The discussions
Not able to format my pd
Hello, I have tried the same commands but at a point it stuck in shows following error message, please reply Configuration: Windows 7 / Chro...
My dell leptop has turn on problem
Keys not working
Hello what should i do with my laptop keys p, _,? And the up key. Please hellp it is Asus
Sandisk 16gb pendrive is write protected how to format it
hello sir, I have a sandisk 16gb pendrive is write protected how to format itand reuse it can u give me sollution I tried to edit regedit bt its not...
Key board issue
Hello, my caps lock key, letter A key and number 1 key is not working in my keyboard. to type this also i used my touch key pad. my laptop mo...
Crasser of acer laptop get freeze
Hello, I have ACER laptop. I have problem of freezing of arrow(crasser) on screen.It happening frequently.I have to shut down laptop many ofte...
Hp envy 15 won't start
Hello, My HP Envy 15 j100 PC series laptop won't boot up. The computer starts, the fans are on, there's an orange light by the WiFi (f12) and the ...
Headphones are not working on my laptop
Hello, I try to add headphones to my laptop but its not working. It can't show any sign that the headphones are attach to the laptop and the voice is...
Fn keys problem
ClosedHello, i want to off Fn keys.......... coz it always on right now.. Acer Aspire 4738z Configuration: Windows / Firefox 39.0
Nothing shows on my monitor.
SolvedMy custom built desktop does not show anything on my monitor. I turn it on and my monitor says no signal. I do know the computer works, because I hand...
My pendrive is not installed
Hello, when i inserted the pendrive in my laptop it will show (pendrive is not installed sucessfully) but in other computer,laptop and television i...
No audio output
Hello, I have Sony Vaio Laptop. I am not getting Laptop Speaker and audio jack. I checked all the driver and all everything is o.k. Even i checked o...
Lost password to laptop plzz help
ClosedHello, I have forgotten my administer password to my laptop i wanted to know how to factory reset without a disc Configuration: iPhone / Chrom...
Acer black screen
Hello, my acer laptop appears black screen and cursor after entering the password . What should I do?
Dell vostro 1520 - media controls
Hi, How to disable media controls? (Dell Vostro 1520)
Fuzzy white screen on ipod 4th gen
Hello, If I sit on my iPod 4th gen and the screen is all fuzzy what do I do to fix it ?? I'm freaking out bc my iPod is my baby and i don't know w...
Please anwser
Hello, I can't find the right charger for my gateway laptop it is a 12.69volt could I use a 19volt gateway charger or even a 15 volt charger??? ...
Cannot access my flashdrive
Hello there, I have a 16G flash-drive, and cannot access my information stored. it gives an error message which reads D:\ is not accessible. The r...
Hello, i have bougt a new seagate 500gb hdd. the first day it worked properly but now it is not showing up in device manager or windows explorer p...
Fujitsu-siemens amilo pa2548 after startup screen go white
Hello, I have this laptop and after startup screen go white, i no see the POST screen. If i press Fn+F10 for screen change, i get the Windows bad ...
Pendrive not showing existing data
Hello, I have Sony 16gb pen-drive which i stored 11.7gb data but when i open its there was nothing in pendrive. Pendrive captured data showing 11.7g...
Laptop mouse keypad is working but mouse click is not working
my laptop mouse keypad is working but mouse click is not working
My pen drive not decatact any pc pls help me
Hello, my pen drive not decatact any pc pls help me Configuration: Windows / Chrome 44.0.2403.157
Can't able to format the sd card
Hello, i have done everythig instructed by this site but i can't able to format by SD card...always saw a option that unable to format ....plz help
Blackscreen dell vostro 1520
Hello, after start up going on black screen,model dell vostro 1520 Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 22.0.1229.96
My flash drive isn't working and i can't connect it on the compu
SolvedI'm using a regular Windows XP [no numbers it's really old] and I looked into the computer and my flash drive doesn't show up [its brand new I haven't...
Black screen on my laptop on start up
I have a Toshiba Satellite L300D laptop with Vista programing, I tried to load a game onto it from disc, it failed half way through, I tried to delete...
Black screen on toshiba satellite
I just installed Windows 10 a week or so ago. Everything has been great but today all of a sudden my Satelite won't come up with a screen. I hear it ...
Toshiba satellite l15w-b1302
I have a toshiba satellite l15w-b1302, when I power it on is stays frozen on toshiba leading innovations screen,,,, does not aloud me to go to bios, ...
Laptop it won't turn on
I am having difficulty with my laptop it won't turn on. So any Advice?
My machine prob
Hello, Hy.. my lenovo laptop starts up bt shows nthng on screen, with lights on Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
No booting and turn on red
Hello, my not booting and it turned the screen to red Configuration: Windows / Firefox 40.0
Problem in dell inspiron 3240
Hello, My dell laptop is entering directly to F12 while starting and after that showing "Boot mood is set to: legacy;secure boot off" how to solve ...
Fn key + num lock and key k doesnt work
Hello, even tough i have deactivated the num key holding Fn key, the num key doesnt work now but the K L is not working without holding fn key ...
Ican detect my externaldrive but it takes time to recognize it
hello guys....few days later i have no problem in my hard drive....but when my friend borrow and format it... i can open my external drive but it take...
Dell laptop inspiron black screen
Hello, My name is Marcos my Dell inspiron turn on and after I type my password goes black showing only arrow nothing work so please help Config...
My laptop wont start
i did reset method by taking out battery,holding power button to drain charge,, it still wont turn lights are beaming,no fan is running ...
Unable to play recovered videos from sd card
Hi All, Accidentally I have deleted the videos from my SD card. recovered the videos from the card but unable to play the videos. It is showing as ...
Toshiba c40-b wont turn on\
Hello, My laptop with a built-in battery wont start up but the orange light is still on. Please help. (TOSHIBA C40-B)
My cursor won't move
Hello, Ive recently updated my laptop and when I turned my laptop on my cursor isn't appearing on my screen at all. My laptop is an Acer E1-572P ...
Epson l120
Hello, GUD MORNING where is the nearest place where can i bring my printer to check what's wrong with it? Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome...
Troubles on waking up
Hello, My laptop has a trouble on 'waking up'. It wont start at first try. I had to keep plug and unplug the charger since the battery is a bit ... ...
0x803c010b error code
Let me know how to solve the problem 0x803C010B that suddenly appear in the computer when I'm going to print a page.
Computer auto typing password
After update to windows 10, my computer auto typing password but I can't do anything to stop. I try to reset to default setup to hit F10 on HP compute...
Power problems
my laptop will not charge. the light doesnt come to show that its charging. where is a cheap place to replace ac adapter Configuration: iPhone ...
Not displying
my computer is comming on alright but it can not disply anything on the monitor. when i am putting it on it give a sound after 15 second the light whi...
Dvd-rw discs not reading
Hello, my dvd drive reads dvds but not dvd-rws. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers Configuration: Windows 7 / Mozilla 11.0
Hp laptop keyboard not working
Hello, I turned on my laptop go to type in password noting works but space bar Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Pc shuts down after a few seconds.
Hello everyone, I'm having some problems with my old PC and I have no good solutions to fix it. Here's what happened: For a few months now, my PC...
Partition not detected
Hi, Yesterday I tried to open my desktop when it was showing "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media........" When I am trying t...