The discussions

Excel macro assistance


Hello, I have a macro running a process of performing a couple of formulas in a workbook that uses VLookup. Every week I have to re-edit the r...

8 replies Last reply on 2 Jan 2011 by

Need vb code for getting popup in excel

Hello, I am asked to maintain a (HR) database of consultants, whose contract should be renewed after a particular period. I want to set a popup b...

2 replies Last reply on 31 Dec 2011 by

Excel 2007 font colour formula

Hello, I have a long list of numbers in column A some numbers are in red font,(no conditional formatting has been used),When i copy these numbers to...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Dec 2011 by

Converting date in vba excel


Hello, I have a spreadsheet that has: Column A: Year Column B: Month Column C: Day Is there a way to convert these 3 columns into the actu...

4 replies Last reply on 28 Dec 2011 by

Excel time tracking help


Hello, My question is that I have a Excel workbook that I want to get information from a cell in worksheet 1 for a specific date to go to a cell in ...

Last reply on 28 Dec 2011 by

Excel question macro

Hello, I am needing help with writing a macro for Excel. Here is my issue. I have two workbooks. each has over 10k rows this is what I would like...

3 replies Last reply on 28 Dec 2011 by

Macro for autofill address in excel 2007

Hello, i am using excel 2007 prepare my sales invoice, i have maximum 10 to 15 purchaser, so i am using validation for selecting purchaser. i have...

1 reply Last reply on 27 Dec 2011 by

Ms excel 2007 if function problems.?


Hello, I need immediate assistance. basically i am trying to use the IF function to display less than 18 "no", more than 18 "yes". but if 23.5/...

3 replies Last reply on 23 Dec 2010 by

Web browsers not working, firewall issue?

Hello, My laptop suddenly is not able to access websites. I've tried both Firefox and Internet Explorer. I can get a connection to the router fine...

2 replies Last reply on 21 Dec 2010 by

Excel macro copy data to next sheet using <


Hello, I'm looking some time now around this forum and ditn't find what i'm looking for. So i'm just gonna ask it here and hopefully someof your s...

1 reply Last reply on 21 Dec 2010 by

Macro to fill down in a range


Hello, Thanks to all who provide help on this site. I'm new to writing macros so hopefully you might be able to steer me in the right direction wi...

2 replies Last reply on 21 Dec 2010 by

Comparing 2 columns of names

Hello, How can I compare 2 columns of names on 2 spreadsheets? I want to remove matches. Thanks! Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Exp...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Dec 2010 by

Managing rules on cells.

Hello, I have a series of cells beside each other that contain different values. I need a formula that will adjust for the following: If the secon...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Dec 2010 by

Auto hide 'auto excel fillter'

Hello, I am using auto excel fillter but suddenly option of auto fillter not shown. I want to use fillter but HOW? Regards, Ajit Singh C...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Dec 2010 by

Selection of rows based on conditions

Hello, I need some Excel 2003 macro experts' help: I have modified a code posted in this site to automate a process I have been doing for a while. It ...

1 reply Last reply on 17 Dec 2010 by

Ms excel - matching and extracting data

Hello - I have an excel workbook (workbook 1) consisting of 4 sheets, each with approximately 400,000 rows of data. I have another workbook (workbook ...

1 reply Last reply on 16 Dec 2010 by

Excel - search column for condition

Hey Guys I would be very grateful for some assistance. I have a list of names (ie. John, Josh, Paul, Peter, Rick) i expect to be in a column ho...

1 reply Last reply on 15 Dec 2010 by

Excel copy and paste


Hello, I have been given a list of 200 codes but they are in the wrong order. for example it goes 12378945610. so i want to swap the 456 and the 789...

5 replies Last reply on 15 Dec 2010 by

Excel - check rows for data, copy to new


Heya folks! I've been reading the answers to similar questions and I plan to try and patch something together, but I thought I'd put a (more) specifi...

4 replies Last reply on 15 Dec 2010 by

Urgent help please in macro, vb

Hello, I'm a newbie in Excel Macro & VB, am an accountant I made new programe but I have a problem I need to copy row from sheet 1 to sheet 2 base...

1 reply Last reply on 15 Dec 2010 by

Lookup or find in excel help


Hello, I have 2 data sheets sheet one contains my Master list of items by number Row 1 Column 1: 453658 Row 2 Column 1: 839565 Etc my secon...

2 replies Last reply on 14 Dec 2010 by

Data frm one excel sheet to other excel sheet

Hello, I am trying to retrieve the data from one excel sheet to another excel sheet in separate work book. how can i do this one. Please help. C...

5 replies Last reply on 14 Dec 2010 by

Ms excel, stripping out char(10) data


Hello, I working in Excel with VBA and have 5 or 6 rows of data located within 1 cell. The user has decided to use Alt-Enter whilst entering the da...

8 replies Last reply on 13 Dec 2010 by

Compare macro in excel

Hello, I am trying to create a macro in Excel 2003 that will compare data in Column A to Column B. The cells that are in column A and B will vary...

1 reply Last reply on 11 Dec 2010 by

Can ping but can't use browser in normal mode


Hello, I also have the problem where I was unable to connect to the internet via any browser, but I can ping my router. I noticed that turning off...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Dec 2010 by
Brain Drained ;-)

Excel work sheet how to i open


Hello, When i am trying to open an exel sheet saved from windows 7 platforms, i am unable to open in windows xp plantform. the file that i was co...

2 replies Last reply on 9 Dec 2010 by

Copy rows n times and then fill a series


Hello, This is variation of a question that has been answered previously. Does anybody know how I can repeat rows in a spreadsheet by n number of...

2 replies Last reply on 8 Dec 2010 by

Confused about if excel formula

HHello PLease can someone help me? I have a number in column D4 and a number in coulmn F4 If that number is equal or 10 more or ten less ...

3 replies Last reply on 8 Dec 2010 by

Copying data between diff excel sheets

Hello, am working with multiple excel sheets for a daily sales entry, my first sheet would be on day sales entry, and my second sheet will be sales...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Dec 2010 by

How to do a search in excel? complicated

Hello, I've got a question, I just want to ask if anyone here know how to do a search in Excel but is a more complicated version. What I have is t...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Dec 2010 by

Vba for excel question

Hello, I have a worksheets in which I have a set of data in range A3:A50 and B3:B50 and C3:C50 and D3:D50 until J3:J50 that come from another worksh...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Dec 2010 by

Using > and < in excel

Hey, I am trying to apply a couple of options in Excel and i am having some trouble using IF & AND etc... Basically I have Cell C12, in which I ...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Dec 2010 by

Adding names from two cells

Hello, Column 1 Column2 Apple Seed Apple Tree Peach Seed Peach Seed Peach Tree Apple ...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Dec 2010 by

Pie chart in excel


hi there im trying to make a pie chart in excel but i don't really know where to start...can someone help me thanx!

4 replies Last reply on 1 Dec 2010 by

How to interchange the columns in notepad


Hello, I have data in three columns. I want to inter change the values of first two columns without changing the third one in notepad or in word p...

2 replies Last reply on 1 Dec 2010 by

Excel sum greater than but less than


Hello, I am trying to get a cell to show the answer if - The date in B5 minus the date in B10 is less than 60 but more than 30 then F10 should sh...

4 replies Last reply on 29 Nov 2010 by

Macro for rows condition

Hello, This is Chakri, When im trying to put the macro conditions for the rows,i.e means in the table from range A1:D100 A1 ,B1,C1,D1 Cells have c...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Nov 2010 by

Matching values in two spreadsheets

Hello, I have an Excel sheet that has all of my project Estimate values in it (column 2). Column 1 has the names of the service provided. I then ...

2 replies Last reply on 26 Nov 2010 by

Comditional formatting relative recording vba


Hello, I want to compare a cell to its adjacent cell on the left. If the value of the selected cell is higher I'd like to colour it green, if it's...

4 replies Last reply on 26 Nov 2010 by

Tecno free browsing


Hello, pls help to find free browsing configuration setting for my tecno T570 dis is my phone no 07036713275 I will compeciate u with something ...

7 replies Last reply on 25 Nov 2010 by

Macro to sum cells from other sheets into one

Hello, I want to sum cells from other sheets which have the same format, into one sheet using a macro (ie instead of the manual excel function =sum(s...

1 reply Last reply on 25 Nov 2010 by

Excel - adding 'conditionally' colored cells

Hello, I found VBA scripts online to add cells based on background color. However, this doesn't work if the background color was based on conditiona...

1 reply Last reply on 24 Nov 2010 by

Excel vba if first char of cell is 1 then


Hello, I have a question about "if then" in excel vba I've been looking all over the web for an answer or example and now matter what code I try...

Last reply on 23 Nov 2010 by
Not a member yet.

How to evaluate a range of cells in vb?

Hello, I am creating a monitoring form. I want it to evaluate the answers for each question. If the Auditor does not select one of the three answe...

26 replies Last reply on 23 Nov 2010 by

No address bar on my browser


Hello, i dont know how to get my toolbar back up on my screen can you help me its a windows xp

5 replies Last reply on 22 Nov 2010 by

Copy data one excel sheet to other sheet


Hello, any one help meee please im running that macro and getting data from one sheet to other one issue i have when i run that macro the window ...

3 replies Last reply on 22 Nov 2010 by

Comparig rows with particular value

Hello, I have a excel file, and in coloumns B if the value is "OK", Than there should not to do any thing other wise whereever there is mismatch in...

3 replies Last reply on 19 Nov 2010 by
rakesh sharma

Compare columns in two worksheets

Hello, I have two worksheets within one Excel workbook, in which I need to compare Column G in worksheet 1 to Column G in worksheet 2, then if the...

3 replies Last reply on 18 Nov 2010 by

Excel drop down button to stay

Hello, Hello, I have a project and I am using drop down buttons (by using validation). How can I get the arrow to stay there even if the cell i...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Nov 2010 by

Excel if statement with data validation

Hello, I have a simple work book. In B1, the data is limited (by Data Validation with a drop down List) to Yes and No. I need to limit the ra...

5 replies Last reply on 17 Nov 2010 by
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