The discussions
Web cam problem
SolvedHello, web cam of my note book doesnt work where i have to download free driver for webcam Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer ...
Gmails server port numbers outgong smtp
Hello, what is gmails server port numbers outgoing smtp and incoming pop3 Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 8.0
One cell two formulas
SolvedI have a cell that can change from "USD" to "PESO". When this cell is changed i need another cell to calculate appropriately. I have these two formula...
Excel message box
Hello, Im sure this has been answered before, but I'm having trouble finding it. I want a message box to pop up every time a cell in a column (...
Microsoft office 2007 product key lost
Hello, I recently got a new computer and I lost my product key/code for Microsoft Office Word 2007 and I do not know how to obtain a new one or fi...
I am deleting the excel files through lan co
hello, I am deleting the Excel files through LAN connection from onther system its very important data's how i can recover the dox, anybody can help...
Keeping one entry from duplicates
Hello, I have an Excel spreadsheet that has one column with duplicate entries. The next column contains dates. I would like to keep only the new...
Autorun vb code
Hello, As a newbie some further help would be appreciated; I have some VB code in module 1 that automatically inserts 'x' number of rows depend...
How do i select a row in a macro
I have a simple problem, how do I write a macro that will simply select what ever row I click on? I simply want to be able to click on a row, run my m...
Computer won't recognise printer thru usb
Hello, My windows XP will not connect to my desktop printer. I've downloaded the driver, but it just sits there, waiting for me to connect the pr...
Vlookup in other worksheet (date)
SolvedHello, Attached please find the reference file. I am doing a VLOOKUP from sheet 1 to she...
Copy paste issue
Hello, I need an help for copying data for web page to excel sheet in ordarily manner. Could anyone help me out on this. eg. : Name addres...
I have lost my myspace password
Excel macro using visual basic - newbie
Hello all, I'm a complete newbie to macro's and am hoping there is someone out there generous enough to offer some help, because I'm confused! B...
Vlookup tool
SolvedHello, Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0 I am using Excel2003.Plz let me know how can i use vlookup tool. Step by step met...
Help with excel please
SolvedHi I have an excel spreadsheet with two columns in A is a list of codes, and in B a list of names containing the codes in a string A ...
Copy entry from each worksheet to new sheet
SolvedHello friends, After reading some very useful suggestions. I thought of posting my problem, hoping i'll find a solution I have a workbook which...
My new computer does not recognize my printer
SolvedHello, I just bought a new computer with Wndows Vista. I have a HP Laserjet 1200 seires printer that my computer cannot seem to recognize. The pr...
Msn messenger password forgotten
Hello, I have just tried to sign into an old msn account of mine, to track down some friends who I lost contact with when I changed my email addre...
Help me please to remove password
Hello, plz help my for my problem Actually i have forgotten password for my transcend micro ssd of my nokia 5200. Plz help in getting my password o ...
Administrator password in ragistray
SolvedHello, dear all pls tele mi wich location save the administrator password or user password in ragistry
Hello, I have lost my kingaston 2gb minro sd card
Excel absolute reference?
SolvedHello, Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.7 I have cells A1:A5 as "5, 10, 15, 20, 25" respectively. I want to make cells C1:G1, ref...
Count values without putting value in formula
Hello, i am trying to count if a value occurs more than once in a column in Excel For example, if i have a column of numbers like shown below 23...
Bank transfer backdoor hack in nigeria
ClosedHello, great men.i salute still on the quest on hacking back up can you guys help me the info on how to hack ccv online and bank local transfer ...
How can i convert figures to words in ms exce
Hello, how can i convert figures to words in MS excel
Problem of filter data<<help>>
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0 i want to filter data in excel 07 wihich is filtered before.
How do i keep a range with copy paste macro
Hello, I have a macro assigned to a button which copies a selection of rows in my excel worksheet & pastes it in the next blank row below. This macro ...
To find the max value +
SolvedHello, Hi need to get the maximum value for certain range of cells. and the value of the cell next to that max cell. can any one help ...
Browsers all stop. router is fine.
Solved/ClosedHello, Recently, without installing any new software, my browsers all eventually stop. Firefox is my main, and would be the first to fall after abo...
Data validation formula
SolvedHello, I have a spread sheet that tracks attendance. What i want to do is to alert the user whenever 3 OR MORE CELLS IN SEQUENCE CONTAIN THE SAME D...
Xl fill-series command
Rank a number
Hello, My name is Lacramioara and I encounter some problems with Excel functions. What I want is to rank a difference between two cells within ...
Copy filtered data from one sheet to another
Hello, Can you please provide me the macro code so that I cancopy and paste the filtered data from sheet one to sheet 2, without selecting any oth...
Latitude master password
Hello, can someone please help dell latitude 531 asking for password.........i got this laptop second hand and it has been like it from day one....i w...
Copy column from one excel file to another
Hello, I have fifty column in a excel file. problem is that i want to import one column from that file into another excel file at a specified lo...
Hello, Im using excel 03. Quick question if anyone can help, I have to sets of lists in column A and Column B. the basic prinicple is I have d...
D/m/yyyy h:mm:ss format from general format.
Hello, When I download the information from one of our software, I receive the data in following format 15/07/2010 8:10:05 which is in general forma...
I lost the backward arrow on internet browser
Hello, I lost my back arrow on the browser , any one can help ???
Find last time text entered and return value
SolvedHello, I've got text in column D and a value for it in column G. I want to lookup/find the last time "Bolt 'was entered and return it's value.(the...
Microsoft word removing toolbars
Hello, There are too many toolbars on microsoft word, they are really annoying, please help me remove them and keep only the most used taskbar. ...
Forget email password
Hello, I forgot my yahoo password and the secret question answer. And it's been 1 years that i don't know my password any more. 1 years ago when i...
Unable to browse the net on pc
Hello, i'm ram, i have pc and laptop. When i'm plug the cable modem on my laptop it's can browse the net. But the same cable modem unplug from laptop ...
Haw to remove gmail acoount password
Hello, haw to remove gmail acoount password Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 532.5
Copy and paste to other file.
SolvedHello, Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this code? I record it using macro.. Columns("G:M").Select Selection.Copy Workbooks.Open ...
Excel averaging cell range
Hello, I'm working in Excel 2007 and I need to calculate the average value of cells in column D whose values in column C are within a specific threh...
Excel if question....
Hello, I need help with an excel spreadsheet and an IF statement. I have 5 columns with numbers from 0 through 9. If the value in the cell is "0...
Enter userform data in new worksheet
Hello, I am trying to save textbox value in the new worksheet each time I click on command button and name the sheets as day1, day2,day3 so on ....
Macro for copying data to a new worksheet
Hello, I need a Macro to copy data to a new worksheet the condition is IF any data is same in "F"column then the entire subsequent rows should be ...
Unable to open any winrar files
Hi! I do not have the software for opening winrar files, from where can i have it downloaded? Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6