The discussions
Laptop webcam & microphone don't work????
SolvedHello, I have a Dell Studio 1737. The webca, works on messenger but thats the only way i know how to access it. I cant find it anywhere like even wh...
Black window
Hello, I reselected all my pc accessories right. All accessories is in good condition, but when I started my pc, the black window appeared... Pc won'...
Laptop screen
Hello, my screen on my laptop went grey half way where you can only see the display half way to the top.the bottom has gone grey and has no display. ...
Internet problem
Hello, i connected my 4 pcs via switch.i have brodband i use internet for all pcs same time?
Compaq evo d510 cmt can't access bios
i have a compaq evo d510 cmt cant get into bios it gets stuck on language selection englis dansl suomi francais etc, please help need fixed soon
No bios beep; machine not starting
Hello, i ahve the sma e problem today, Yesterday i turned of the PC and today i cannot started when i click to turn it on there is only the van...
Help me pls
Hello, i m facing a problem in my laptop as it get switchedoff automatically whiled i m working on it. can any one help me and can tell me why it ...
Unable to transfer files to sony 4gb pendrive
i am getting a lot of problems with a 4GB sony pen drive i just bought.i cannot transfer files to the pen drive ,most of the time i get the followin...
Deep voice
Hello, When I record my voice with Windows Vista's sound recorder it makes my voice so low that I sound like a guy. Any idea what could be causing th...
Won't boot but pc powers up
Hello, My computer recently decided it didn't want to boot up. It was running fine when I opened the case up to see what memory I had installed when...
My laptop does not boot
Hello, I have a compaq armada M 700 laptop. When the laptop was on I plugged in my usb mouse in the usb port. My system shut down and later I am un...
Pen drive detection
Hello, My Dad bought a new USB Port of four series and everything whatever we connect in the USB Port gets detected except my pendrive. My computer H...
Web cam
Dear Sir, I have a nokia 6120 classic model phone.but i haven't web cam.Please tell me how to use my phone's 3g cam as a web cam?
Sound problem
Hello, after formatting my computer now i don't have sounds. i don't have a sound installation CD either. how can i download this object ?
Head phone issue
Hello, I'm having a problem with hearing out of my Front Jack on my Desktop Machine. I plug in my Headphones or speakers but it doesnt work... Back ...
Idid not find cam hardware
Hello, i have web cam it name is creative. it hardware didnt found in my computer i want to re install it.Back of my cam something written abt its mo...
Alarming noise wen latop starts up
hello i have an acer aspire 3050 latop and wen it starts up on the welcome screen ders and annoying alarm. what would be causing this problem?
Webcam software
Hello, i have sandberg webcam n i dont have its software cd to instal can u tell me how n from whre i can dwonlod its software. my webcam's modl is ...
Sata hard drives
Hello, Just installed a new wd320 SATA hard drive to replace a wd160g sata hard drive in a dell dimension e520 running windows xp home. I am trying ...
Blank screen
Hello, i have a HP 530 Laptop, the screen stays pink i tried to reboot nothing helps and i cant get into any help screen. is there a way to restart ...
How to make flash usb 2 work as bootable disk
Hello, Can anyone please sugget me how can i make my Pen Drive to work as bootable disk of Windows XP sp-2. Please mail me the information as early ...
No sound
Hello, I've been fighting with my Toshiba Satellite A205-S4629 running Vista OS for months. One day it decided it wasn't going to play any sounds ...
P5gd2-x motherboard
Hello, you know those little jumpers on the inside that plug the power sw and speakers and led and that can some one tell me how too
Hello,i lost my mother cd for amd so please please tell me the websites to download or please sent me theadress to my email id p...
Computer not starting
Hello, i bought a new desktop some days was working properly but one day it was not starting.i checked the connections but it seemed alright. ...
Confirming ram memory as a cause
Hello, My aging Toshiba laptop had 512megs of RAM, so I decided to put in 1 gig (two 512meg cards) to max it out 1) put in one new 512 along wit...
Monitor does not work
Hello, I just removed my monitor cable from the CPU for cleaning. When i put it back and switch on the CPU. It goes to sleep mode and does not sh...
My pendrive is not detect
Hello, plz give me some suggestions
Setting of gprs
Hello, sir, I need a GPRS setting in my phone of samsung SGH-M620. So kindly please send me the need.
How to format
Hello, I have gone to manager. It is showing, but will not let me format it. Any advice. Thanks
Blue light comes on wd detected...
Hello, I purchased a wd 320 external hhd . i went traveling round europe took heeps of pic..... and backedup all my ipod music..... it worked for 3 ...
Motherboard beep sound at running windows
ClosedHello, I am facing a problem with my desktop (Pentium dual core 1.6 GHz and Intel 945GCNL motherboard). I hear a beep sound from my motherboard durin...
Ma leptop witer no work proprly
Hello, sir my name is akash gandhi i have hp 550 leptop my witer read cd or dvd proparly but it can't write dvd or cd. It take lostof t...
Blank monitor
Hello, I accidentally dropped my laptop. Opened laptop and visibly saw that face plate of disk drive was broken, remote was broken and fell out of ...
Format pendrive
Hello, pen drive dose not open and show the msg please insert disk.
Hello, hi, my pendrive shows please insert disk into drive I. sir pls help me out there is an vital information in pendrive . I am not able to open ...
Keyboard letters typing as other letters
Hello, My L key on my keyboard has suddenly decided to type K. This is as well as my K key typing K. All other keys are fine, I just can't write L....
Should i use this pc for a boat anchor?
Hello, first my pc would not boot after pressing the power button. I changed the power supply (same specs as the O.E.) then changed the MB and finall...
Not opened pendrive
Hello,my kingston 4gb pendrive not opening. i don't know wat is the reason........ if any one knows then plz forward to my mail......
Acer am5620-u5210a won't boot up after crash.
Hello, My name is Jen and My Acer Aspire Desktop just won't boot up after it crashed. This is what happened, I turned on my computer and all of a ...
Cabinet boot but no display
Hello, sir/madam there is an issue with my system that cabinet run even the processor fan and chasis fan run but there is no display on the screee...
How to install msoffice 2007 in sp3 windowsos
Hello, I tried to install msoffice 2007 in my laptop, i can't, insteaead error appears.. my window OS is service P3.. Help !!!!! inscrivez-vous,
Net settings
Hello, Ineed net seetings on my sony ericson mobile my sony ericson model no is w550i plz provide me the detail on my email id my mobile no: 977...
Chip in a pen drive emitted smoke
Hello, i had a moserbaer 2gb pendrive PD703 , when i inserted it in a usb port i got hot and emitted smoke, when i cracked that case i saw that one...
Phone call transfer from laptop to mobile
Hello, I have laptop and Nokiya N82 phone. I have internet facility also. I have one international phone call facility in my lapto. Can i transfer ph...
Hello, how do i take pics and video and post them or save to my comp
Need help with stick
Hello, when i put songs on my stick from my computer it worked on my card it would not came up on my phone so we put it on my mates phone it worked...
Need webcam driver
Hello, I need hitech company webcam driver which i lost. Thats model number is 5704 please help me out. urgently Can u??? if u can then sent th...
Pc camera dont know how to install
Hello, why did the camera says server is not ready?? when i given permitted to the viewer to saw me..hope to hear from you..
Lost install disk
Hello, i have a Buffalo air station nfiniti wli-cb-g300n draft n ieee802.11g/b i lost my install disk can anyone please help!!??