How to reset Google Chrome settings: to default, Android
If you would like to restore Google Chrome to it's default settings, there are several ways to do so. This article will cover how to reset Chrome's settings on PC and Android devices.
I’m an editor and community manager at CCM, and a digital native who is constantly impressed by the advances in tech and video games over recent years. When i'm not at work, i'm probably riding my bike.
If you would like to restore Google Chrome to it's default settings, there are several ways to do so. This article will cover how to reset Chrome's settings on PC and Android devices.
In this article, we will show you how to install and enable Google Text-to-Speech on your Android smartphone and how to download additional languages for your Android device's offline speech recognition feature (Google Voice Typing).
The Google Dashboard gives an overview of the data associated with your Google Account. This includes the bookmarks, stored password, apps , custom settings, synced data..etc. To access the Google Dashboard from Google Chrome follow the below procedure.
In this article, we will show you how to disable the history of recently open file list feature on Media Player Classic.
On most standard computer keyboards you will find an insert key (INS). This key is usually above the arrow keys, and beside the Delete key. Its main use is to switch between two modes of entry: either text insertion or text replacement. By default, Windows uses the insert mode for entering text but occasionally you may find yourself in replacement mode and not know what to do. Read on to find out how to reset the keyboard to type normally.
When running Grand Theft Auto 4 on Windows 7, or Windows 10 you may experience a Fatal Error Resc 10, this article will show you how to fix it.
Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with millions of videos uploaded to the Facebook-owned app every day. Continue reading to find out how you can download Instagram videos, stories and reels online or with an app.
It is not unusual for several people to use the popular Windows XP operating system on a same computer. As a result, one may need to create, modify or delete users with varied permissions and access levels and it's usually the administrator that executes these types of commands. However, one may need to delete the administrator account itself. In this article, we will provide you with the necessary information to easily delete an administrator account.
Looking for a specific word or phrase within a sea of text can be daunting without the right tools. Thankfully, all Mac computers come equipped with a find function, which lets you locate exact terms in a document or web page. This tutorial will show you how to use control F on Mac and iPhones.
iTunes allows users to manage data on the iPhone, iPod and iPad devices.The data can be music or other multimedia files and if they are not managed properly, duplicates of the same track may exist. It is possible to display and then remove duplicate tracks in the iTunes library to save memory. This article will show you the easiest ways to remove duplicate songs and clean up your iTunes.