The discussions
Copy a cell in the same row as a matched cell on a sheet2
Hey, Let me try and explain this better. I need to match A2 with Sheet2!A:A, but the value I need is a cell on Sheet2 in the same row as the mat...
Move rows of spreadsheet to second spreadsheet
Good Morning- I am keeping a spreadsheet of my projects. I want to keep the information for tracking and statistics later. Is there a way to move...
Macro to copy cells and save multiple entries
Hello, I am looking to create a macro (never done this before). Here is what I want it to do. 1) I have a master store name excel file (for exampl...
Conditional formating: formula cell text change color
SolvedHello, How do I get Text in a Cell to Change from Black to White, based on data? The cell already contains a formula to extract data from elsew...
Colour in spreadsheets that are formulated
Hello, I would like to know how to do the following on excel Same sheet with the amount of calls taken in number form goes into a cell then the ...
How to highlight the extra data in column
Hello, I want to get the extra data in a column when compared to other column. For Ex: If ColumnA has following data 1 2 2 3 5 & column B...
Transfer between excel worksheets
Hello, I would like to be able to transfer an entire row of attendance of students when it hits zero for attendance to another sheet or at the bot...
Automatically transferring rows of data between sheets
Hello, I am creating an excel spreadsheet that will be used to keep track of my organization's board member and supporter attendance at events. I ...
Date format *dd/mm/yyyy and dd/mm/yyyy
LS, Hello, Please help me with the following question; What is the difference between the format dd/mm/yyyy and *dd/mm/yyyy when uploading dates an...
Conditional formatting when a cell says "no"
SolvedHello, I need your expertise in conditional formatting. I have a worksheet that where i have hidden a column ("J") with just Yes and No on it. W...
If a cell has a certain value after certain date, color the row
SolvedHello, I'm working with deadlines, and projects need to progress from one stage to another by specific dates. I have 3 deadlines: A: Create BR...
Matching 2 values from one spreadsheet
SolvedHello, I have 2 spreadsheets.. first has 3 columns id, date, time value second volume with id header across of date would like to populat...
How to count how many times a number appears in a spreadsheet?
SolvedHey~ I need to count the number of times a number appears in a spreadsheet. For example, how many times the number 1 appears in an entire spreadshe...
Conditional formatting from other spreadsheet
Hello, Every day I update my excel spreadsheet based on customer demand. My boss uses a separate spreadsheet that pulls from mine. He wants to be ...
Automatically copy data from one sheet to another
I have read numerous articles about this and none have really solved my issue. I decided to post my own specific question. I have an excel workboo...
Removing false statement
Hello, I would like to remove a FALSE statement, want it to show nothing. My formula is as follow =IF(A23=1,G23,IF(A23=2,G23,IF(A23=3,G23,IF(A23...
Send email when a cell changed in excel
Hello, hi guys, straight off, im stupid, extremely stupid so if you can help me please keep it simple as im barely technical at all :) anyways, im...
Creating multiple lists from one master data table
Hello, I am trying to create a master data tab where expenses will get coded. I need each subsequent tab to be for a specific account and that ta...
How do i extract specific data from a cell in excel?
Hello, what function would I use to extract just the city name from the cells below?...thanks! 6211 E Holmes Rd ,, ,Memphis, TN 381418310, U.S.A. ...
Change color of text or cell if the value entered is same
Hi! Can someone please share me how to change font or cell color if a value entered in a cell is already selected before. Ex. I wanted the font or...
Comparing the two names respective of upper & lowercases letters
SolvedHello, here am trying to know something about the compare of 2 names in excel below is my format Http:CCM_net_C2E http:cCM_Net_c2E i have ...
Macro for inserting multiple rows between data
Hello, I need a macro that will insert 45 new blank rows between each existing row that I have now. can someone help me with this? Also, I have li...
Count if it is monday?
Hey all; I could not manage to work this out after 1 day research and try my chance here. I have dates on column A and numbers (both positive,negat...
Transferring data by row onto new tab unpaid and paid sales
Hi I am new to this forum. I have an excel spreadsheet which looks like this: Date Description Invoice Destination Amount Status ...
Totaling amount from 1st tab depending on another column states
Hello, I have 2 worksheet, 1st worksheet shows 2 columns A1 ($0.00) and A2 (names). 2nd worksheet I want it to calculate if the name column A2 sta...
How to populate data to another tab
Hey there, If anyone could please spare a moment to help me with this, it would be much appreciated, more than you will know ! What I want to d...
Comparing 2 columns from 2 different spreadsheets
SolvedHello, Here is what i am trying to do. Spreadsheet 1 column B has customer numbers Spreadsheet 2 column A also has customer numbers Spreadsheet 2...
Copy 10 sheets (along with data) into new 10 sheet in same excel
Hello, I have an Excel which contains 10 Sheets with data.., Once a Go button is Clicked it new 10 sheets should be opened in same Workbook along ...
Set a conditional year end date outcomes
Hello, I am trying to set a conditional year end date outcomes. 1. If cell "A1" shows 10/31/2016, then I want cell "B1" to show year end 12/31/201...
Macro code
Hi there. So I have a question. I want to create a macro that makes uses the list of name in cells B6:B60, E6:E60, B66:B119, and F6:F74 to make a tab ...
Compare two columns input value from another
SolvedHello, Here is what I am trying to do, can some one please help me. In my Excel Workbook I have 2 spreadsheets. The first spreadsheet we will ca...
Highlight cell if another cell contains any text
SolvedHello, I have been searching and found several discussions similar to this. However none have them were exactly the same and I haven't found my an...
Excel help please
Ok here's what I want to accomplish. I want to be able to type the name of a medication: and the formulations automatically appear in the rows foll...
Auto row copy to another worksheet
I'm new to excel and need to set up a simple double entry bookkeeping system in excel. I need to know what formula to put into a cell to accomplish t...
Assign numerical value to cell based on text in another cell
Hello, I'm trying to solve an issue... Column A cells have a drop down which has 4 text options to choose from: Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 ...
Cant figure out a formula
Hello, I need help figuring out a formula that will if two cells values match then the data in selected rows will go to one if that makes sense......
How to save next data entry in next target range
Hello, I am running a macro using a command button that saves data from A3:AB3 to a7:AB7. however when I change the data from A3:AB3 and click sav...
Create a macro which monitors the cell "c1" to be changed to "a"
Hello, I hope someone can assist with this In my workbook; I have two worksheets labeled "log" and "master" I want to create a macro which monitor...
Auto add or subtract between two cells
Hello, This is probably a very simple question. I am trying to auto add or subtract between two cells. example: if B1 is greater or less t...
Excel vba: application.filesearch error in running excel 2013
SolvedHello everyone, I encountered error "Object doesn't support this action" when i run the macro program after upgrade of excel (from 2003 to 2007).Up...
Hello, how do I figure out the mark up percentage when I have the cost and sell price. cost Q2 1.14 sell P2 8.04 what's the per...
How to stop rows underneath being affected by a filter
Hello, I have a filter set up for a table which works fine and is filtered when a quantity is entered in column D. However under the table is more row...
Simple multiplication gives wrong result
Hello, I am raja, In my excel 2010 when i am trying to multiply two cells of values 743.91 & 0.87 , the result is as given 646.88. But the actual...
Column with dates not sorting/formating
Hello, a column with dates is not sorting nor formatting. I have tried to do the suggested answer on the forum but to no avail. This is driving me cra...
Copy paste special into last row of another worksheet
SolvedHello, Thank you for taking your time to read my questions. My question is the following any form of help will be greatly appreciated. I am ...
How to create student exams record and printout using ms excel
I wish to design student exams records using MS Excel afterward, I should be able to pull records of student using Matric_No and then print out the st...
Multiple query in once button in same sheet
Hello all, I have created two separate queries in excel VBA. I have given two different buttons for both queries and both are running successfully...
Transfer names from general sheet to separate other sheets
Hello, So i have 3 separate sheets, the first is a general info sheet with names and other information on it, names are in column A. Each name is ...
Help for creating a macro
Hi all. I'm here to ask for ypur help. I want to create a macro, that opens a dialog box and leting you browse your computer and open a new excel file...
Complex nested if formula help...
Hi, I'm new to this excel lark, i rather like it but am stuck, please can you wise people help me... heres a pic of what I'm working on... s...