The discussions
Moved to new diskdrive, won't recog software
Hello, I recently got a new diskdrive and moved Photoshop to it. Now, when I click on a picture, it will not pull it up in Photoshop. When I try to b...
Partition my hdd
hi buddies i have actually a 320gb hard disk and windows xp installed i wanted to know if its possible to partition the hard disk without having to fo...
Disc won't work
Hello, I have an Acer Aspire M1610 and when I put in a disc nothing happens. Is there something else I need to do. I have Windows Vista. I don't...
Blank screen
Hello, I have an HP laptop that the screen will not turn on. The lights and the fan come on and that's it. Please help, I have stuff on there for...
Help i am thick!!!
Hello, I recently removed my old mother board, cpu and memory from my computer and completely fitted a new one, I just thought it was a plain and sim...
No signal no beep
Hello, somefing happend to my computer my pc powers on i get no signal and i dont get a beep sound when it starts iv opend da computer took the ra...
Hard disk problem(its urgent)
Hello, There is 5 partion in my hard disk, C,E,F are opened.but when i opened D there is no file inside and properties showing 124 GB but m...
New graphics card
Hey there, just got a new pc for my birthday and now i wanted to change the graphics card integrated in there and i wanted to know if that is possible...
Nothing on the screen
Hello can anyone help me here? My problem is that when I switched on my computer this morning only the no signal on the screen can be seen and i think...
Cd drive problem
Hello, I want to upgrade my friends old CD drive and I replace it with one of my other spare ones (that has been use in anther computer before) corre...
200 watt power unit
Hello, I have an older 200 watt power unit out of a dell and want to use it for other 12 volt purposes . How can I get it to run without the tower?
Psu question
Hello, actually i have a very strange question in my mind. can anyone tell me whether a 20 pins psu would suite in a 24 pins motherboard? i guess t...
Power supply not compatible
Hi, Got a new motherboard for my birthday and on this one I can see that for the psu I have only 20pins and this motherboard requires 24pins can anyo...
My dvd rom nor my hard disk isnt working
Hey there, My motherboard isn't detecting any hard disk nor dvd rom. Ive put a new dvd rom in there and since then it won't detect the hard...
Shut down
Hello, my computer shuts down by itself.This started few weeks after i replaced my motherboard .once computer shuts down i have some trouble getting ...
Overclocking fails
Hi, I cant seem to be able to overclock my computer past 2.3 ghz at 1.33volts does anyone have any tip? Im currently using amd 3800 with 667rams.
New bios for my pc
Hello, Ive just downloaded a new bios for my computer and now what must I do with the rar file? Di I burn it right as it is on a cd or must I extract...
Does it support ati crossfire
Hey there, Can anyone help me in this issue please? ASUS P5Q Pro ATX LGA775 P45 DDR2 2PCI-E16 CrossFire 3PCI-E1 2PCI SATA2 Sound GBLAN eSATA Motherbo...
Upgraded my mb and now doesnt working
Hello, I just upgraded my motherboard from asus p5gcmx to asus p5w dh deluxe and now when windows starts the loading bar will just go by for about 10...
Running two cpus together
Hey there, Just asking if I need to run two motherboards if I want to run two cpu intel quad core nehalems?
Is it compatible?
Hi, I was wondering if I can change my actual intel p d 930 to the newer intel core 2 duo e8400 lga 775 3ghz 6mb cache memory dual core processor wit...
Spekaer problem
Hello, Dear I had installed the windowXP on my P4 intel PC . But after that my speaker is not working. I intallled/reinstalled the sound driver ...
Hard drive problem
Hello, no external hardrive is detected on my pc .My pen drives are detected and work fine with it. the light glows on the hardrive but its not show...
Hello,can anyone help get my sound back on my computer it was working fine tikll i loaded windows xp i have packard bell istart 1379 motherboard is rc...
Processor over heated
Hey, So this morning was working fine with my pc when it suddenly switched off. When I start it on again it tells me that my processor is overheated ...
Problem with my hard drive
Hello, I have a 20 gigabyte hard disk and as a back up I told myself that a 40gigabyte which my brother gave me would suite me and so he formatted it...
Learn more about how laptop operate
Hello, I want to know about how laptop operate?with cable,screen and motherboard?and the operating system? thank you.
Ma portable hard disk ix fukd up
Hello, im using 160 GB hard disk, well i used it about 3 months but now its dead...if i insert it dhen computer ix restarting automatically.....hel...
Pc doesnt want to start
Hello, well yesterday i get a message on my pc that i low of memory i restarted my pc and this morning when i switch it on nothing can be seen on t...
Wd book doesnt registrer
Hello, When I connect my WB 500 GB Book external hd it suddenly stopped being registrered on the My Computer entry. It is recognized as an arrow on t...
Black screen
Hi, Iv just put a PC 2 getha with bits of some old 1's from school and have finally got all pieces however, when I turn it on (bearing in mind that...
Usb devices not detected
Hello, my usb devices arent being detected and the only thing it detects is my printer anyone has the solution to my problem please?
How to boot from usb flash drive
Solved/ClosedHello, I have a Toshiba Satellite laptop and wanted to boot from a USB flash drive since my CD drive is not working. Any suggestion please. Thanks
Upgrade ddr3
Hello, i want to upgrade my pc and actually i have ddr2 as memory modules and an intel core2duo and its only the memory modules that i want to upgr...
Hard disk
Hey there, Recently my hard disk is telling me that I have an unmountable boot device error anyone has the solution to it ?
Celeron processor
hello, I have actually a laptop with a Celeron processor and I wanted to know if its possible to overclock the processor?
Motherboard psu pins
Hello, Got a new motherboard for my birthday and on this one I can see that for the psu I have only 20pins and this motherboard requires 24pins can...
Difference between these 2 models
Hey there, Wanted to change the casing of my pc but what I can see there is two models one which is standard atx and the other which is atx can anyon...
Support motherboard ati 4870 crossfire
Hey there, Can anyone help me in this issue please? ASUS P5Q Pro ATX LGA775 P45 DDR2 2PCI-E16 CrossFire 3PCI-E1 2PCI SATA2 Sound GBLAN eSATA Motherbo...
Bios not detecting hardisk
Hey there, My motherboard isn't detecting any hard disk nor dvd rom. Ive put a new dvd rom in there and since then it won't detect the hard...
Applying a new graphic display card
Hi buddies, Will soon get the new albatron geforce 9500gt 1gb ddr2 pci express 2.0 and I have checked for my graphics card and it says nvidia geforce...
Info about running 2 cpu intel quad core
Hey there, Just asking if I need to run two motherboards if I want to run two cpu intel quad core nehalems?
External devices donâ´t work with vista
Overclock my laptop
hello, I have actually a laptop with a Celeron processor and I wanted to know if its possible to overclock the processor?
Strange sound
Hi, Ive just noticed a strange sound coming from my laptop as if a fan running. Ive just bought it yesterday and I don't know if there is someth...
500mhz instead of 2.2ghz
Hello, i have actually an intel core 2 duo e4500 which is supposed to be running at 2.2ghz but when i right click on my computer and in the propert...
Guess pc is starting but nothing on screen
Hello can anyone help me here? My problem is that when I switched on my computer this morning only the no signal on the screen can be seen and the mac...
Front usb isnt working
Hello I have some of my USB ports not working at the front of the CPU.Can you help?
Cd works but dvd not
Hello, actualy i m having TSSTcorp CD/DVDW TS-H552D. bofore some time it use to read CD as well as DVD. but now it only reads CD and not dvd.. when...