The discussions
Failure configuring windows update
SolvedHello I have a HP 2000 Windows 8 I I powered off the computer then power it back on now I'm getting a message that states failure configuring Windows ...
External monitor in power saver mode. linked via targus dock.
Hello, I cant wake up my external monitor that I have linked via a Targus docing station. This monitor has worked fine but for the last couple of ...
Not connect hard drive
Hello, i hard drive not connect so please tell me boot diver arro.. Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 49.0.2623.112
Windows 7 home premium 32 bit sound drivers
Hello, I have just installed windows 7 home premium 32 bit on my desktop computer and everything works perfect except sound I cant here any sound I do...
S5 photo download
Hello, How do I download photos from s5 to my computer with windows 10? Configuration: Windows / Chrome 46.0.2486.0
Opening videos
Hello, I am an online student, however, I am having difficulties opening the videos. I normally would use mozilla firefox as my browser as this is a...
How to reset notebook
ClosedHello, I recently bought this Gateway notebook from a pawn shop and the previous owner has it password protected so i cannot get into the administ...
Toshiba satellite radius i3.500gb ram
my screen wont work the power goes on but the screen goes blank. i do not know why
Start button, windows button don't work and taskbar has gone
I have windows 10 - My start button doesn't work, nor does the 'search windows' and 'task view' button. my taskbar has disappeared, and the clock ico...
Slow boot after clone by win image backup
SolvedI have 2 identical hp5700 sff desktops, intel duo 1.8g, 32bit, 4g ram. I decided I could clone the 160g WD drive of desktop A, which works fine, and i...
I'm locked out of my tablet because of google
how can I unlock my tablet that google took from me
Wife's old dell
ClosedMy wife has an old dell from college and she wants to get old files from the computer but has forgotten the password. I have read the other threads a...
"my computer" option not open
Hello , When I click on "MY COMPUTER" option not open, when i click or double click on my Computer then it browse the cursor and not to open...
I would like to upgrade to windows 7 from vista home serv pac2
SolvedGreeting Everyone! This is my first time doing anything like this, so please forgive me if I fail to meet protocol. I have been unhappy with Micros...
Laptop freezing
Hello, Laptop toshiba satellite a205 absolutly freezing,crashed.
Dell laptop downloaded windows 10 without my permission
My Dell laptop downloaded windows 10 without my permission and now it has shut my computer down it has a screen that keeps asking for a password that ...
Entering power saving mode problem
Hello, Hi, I've just got myself a brandnew Dell desktop XPS420 with Vista on it. Everything seemed to work fine, but my computer enters Power saving...
Laptop shutdown while watching tv serial
Hello, My laptop suddenly shutdown while watching tv serial and again on startup there is blank screen and a beep like sound coming Configurat...
I want to recovery a folder from networking drive of another pc
SolvedHello, My pc is Windows XP operating system I'm working Adobe Photoshop] 7. when i open file mistakly i delet a folder. one folder has deleted f...
Operating system not found problem in dell inspiron laptop
I installed windows 10 on my Dell inspiron 4320 laptop through USB. My laptop doesn't read any cds and DVD. After installing wnd 10 I reset computer t...
Gateway gt5620 factory reset
Hello, I have a gateway GT5620 and I can not find out how to set it to factory default - please help
Monitor show's powersaving mode is on
Hello, Dude I tried everything but still it's showing the same thing power saving mode and after that screen will be blank Configuration: iP...
Hello, How do I get rid of astromenda? Configuration: Windows / Chrome 51.0.2704.79
Want to check out the laptop from virus
Hello, I want to check out the laptop from virus Configuration: Windows / Chrome 52.0.2743.19
Micro sdcard not detected in my laptop but in smartphone it is.
Hello, my Micro sdcard in smartphone is not detected by my laptop windows 7 , when connected with usb datacable , while it is working fine with ot...
Not able delete files from usb without internet
Hello, In my acer laptop i am not able to delete any file from my USB. every time i try to delete file a prompt of administrator permission requ...
Upgrading from window xp to window 7
How can i upgrade from window XP to window 7
Usb adapters not functioning
my network adapters are not functioning in acer with with windows 8 operating system,why?is it driver missing or hardware problem?i connect any usb de...
Desktop icon missing in start menu.
Hello, I have windows 8.1 & by mistake I deleted the desktop icon in the start menu now I can't bring it back.What should I do? Configuration: ...
How to connect mobile on my pc
Hello, how to connect mobile on my pc? my pc windows xp
Computer blocks in first screen
So I just start my computer(Its an MSI)...and right after that in the screen where MSI shows in middle and down inleft press del to enter bios etc..i...
Windows host script black screen
Recently I got a really bad virus that I had removed by a more tech savvy friend, after I turned on my computer I had a little window pop up saying so...
Setup windows xp at core i3 4th genaration laptop
Hello, if any solution to setup windows xp at core i3 4th generation laptop. Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 46.0
Hp laptop. got virus and i cannot open anything.
hello!!!! I am desperately in need of your help. So I was trying to download something the other night and my hp laptop got virus from it. First, it ...
Can't find script file
Hello, cannot find script file " C:\Users\Hemo\AppData\Roaming\povpvo\nwmhrbpl.js"
Dell inspiron 1500 i3
When you try to turn on, it shows the Dell screen; then it says resuming windows; then the screen goes black and morphs to a dark gray color. Any idea...
Some keys are not working
Hello, i have sony vaio lap windows 10 ..and some of my keys like 0,*,/ are not working properly. Help me to solve this issue..thanks in advance.. ...
Can i use one pc with two monitors with two users different apps
Hi guys, I have a doubt, I have one pc with 2 monitors with 2 sets of keyboard and mouse. Here i have to know can i use one pc with 2 different ...
When i run in windows 10 apache server not running.
Hello, I am using xampp in window 10 (dell laptop). When i run in windows 10 Apache server not running. Any help. Thank you Configuration...
Operating system
How to find out if my operating system disk is bad
Toshiba laptop keyboard problem
Hi! I have a big problem, when I press " t " on my Toshiba laptop it comes as " t5 " when I press "1" it goes to google support page, when I press "o...
Windows 7 won't start after changing permissions (black screen)
After changing some permissions I cannot get into my computer and can't even boot into safe mode. I can only boot with Windows 7 Recovery CD. Startup ...
Get into the computer without having the username and password
ClosedHello, My husband got given a work computer and was told that it had all been reset I've turned it on today and I need the username and password...
Flash drive files missing
Hello I have a 256 gb flash drive. I plugged it into my USB port and it installed the drivers, etc. I then tried saving something to it and it wo...
Computer will not me let me sign in
ClosedMy computer willnot let me put in my full password and when I try to sign in,it kicks me out and shuts down and cannot get signed in or into any scree...
Language change
Hello, How can i Change my entire operating system language to english
Help me for system formatting
Hello, i can format my system but screen sow an error a problem has been deducted as sow a message STOP: 0x000000A (0x20646156, 0x00000002, 0x...
Webcam creative vf0040 to win7??
Hello, I installed WINDOWS7 and my webcam creative VF-0040 doesn't work. I thought the problem is the driver but it isn't. The big big problem is t...
Windows restarting
Solved/ClosedHello, I recently did a stupid thing i guess , i will start with the beginig telling everything i did ... Today i run the defragmenter program for h...
Cant hear from my earphones when plugged to pc windows 7
Hello, i just formatted my PC and installed windows when i plug my earphones into the PC i cant hear anything (skype, music ...), even my exte...