The discussions
Conditional formatting rule
I was wondering if anyone could help me to set up a conditional formatting rule for a cell that may contain any text that has not already been specifi...
Macro to split data into multiple sheet
I have a data sheet with below columns, would like a macro to split data into each tab according to cardholder_name if this is possible Cardholder_...
Auto copy excel cells to my systems
Hello, This Lim, can i have some help to solve "manual things" problems? This is my excel worksheet (contains orders numbers) Everyday I...
Cell colour containing specific info
SolvedHi, I am currently using Microsoft Office Excel 2016. I am busy doing a spread sheet for work and need to know how to change a cell colour if a differ...
Validate copied data in excel
SolvedHi, I have a below scenario one row is copied and pasted, this pasted row needs data validation such that total of each cell shouldn't exceed the r...
Formula to find matching ip values in two sheets
I really need help figuring out this issue that I am not too sure that actually has a solution. I have two separate spreadsheets (lets call them "s...
Multiple worksheet data input
Solvedhi TrowaD, I am an on the job trainee at a company, i was ask to encode data from our furnace but its too much time consuming for me to encode all...
Conditional format based on text in same row
SolvedHi all, New to this forum. I'm running Excel 2016 on Win7 -- my spreadsheet has results of inspections in columns E, G, and J. The possible valu...
Excel monthly and daily sheets
Hello, Hi, I have an excel worksheet we use for daily retail business paperwork. It has 3 sheets with Daily Toatals, monthly Totals and Yearly Tot...
How to manage hours and rounding in excel
SolvedHello, I need to know how to add a function to a cell in which I have figured a days hours worked with a lunch. The current formula is =(C7-B7)+(E...
How to compare two workbooks and see if data has moved or not?
Hello, I would like to preface this by saying thank you in advance. I'm interning and one of my superiors has asked me to compare workbooks These ...
Autopopulate sheets from summary page
Hi, I know this question has been asked in varying forms on here and I tried to modify the macros presented to work for my particular spreadsheet b...
Make a shared file that can store data for the whole year
how can I make a shared file that can store data for the whole year and you can select the file for a specific month, day, and year? Using Macros. or ...
Find out values difference between 2 excel sheet
Hello, Dear Friends, I have facing a big problem in my generate billing per month because i have 2 excel sheet 1st one create manually (Manua...
How to set up multiple taxes inclusive formula in excel
I have a reverse calculation problem- Lets say the price of an item is $10.00 with two taxes @ 10% and 20%. Now to calculate the inclusive tax amoun...
Workbook to track subcontractor invoices and payments
Hi i need some help with a workbook im working on and i cant figure out how or if what i want to do can be done. the workbook is to track subcontra...
Creating 1 list from 2 others
I have 2 lists of content (previous and current) where some entries are duplicated. I need to pull together a list of entries in the previous content ...
SolvedI am trying to find a formula that will add up all blank fields in a range of cells. For example, if cell 1,2,3 have data and 4,5 are blank I want the...
Compare data between sheets and highlight identical (mac)
Hi, Macros aren't my specialty and I need to Highlight on sheet 1 all the identical products that sits on sheet 2. i.e. : Sheet 1 Product A Pro...
Compare two excel sheets.
Dear Sir, i have worked in excel 2007 facing a big problem, actually i have 2 excel sheet which on generated billing software n other one maintain m...
Transferring data into a new worksheet when it meets a criteria
I have a worksheet where we track whether a job is late or not. If it is late, one of the cells is "TRUE." I want all the "TRUE" rows to transfer into...
Problem with formula
I have a record in cell A, I want to find it in a range of records in cell b, if found then I want to look at column c for this record, if column c i...
Automatic copy of rows from either of two sheets to a third
Greetings, I have taken over as Treasurer for a small non-profit organization and have inherited a rudimentary spreadsheet system for tracking thei...
Return text with text colour
Hi Is there a way of doing the following for example? In cell B1 for example, I would like whatever is in A1, but with the same text colour. ...
Show text in one cell upon drop down list selection in another
Hello, I am trying to get text to change in one column based on text selected from list in another; example in D2 I have a drop down list represent...
Convert date of birth in word
SolvedHello, pls tell me formula for convert date of birth in word in excel
How to use match function in excel
HI I have two excel files .want to know how to compare the data in those excel files
Comparing values of two excel sheets
SolvedHello, I have two excel sheets with IP Codes. I need to find which IP Codes are not available in Sheet#1 and highlight them, i.e. Sheet#1 Column ...
The formula should be simple a+b=c,true or false but nope?
Hello, i need formula help please! i am working with three columns of data. if: cell A1=B9904 cell B2=A2399B then cell C2 needs to =B9904 A2...
Automatically populating other sheets based on a certain range
Hello, I'm making an Inventory workbook for a small manufacturing company I am assisting over the summer, and I've run into a problem. On the fi...
Copy/paste a range 'n' times.
SolvedHello, I have a highlighted portion and I want to copy and paste it 200 times. Is there a code or formula to do this automatically? Or must I hit ...
Same coloumns in different sheets
Hello, I am trying to make an excel sheet for school to enter their different classes data base. I want to to create a templet table or colou...
Macro to create, and connect to, individual sheets.
Hello, I'm trying to create a macro that I can run that will create a new sheet based on a row. The new sheet will have all of the column headings A-Q...
Conditional format
SolvedHello, I can not seem to figure out this conundrum. I am looking for conditional formatting to occur if cell $AI2 has
Comparing 2 excel spreadsheets
I have a giant master list of addresses. I have a second much smaller list of addresses in a specific radius. I want to compare the data in giant li...
Issues in writing multiple if conditions inside vlookup
Hello, I have two sheets. 1st sheet has an unique information in the first two columns about bike and its repair date (DD/MM/YYYY) format. 2...
Pivot table code troubleshooting
Hello, I am trying to create an auto pivot table using some data that I have. However after repeated attempts at troubleshooting, I am unable ...
Expenditure reports for every quarter automation
I have an excel workbook that contains expenditure reports for every quarter, I want to automate this data and create a report in a required format. A...
Vlook up
SolvedHello, I have 2 columns A & B in sheet1 and i want to Return Yes if either A or B value mactches with Coulmn A in Sheet 2. Please help
Automatically transfer data between worksheets
Hii I'm currently trying to make my work life a little easier and have created an excel spreadsheet of all the incoming paperwork we have for stude...
Macro to paste a unique count number of times
Hi everyone, I am trying to create Macro to paste a unique count number of times in excel for E.g John 2 Steve 5 Matthew 3...
Unable to change the date format
Hello, I need to change the date format from Apr 2, 2017 01:39 PM to dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm but still not successful. Kindy assist. System Con...
Repeat value certain number of times
Hi Guys! I'm having a hard time creating a formula to extract data based from this. This is what's showing in one of the sheets: 8:30 PM 4.00...
Macro to automatically insert rows
Hello, I am building a training worksheet, with 1 main data tab that has all the company names that we work with in column A and their associated ...
Excel conditional formatting
How do change the color of one cell if another cell contains a text. For example: If B3 contains any text then I want A3 to change color.
Excel formula to handle duplicate records
Hello, Thank you so much for taking the time to assist in resolving this for me. Column A, Column B 30001234, 587 30001234, 586 3000123...
Data needs to be added to another sheet
hello i need my data needs to be added to another sheet at field of column 1st but column is not empty then add to another column. pls help
Vba send email via outlook using loop; no response when run
SolvedHello, the above code is not functional as described. Is there a way to check what is wrong? the screen does not show anything upon clicking the r...
Vba code in my command button doesn't work
SolvedHello, I have a sample table below, I was trying different VBA code in my command button but doesn't work well. Column G is already programmed t...