The discussions
One dvd not reading
Hello, Sir, I am happy with my DVD Drive I am using HP Compaq laptop my dvd drive is samsung. My problem is One disk is not being read. disk is in go...
Ask for passworth
Hello, For long time, I cannot in sign my facebook, certainly so many friends comment on my photos but I've not responded them yet. So now, if possib...
My keyboard is randomly typing wrong letters
ClosedHello, my keyboard gradually start to randomly type wrong letters. But its not that a certain key types one other letter, the same key if pressed re...
Nokia 5130c-2 compatibility
Hello, I need to get assistance rtegarding pc/suite for nokia 5130c-2. It appearsd that the Window 7 do not support this download, in fact I did r...
Computer is very slow
My email address on frienster
Hello, im dany asuncion i want to verify my email address in frienster pls help me...
Get setting
Hello, how can i get setting for akasaki mobile io sound( i009)
Contact not show on massenger
Hello, actully i have a prob in live messenger.i added my contact bt that not show on my massenger contact list . bt show in my contact .plz tell ...
Dell laptop 1525
Hello, I wonder if anyone can help. I turned the laptop on the other day and it start to run the factory restore which said it could take an hour,...
I can't install win xp by removing vista.
Hello, the install option is not highlighted. where can i download sata controller for free?
Use for net
Hello, i want to use internet in my pc by io-sound i009 so what can i do . my mob. imei:352034030500410 imeisv:78
Scan disk shows zero percent
How to reset to factory settings
Hello,how do I restore my laptop to factory settings it is a hp compaq 6715b thanks for ur help
Noob salaaa.........
Hello, my pc is crying for activation..... measage apperes that your copy of winddows is not genuine what that mean .....? ...
Hello Friends, I'm facing an issue with my hompage. My default homepage was set as However from last friday an unknown site has bee...
Unable to format kingston 64gb pen drive
A message just been deposited in the concierge. It covers the following message, posted by CARLOS the 2009/4/9 at 09:28 :
Hp pavlion dv5 notebook
Hello, where i found Xp Drivers for hp pavlion dv5 laptop of 64bit. and how i instial Xp in that which having built in vista
System automatically shuts down
Hello, my system gets shutdown as soon as i use keyboard.plz help me out. sameer
Reset vista factory settings
Hello, Please help I want to reset my vista to its orignal factory settings on my Acer Aspire 5573ZWXMi. It was preloaded on my laptop when purcha...
My name
Hello, How to set my name in place of google search? Please tell me.......
Autorun.inf in pendrive
Hello, am having problem with my pendrive.when I stored data in pen drive the folders r not opening & folders names r shown as ++++++++++++...
Kingston 32 gb pen drive problem
Hello, i have 32 GB pendrive of Make Kingston. But its not working properly when i copied media files or size of more than 640mb it will be curru...
Server and protocol, what's the difference?
Hello, i want to configure my mail to microsoft outlook but i don't know what server or protocol i am using. please help!!! i use ms outlook 2003 and...
Spanish mode crisis
My keyboard won't get out of spanish mode. it's a dell inspiron6000. thanks.
To burn a dvd
Hello, hey i made a movie with just pics and im trying to burn a dvd but it doesnt let me it tells me to insert a cd into E drive. so i dnt know what...
Extracting winrar
Hello, when i'm trying to extract a file that is compress with a winrar a message is appearing "WinRAR archiver has encountered a problem and need...
Cpu not turning on
Hello, I was working on my system, it went off suddenly. Now is not turning on
How to choose a dual monitor video card?
I was just given a second monitor (an old tank of a big monster flat screen, so indestructible that it works even after falling out of the door of my ...
Hello, i have a compaq presario c700 series laptop and any games like need for speed most wanted doesn't work works buhh the graphics ...
Changing of languge
Hello, hello my computer is in chines laguage i need it to be in english
How to connect cellphone with pc
Hello sir, i have the Nokia 7210supernova and i want to connect it via blue tooth to my PC for using internet. Can you please give me all steps of c...
Hello, when I insert my dvd or cd and go to my computer then the option of driver is not been shown plz help me
How to use internet on blocked time
Forgot friendster email id
Hello, I need your help, it's been 5 months seen the last time i've open my friendster account. I forgot my friendster email id but i know my passw...
How to download pravilion dv 1430us xp driver
Hello, i need to ur to installing pravilion dv 1430us driver in xp?
Change the operating system
Hello, I have a Inspiron 1525 which came with Vista . I like to change the operatiing systems to XP but it is not leting do that . any ideas?
To connect database in mysql
Hello, sir, i have installed mysql in my windows Xp.but i cannot conect with database.please give me procedure how to connect database in mysql...
The disk not formatted. formatted now?
ah!! plz help me when i click in the drive it blown a message that "the disk in the drive is not formatted. do you want to format it now?". obvious...
Itunes/windows vista
Hello, DOWNLOADED ITUNES, BUT WON'T OPEN. GET MESSAGE: C:\Users\Debbie\Downloads\iTunesSetup.exe not a valid window appl. i have ipod shuffle an...
User name icon does not appear at logon
Hello, My computer has one user and no password. It now does not show the user name icon at the logon screen. It says "To begin, click your user name...
I installed a fresh windows 7 on my dell 1535
Hello, I installed a fresh Windows 7 on my Dell wich was supported by Windows Vista , and the drive C: was deleted b/c i installed a fresh copy of ...
Email someone been ckecking my email
Hello, How can’t find the someone is checking my email
I need recovery disc for pavilion dv-5 1140
Hello, I am in a pickle here. I bought my notebook in US and now I moved to Europe, Sarajevo to be exact. HP does not ship their recovery packs of th...
Hello, how do u get an account on facebook? it is so hard
Write protected
Hello, hi iam sudu ihave 2gb iball pendrive when try to format or delete the data from pendrive it shown disk is write protected,i was try by using...
Nokia 7210
Hello, iam using nokia 7210 supernova mobile ,whenever switch to camera the camera at standby mode iam not able to take any foto, pls help me ...
Answer to closeup22
Hello, 4-5 months ago,it was playing normally but now it can't load.When it shows me the two R,after that it shows me the many pictures.Then it must ...
Problem in finding network rivers
Hello, I am Rajesh. I have dell inspiron 640m laptop. I am unable to find the network drivers. I found in dell web site. But when I ttried to open i...
Recover dell studio using recovery derive
Hello, I want to know how to recover dell studio using recovery hard drive !!!!!!!!