB). I tried by installing Miscrosoft updates, still I am getting the erro...
Animation wallpapers
Hello, I just downloaded some wall papers from, they are animated wallpapers and would like to know if they are safe to use. My ...
My computer is slow
Hello, how do i make my computer faster. since i put my msn messager on its got really slow and i cant get i faster. i had the old msn messager but i...
Product key
Hello, sir i hv recovery cd of my hcl pc bt it is asking for product key of windows....plz tell me the product key
Computer won't boot
Hello, I'm hoping someone might be able to help... I have Windows XP on my PC and it will not boot. When you turn the computer on it comes up with ...