The discussions
Write protection removal windows 10 pendrive
Hello, hello
Dvd drive not showing
Hi, i tried this command "reg.exe add "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\atapi\Controller0" /f /v EnumDevice1 /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001" in cmd ...
Power button does not working
Hello, I have this bizarre problem lately. While summer and generally warm weather my pc is working fine. When its cold outside the leds inside ar...
Reset to factory settings on dell lp .
I keep getting this message No Drive this feature requires removable media,bsuch as USB flash drive. Please connect a USB flash drive and then try aga...
Hello, My Toshiba laptop will come on and then shut right back off even with the charger in it but when I but the take the battery out and turn it o...
How can i ace my acer?
Hey friends, Hope you all are doing well. I have a quick question and would appreciate your input... I have an old Acer Aspire laptop (Nov. 2008) r...
External drive showing wrong files
Hello, i put some music on my external hard drive 3 day's ago and today when i loaded it up it showed the folder's but when i entered them all the...
Regarding the 64 bit dword
Hello, I can find only 32 bit dword I can't find 64 bit dword But my pc is 64 bit what shall I do
Dt50 from kingston 32gb how to remove write protection
Hello, I have a problem with my USB flash drive. It is a DT50 from Kingston 32 GB and it's stuck on write protection. I tried everything. I also f...
Frozen cursor on toshiba sattelite laptop
Solved/ClosedHello, My cursor is frozen, the touchpad does not work. I connected external mouse through USB port and it worked fine. Any idea on how to solv...
Epson l382
Hello, A printer's ink pad is at the end of its service life. Please contact Epson Support.
Hp laptop keyboard suddenly stop working
Solved/ClosedHello, Please help! I have a Hp pavilion tx2500 touch screen notebook. This morning my keyboard suddenly stopped working. I tried two different syste...
It says it’s write protected.
I get to system/current control set/control on the regedit, but then it doesn’t show any external drives to unlock.
My computer wont turn off.
So for about two weeks now, my computer hasn’t been able to turn off properly when i try to shut it down through windows. Well, it does turn off, ever...
Someone took my account
Hello, Someone took my fb and changed everything password email adress and there is no phone number on my my email is not available a...
Hdd swapping with different unit
I wanted to swap my HDD from dell optiplex 5050 core i5 to optiplex 5050 core i7. but when i On the PC, OS is not loading and message appear no device...
Dell inspiron 15 won't turn on
Solved/ClosedHi, I have an Inspiron 15 5000 series and I was having trouble with the display. I turn on my laptop and then I login but after I login all I see is ...
Laptop wont when unplugged
Hello, My Toshiba AMD A8 laptop turns off when unplugged. It was bought 4 years ago. It works fine while plugged up.
Not comin up
Hello, My computer is not coming up
Monitor keeps receiving a signal then turns to power save mode
SolvedI plugged my monitor into my xbox and it works fine, but on my PC it will turn on for 10 seconds then go to power save mode. I took out the video card...
Is there another way?
I want to wipe my old dell laptop clean before I recycle it. I don't have a "repair my computer options" on the reboot screen. There are other opt...
Laptop restarts automatically
Greetings I have an corei7 hp laptop. Since two weeks, it restarts automatically and i dont know why. I haved change the OS but the problem already ...
Vga cable from laptop to vga
my glass screen on my laptop is shattered, I purchased a monitor with a vga cable to connect my laptop to the monitor, to access data/files on my lapt...
I have an old laptop with Windows Vista that is blue screening anywhere between 10-20 minutes after booting and wanting to backup files to an external...
Not able to view my data
Hello, When I connect my 2TB WD ultra passport , I am not able to view my data, instead it shows Local disk H: After some time windows is asking...
Not having old moblie number
can you please change my mobile number old one I don't have
Reseting lenovo notebook laptop password
I forgot my password, I would like to reset it completely, I tried doing power on and pressing F8 but nothing happens, could you please tell me wha...
Dell inspiro 15 5000 series some keys of keyboard are not working
Hello, I am facing this issue since last two days. Some keys [b, n, /, backspace, left arrow, down arrow, right arrow, 2 from numLock] suddenly st...
The screen is black
Hi all, In my computer while playing need for speed most wanted the screen is black why??? Thanks
The at key
My at Key keeps doing this " how do i fix it
Failure to switch on
my g580 Lenovo won't turn on but the power ,Ethernet,and webcam lights are flashing
Cpu power strange
Hello, So, my cpu just started to do something strange and I dunno how to diagnose it. I took it out of sleep mode and the monitor was showing flas...
Laptops symbols are not working
Hi, My laptop shows # as £ sign and @ as " sign. What shall I do to type # and @? Please help!
Inkpad l382 has reached end of life error
My printer epson l382 is show an inkpad reached end of service error how do i reset it
Pc turns on, monitor hdmi no input
Hello, So, as the title says, I have no input on HDMI. Now the strange part starts: Tried 2 different GPUs and 3 different HDMI cables, same res...
No printing
hello, scanner device recent 4 day since printing wont. entire items correctly plugged. when i printing something, example word document; that tellin...
Transcend hard drive cant be found in my computer
Hello, Hello, I use transcend external and after about three years one day I Drag the hard disk cable from computer and after one hours I want to use ...
How to swap a broken sim tray tray in a nokia 930
that's it. I bought a new simtray as mine has snapped...but I can find NO advice or assistance regarding actually replacing the flippin' thing! HOW,do...
Vga tv port issue
Hello, My tv seems to be switching off everytime I connect the vga cable, what could be the problem
External monitor to broken laptop screen
SolvedHello, I am having a problem. My laptop LCD screen broke and I don't have the money to replace it, but what I do have is a extra Monitor. I want to ...
Can i set password on my sd card on android?
I have a micro sd card. I want to lock this memory with password on android. How can I do it?
Screen not on
Hello, i have hp notebook my laptop power light on but screen not on
Keyboard types two letters when i press one
Hello, Just bought a new mechanical keyboard and it already giving me problems. Whenever I press a letter it types two letters for example when ...
Toshiba file gone from c: and program files
Hello, I recently did a full factory reset on my Toshiba Satellite Radius P55W-B5112. Initially I thought everything was okay, then I noticed some...
Monitor says no video output
SolvedHello, I've just changed my computers CPU From a AMD A10 9700 to a Ryzen 5 3600, but when I turn on my PC my monitor says no video output, but the...
My harddrive not showing up the volume
Hello, I have my WD 500gb harddisk which was running as my internal hdd for my hp laptop, It crushed and the problem is it cannot be booted I ha...
Audio jack
Hello, My laptop always says u plugged a device in audio jack but i did not do .and mu external sound is not coming what can i do
Sata hdd not detected in bios. but sometimes it does.
Solved/ClosedHello, recently my pc has started malfunctioning. windows will not boot! when I enter setup (bios) I cant see my hdd. sometimes its there and someti...
Toshiba quosmio x500 no factory reset
Hello, I have a TOSHIBA QOSMIO 500X used a cloning software to make a new DRIVE to DRIVE CLONE FULL I wish to put to FACTORY RESET Run software i...
Laptop is not turn on. charging light not blinking
Hello, My Hp laptop is not turning on and it's charging light is not blinking. I remove the battery and plug the charger but it still not turning...