The discussions
Use sim in laptop as internet
Sir, i have laptop Dell Latitude D 630 and i want to use SIM in laptop as internet but con't do as well. The slot located under laptop battery. wi...
Hdmi and usb connecting problem
i've bought toshiba 39P2305 series. im connecting HDMI cable but Tv shows a msg that no signals or unsupported signals, i've tried alot almost. bu...
Password forgot
ClosedIgot a dell laptop and i for got mypassword to load it up even in safe mode still asking for pasword forthe administrative password how do i by pass t...
No drives were found message during win 7 install.
I have a DVD copy of windows 7 that has worked for years and now I'm getting a "no drives were found" message during install. I have tried loading th...
I put my laptop in sleep mode that time antivirus was scanning,
Now I am trying to on but it is not able on. There is no indicating light also. Plz somebody help me
Toshiba system recovery not working
ClosedSo im trying to fix my friends laptop. He tried to download something called windows ultra which had to be fake since he cant connect to internet and ...
Toshiba c850 no audio device found
I allready install XP on my toshiba c850-b906 but no audio device found can anybody help?
Mouse buttons are not working both left and right
My mouse buttons are not working both left and right does any one know how to fix them please
Cannot wake my laptop up
I booted up my Compaq Presario CQ56, went away for approx 15 mins and it had gone to sleep. On my return, I could not wake it up. It seems to be sti...
My sony vaio laptop has has a hardisk inserted but doesnt read
Dear all, My sony vaio laptop is turned on and shows a vaio logo then after a while takes u to a page that says windows cannot open vaio then i asked...
Please help my laptop
One day I turned on my laptop and I typed my password and the laptop says "we don't have enough source please type your first password." But I don't e...
Asus laptop not turning on.
Hello, My Asus laptop does not turn on immediately. When i hit the power button the green light goes on like the laptop is on but it is actually off...
No sound through earphones
i was using some headphones and then bought a new pair of earphones and plugged them in and they played audio fine. then i re downloaded the realtek h...
Toshiba laptop- no display on screen
Hi, My Toshiba laptop has been a champ for last 4 years, but last month it encountered a problem of NO-Display on screen, NO-booting. Yesterday, I c...
Laptop dosent start
My laptop dosent open,when i press the start buton it dosent start and when i put out the battery and put the energy it doesent start.After some hour ...
Dvd drive not working
today i put a dvd inside my drive , as i open my laptop it doesn't show any message to me can you pls tell me whats the problem .....
Pc screen freeze
My Acer 2700 was regularly showing most of my files as "corrupt". On attempt to install an anti-virus the battery run flat and pc switched off. Upon ...
My computer screen wont turn on (gateway)
I've tried multiple steps and ways to try and turn on my laptop. Its a gateway NE56R10u and I will plig it in and lights will flash but my screen wont...
Reset toshiba portege 7100 to factory settings without hdd passw
Hello, I recently was given a very old toshiba protege 7100. when it boots up, the only option i get is to input the hdd password which i do not hav...
How to reset factory settings in dell studio 1555
please tell me how can i restore factory settings in dell studio1555
Hard disk having low hard disk space
my laptop computer having low hard disk space and i dont want external hard disk.. what should i?
Laptop giving tititi like sound for 2 minutes
when i start my laptop on that time laptop giving tititi like sound for 2 minutes after that it works normally
Laptop screen remains black
Won't start
Lap top will not stay on. Did the thing where I did conned power removed battery geld down start button 40 select no luck.
About laptop black screen
dear last night i properly shutdown my laptop(HP 1000), at morning when i tried to power on by pressing up power button it give only black screen wit...
Audio device
I had a problem with the audio device in my Toshibe Satellite C640. My window ( I use window 7 ) keep saying that "no audio output device installed "....
No sound from speakers and no sound from headphone
Hello am using HP DV6 with windows 7..I cant hear sound from laptop speakers and cannot hear sound from headphone...i have tried reinstalling drivers ...
Laptop wont start
Hello, I have Laptop with windows 7, with no CD rom. When I try to start my laptop first thing I see is Toshiba logo for like half a sec then I see ...
Laptop lights were blinking but it is not starting up
Hello, My laptop vostro 1510 has no battery. As I have the inverter I didn't bought the battery. From today morning onwards all the lights were li...
Stuck in a cycle
Hello, I've got a toshiba laptop, windows 8. Last night p, I tried resetting it, but it didn't work, it came up with something like 'the reset has no...
Toshiba laptop
hi my daughters laptop has a black screen , and it says on the the screen no bootable device please restart system what should I do -- kind rega...
Power problem
my hp laptop g6000 refuse to power on, it light and goes off please help me what should i do
Keyboard problem with acer aspire w/windows 7
Hello, Yesterday all my keys worked. Today, no y,h,n,u,b. I ran two Security Scans . . . no virus. I ran the keyboard analytical program. No...
Replaced screen dell 1545 black screen
Hi I just replaced screen on my dell 1545 inspiron, now I can hear it booting but screen remains totally black!can you help
Toshiba l300/l300d notebook restore
Ok guys, I'm badly needing some help, I have a Toshiba L300/L300D notebook series laptop and I've tried on countless occasions to restore it to its "o...
Toshiba satellite blank screen can't get to the shut down
Hello, my grandsons laptop just has a blank screen and the curser arrow on it when you go to nock it off it is still on the light on frount is just ...
Eeepc mini laptop
My mini eeepc laptop wont turn on for nothing what could be wrong with it
My laptop model. acer aspire 4520
Problem in sound when i am restart the laptop sound showing no audio output device installed. Please helpout me
Turn off problem
Hello, i have a problem with my led in lenovo u310 laptop the led is continusely blinking both after turing on and turing off the machine plz get me t...
Screen goes white or light blue after few seconds or mins
Hello, i'm having the same problems(Toshiba Satellite L300 model PSLB8E), switch ON and screen goes white or light blue after few seconds or mins....
Mouse on the screen-the device is not approved by windows
My mouse, when connected, the message appears on the screen-the device is not approved by windows. And not working at all. Pl solve it.Thanks.
My keys on my laptop aren't working
Hello, my Laptop keys doing the wrong things! Not Num lock. everytime I type in letters does random things when I press the letter Q it closes a windo...
My laptop would not start up
Hi, I have got a problem with my laptop. It would not turn on. I can hear it trying, or it might be the fan, to start up but nothing hapens and the s...
Acer aspire wifi missing drivers
SolvedHello As I'm not overly computer generated I'm forced to ask the Wizards of computer magic lol: I was given an acer aspire m5 that a friend has wiped ...
Dell inspiron 1420 latop screen went black...
My screen started randomly going dark (could faintly see an outline of what had been on the screen if I squinted and looked at it in the right light),...
My toshiba on then off immediately...i need help urgently
Hello, Please I need help my Toshiba satellite l755 develop a fault, it on and then off immediately, what should I do?
Window boot manager unexpected i/o error has occurred,
i was reloading my dell laptop the boot manager shows An unexpected I/O error has occurred, please what can i do?
Laptop turning off by itself
Hello, I have a laptop HP Probook 6555b, it shuts down by itself..:x Its Not from the heating system its cleaned and working...Is there a chance that ...
Toshiba windows 7 lights on, but shows a black screen
Hiii. Please please help me, I already tried various solutions to this. I removed the battery and uplugged and held the button for second and then plu...
Power light is turned on but screen remains black