The discussions
Excel problem
Hi I have a slight problem with excel. I have inputted all my data with links on the same worksheet. Now I am trying to separate the different cate...
Column comparation in different datasheet
SolvedHello, Hello, I have one excel column A in datasheet 1 which has a list of names. In Column A of datasheet 2 I have a much longer list of n...
Vba to protect sheet in excel
Hello, I need any help if some one can help me. I make an overtime sheet in excel that allow the employee to fill in the date and time only and i...
[excel] macro on grouping
Hello, I need help on developing a macro on grouping a set of negative amount & quantity against a set of positive amount & quantity. Using positi...
Using vba code: add borders if conditions met
Hello, I am at the very beginning stages of trying to learn VBA in Excel 2007. I am trying to merge some cells in the next row, and I would...
Vba copy/paste cells then drop 1 row for next
SolvedHello, I am making a questionaire. When the questionaire is complete I want to copy the answers to another worksheet then reset the answers to zero...
Calculations date & time in excel
ClosedHello, I used office 2003. In excell 2003 i formatted cells to dd hh:mm from dd/mm/yy hh:mm, in order to do calculations and it was ok. Now i...
Textbox on excel uerform problem
ClosedI have a userform with several textboxes on it. The info that is typed into the textbox is copied into a cell in a spreadsheet where it is used to per...
Microsoft excel 2010
Hello, I would like to figure out how to get a web address that I use to get data from the internet to always use the date that I put in cell A1. Any...
Excel formula help please
Hello, I have only worked with formulas when working with numbers but I need to know what formula I can use. I need a formula to take a column that ...
Excel 2007 filter bringing back last row
Hello, When I apply the filter option for a particual item, the last row of the data is being displayed even though it does not match the criteria. ...
Multiple sheet data in one sheet in excel
Hello, Want to copy data from multiple sheet from multiple columns in one workbook can you please help me with that macro as well Pran...
Excel macro - copy data from one line, append
Hello, I have a spread sheet created from a PDF to XLS program. I have lines in which the address appears on two lines, with the extra text fallin...
Excell delete row where column a = column b
Hello, This should be simple but I can't find the solution. I need to delete rows from a spreadsheet where column A = column B. Please help. ...
Excel formula
Hello, I am working on log spreadsheet. The concept is to keep a log of all of our near miss activities at work like a broken chair that needs to ...
Excel help
Hello, I'm trying to set a formula in below way, but it doesn't work, why?ould u plzz help? =IF(J10="Safari 4.5",650,IF(J10="Safari 7",850,IF...
Formula challenge for the excel wizzards. please help
Hello, This might be a long explanation, but only because I want to be clear about the problem. I have 3 different Workbooks and the names are ...
Excel 2010 formula/macro help
Hello, I'm hoping some of you excel wiz's can help me, I've been off the tools too long. Worksheet 1 Column A contains dates Column B contain...
Excel logic
Hello, I am trying to create a worksheet in excel that will allow me to add a certain amount if 2 conditions are met. So far I can only get it to a...
Insert row in excel by criteria
ClosedHello, Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 10.0.2 I want to insert row in excel using formula because i have dates in the and there is da...
Copying value to another worksheet
ClosedHello, I am trying to copy a value for from one worksheet, do some math --> say I have three values that I want to subtract separately from cell i...
Excel conditional formatting row color
ClosedHello, Column A indicates what type of transaction I've made (ie POS/ATM/CASH/Bill Pay) Column D is the date the transaction has cleared my bank. ...
Excel macro - create new files from ranges
Hi. I am trying to create a macro that will create new excel files for ranges of rows in a worksheet. I want to copy the range F5:S61 and paste i...
Enter sheet update other worksheet with text
Hello, Can anyone help me with this problem. I am updating leave availability , As soon as I enter the name in one worksheet the other workshee...
How to determine cell value in excel column
SolvedHello, Sorry the title is really vague, it's hard to describe with a limited number of characters. I have a column (C) which contains a full li...
Macro - sort range error
ClosedHello, I've created a Macro within Excel that is supposed to Delete, Formulate and Sort data.. I've managed to get the Macro to the point where it...
Worksheet_change from a data validation list
Hello, I want my pivots to rebuilt when a value in range("Book_Select") is changed. This range is a drop down data valiation list. What is wrong w...
Comparing values of 1 excel cell with column
Hello, Please can you assist me with this excel formula? In sheet 1 I have business rules specified in column A and all the requirements that exe...
Excel macro
SolvedHello, I wonder if anyone can help me with a small (I think) problem, please? I'm trying to write a macro to manipulate a spreadsheet sent to m...
Pull data from one tab/sheet to another
Hello, Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 9.0 Reading all of these posts I get a lot of ideas, but since I am a novice at this ...
Hide rows without conditional formatting
ClosedHello, I'm creating an Excel spreadsheet and want to give it a cleaner look by hiding the contents of a row based on the value of a cell in that ro...
Macro help
Hello, I am new to VB and Excel. I've got the following code: I've got everything working fine, but need the entire row to change colors...
Excel search and save problem
Hello, I'm a total Excel noobie so I hope you can help me, I will try and be as brief as posible. Each week I will be getting an Excel CSV of 4...
How to make secondary cells color of primary
Hello, Is there a way to make cells automaticaly change to the color I chose for another? Example: I decide to make cell A1 red. When I do this ...
Filter-cut-paste to other sheet
Hello, Could you please help me on this one, i have a data sheet and i want to filter then cut the data if the criteria is met (Adhoc,Chaser,Excep...
Compare cell a1 to entire a col in sheet2
SolvedHello, I have been trying to compare sheet1 A2 to sheet2 A2 through A500 and if it exists somewhere in sheet2's a col then copy that entire row to ...
Excel problem
SolvedHello, Hello, I am hoping that someone can help with the following problem, I have a list of numbers, golf staplford scores, located in cell...
Macros and histograms
Hello, I want to create a histogram on sheet2 while the data required is on sheet1 using a macro. everytime I try, it either says no data availabl...
Excel - copy data macro
SolvedHello, I am currently learning the tricks in excel but have become stuck. I have created an expenses sheet where employees record various expenses...
Transfer value between cells
ClosedHello, i am maintaining attendance on daily basis per day per sheet. but sheet 1 contains only number of present on that day. how to auto up...
Excel question
ClosedHello, I am trying to find out how to get the following working, I have a list of numbers located in cells D-AN, these random numbers are loaded we...
Excel macro-pasting on next available row
Hello, I am having issues with my macro, I hope someone can help. I have a list, where I would like the macro to see if the value in Column J "Paid...
Read data from one excel and write to other
Hello, I am a newbie. I am trying to find out if we can achieve the below scenario using macros. We have 2 excels in our case. Excel1 contain...
Copy the data from this sheet to other sheet
Hello, I have a problem about macro excel as: I have the data in file excel: Exam: Vendor account Date Invoice Due date Amount c...
Convert rows to cols
Hello, I have an example as below A cac 20 A dwp 22 B cac 15 B dwp 22 B erp 20 I want output as A CAC 20 DWP 22 B ...
Conditional formatting based on 2 cells
Hi, I want to use conditional formatting to highlight a whole row based on text in 2 different cells. For example: I have 10 columns and I need...
Help with macro
hey folks i am trying to create a macro to copy lines of data to another worksheet baed on the original date meeting certain criteria I have a s...
How to move data in rows to columns
SolvedThe data now is in the below format 1 2 3 9 15 16 20 25 1 This has to come in this format 1 2 3 9 15 16 20 25 1 ...
If, then statement in excel
SolvedHello, This formula sounds easy to come up with, but I cannot figure it out. I'm trying to figure out how to add a certain amount of days to a dat...
Vba code in excel to work for many sheets
Dears who can help me. I have excel file includes 30 sheets for different 30 employees. I have the following VBA code. Private Sub Worksheet_C...