The discussions
Vba for copy/paste a tutor perhaps....
First of all, Excel is not new to me, and although I am not fluid on creating pivot tables, I can create some pretty awesome formulas on my own...and ...
Comparing sales of mondays
We have an excel spreadsheet of sales for the year. The headings are Monday thru Friday. The rows are labeled for different categories. We would li...
Convert mm/dd or mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy to excel internal format
SolvedI have looked at dozens of articles, but they all talk about converting different forms of mm/dd... etc. to other similar forms. I want to chart bloo...
Ôter la protection
ClosedBonjour tout le monde, j'ai un problème qui me bloque depuis un bout de temps, je veux ôter la protection des structures et fenêtres pour un classeur ...
How do i lookup a value in say column and in returning the found
Hello, How do I lookup a value in say column and in returning the found value replace the it with a typed value. An example is; a b ...
SolvedHello, I am at the crossroads with this functions string (doesn't work) any help will be much appreciated... =IF(F21="CTF",I21*15,IF(L21="CTF",O21*...
If function for "specific date" + 15 calendar days
SolvedHello, maybe you can help with the following... I am looking for an IF function that alerts me to "PAY NOW" or to "HOLD" as follows; PRODUCT ENTRY ...
My compliments, great altruism everybody! great forum!
SolvedHello, everybody in the forum! My compliments for your unselfishness and altruism. Your help is VERY MUCH appreciated! A big hello, especially t...
SolvedHello, I would appreciate any help regarding the above formula - =IF(F9:F46="CTF",I9,"") - I am trying to compute a scheme where if any cell betwe...
Conditional cells filing
SolvedHello guys :), I use Excel 12. What I need help with is a conditional filling of cells, based on values in different cells/in the certain row. I l...
How to use a single part of a cell's date
SolvedSo that's the scenario, I've a date in a Cell (D4) in the format 02/02/2008. I need to compare only the year of the date (2008) and if it's true re...
Find number (1), in like 12,15,31 ans.should be 3
Hello, Find Number (1), in like 12,15,31 Ans.should be 3 Any formula to count number Configuration: Windows / Chrome 45.0.2454.85
Help in merging codes
SolvedHi I need help in the following VBA (Macro Codes) in Excel 2013 Code 1: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim Inva...
Function has too many arguments...
SolvedWhy is excel telling me that this formula has too many arguments? =IF(TODAY()>=B9+15,"PAY NOW","HOLD",IF(u9="PAID","PAID")) I am stationed on ...
Search for multiple substrings and return different values
SolvedI have a cell I2 which contains long string. I want to find out the following: If string in I2 contains "month", then return "Monthly", If string ...
Need help with data sorting
I have 2 columns , one which contains values ( the invoice amount) i send.. The other column will have another list of values ( funds credited to me)....
Spreadsheet data
Hello, I would like to know how to set up a formula so when I enter a certain value or text into a cell i.e "C" all of the information in that row ...
Hello, I added filters to my excel spreadsheet and saved, however, when other people open it sometimes the filters are no longer there. What could ...
Data storing by click.
Hello, I'm working on excel which has assembly numbers. I've assembly names and corresponding numbers by side for each assembling we do. I'm looking...
Creating a macro that does not copy amount of rows from file
Hello, I am trying to create a macro that does NOT copy the amount of rows in the file the macro was recorded in. For example: The macro is sp...
Formula for correction
Hello, The date is 12-July-2015 but in Excel the same is showing as 7-Dec-15 please suggest for the correction Configuration: Windows / Chro...
Sumifs function
Hello, I am trying to sort the formula below =SUMIFS(Sheet3!$AI$15:$AY$22,Sheet3!$B$15:$B$22,$A142,Sheet3!$AI$4:$AY$4,D$2) the criteria_rang...
Clicking data in one sheet..saving all those clicked in another.
SolvedHello, I'm working on excel which has names(Col A) numbers (Col B). I'm looking to create a sheet, who by clicking on the number, stores the number ...
How can i filter data from two work sheets by matching values
Hello, I have two Excel sheets. I want to copy name and address on D and E columns of sheet 1 from sheet 2 if both sex and age match.The first one h...
Creating new sheet when got into some event
Please help me built macro like this : When i write name at "C7" and pressing Enter Button it will create new Sheet with the C7.Value.And it will d...
Same date in column a on mutiple lines in seperate worksheets
SolvedHi, Not using FILL with copy/paste....Is there a way to create a date range in Column A (IE: 9/1/15) from line 1 going downward when entering multi...
Transfering the numbers with some calculations inside
Dear, i want to reformulate some data from an excel sheet to another with other columns titles. the order of the rows are different also. i added ...
Icon sets in excel
ClosedHi, How to create icon sets K Column. how to create formula for icon sets ("K" COLUMN). I want Icon sets Green, Yellow, ReD.
Transferring data between sheets using macros
Hello, I am having difficulty getting this to work. My original intention was to use a For Loop with an If check, but here is what I am trying to ...
100-1=99 then 99+1=100
Hello, Good day. I want to ask something because i can't do this on my own. i want to minus D18 - D21 = H20 (100-1=99) ...
Macro to copy data from master worksheet to new sheets
Hello, I hope everybody here are doing fine! Please, if anyone could help me with a macro for one of my Master reports. I don't really know muc...
Change date format in excel 2007
Hello, I want to change date format in excel 2007 as given below please help me. now it is 09/01/2015 but i need (ddd mmm yyy 01/09/2015) like ...
Please help in getting data clubbed in one cell
SolvedPlease inform how to get the following information clubbed in a row Data as follows Required data in a ...
Master sheet to work sheet,
SolvedI have been getting help at this site and I am not able to get into my messages to respond anymore. I am not sure if it is just a work computer issue ...
Macro to copy data from multiple sheets onto single sheet
Hello, I have multiple sheets that contain basically identical data and I am trying to extract certain parts and place it onto a single sheet. The ...
Vb averaging random fields in excel 2007
Thanks very much for help on this . . After finding a row based on a field value, I need to get the value from a different field in that row . . ....
Using partial text in a field, color the row
Thanks for help on this . . . Using the last 2 characters in a string in field GFi, color that row . . next row Example: for all rows with...
Accounts data requires automatic analysis
SolvedFive columns headed Value, Type, Food, Household, Medical. The data is in Value and Type listed alongside each other. I wish to have those transfer...
How to autogenerate a new daily report
I have a daily report made up in Excel containing daily (manually entered) data, and "to date" (computed in Excel) data. I would like to be able to...
How to create auto populating multiple sheets based on cell
Hello, I'm currently creating a building condition assessment form. I would like to know how to create auto populating multiple sheets once I sele...
Custom sorting & calculating average based position
Solvedplease help me with this. i want to get the position based on average. but when i put all these in a table, all are getting jammed. please can u h...
Search word from list, match it copy values next to it
SolvedI have a list of product part numbers in one excel document. Now I need to pull the description and pricing from another document which is attached in...
Sum value of one column if in another column there is a text
Hello, I am trying to sum values in column A if in column B there is a certain number. So, Column A 10 20 30 40 50 Column B E45D...
If cell have specific text it give us alert message
Hello, If cell have specific text it give us alert message Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 44.0.2403.157
Transpose data in single column into 4 columns
Hello, I have data in a single column and would like to transpose it into a row for every 4 rows. I have about 7000 rows in the 1 column. I'd l...
Compare 2 columns choose answer in third
Hi all, First of all thank you for reviewing this. I have a data dump from a survey. Column A shows the survey #. On other sheet (sheet1) I have...
Macro-copy data from one workbook to another
ClosedAll, I need to copy data from one workbook and append the content to another workbook (WB). Ex: WB1 (source) has 1 2 3 4 5 WB2 (target) al...
A macro to change the values on a specified cell
Hello, I am searching a macro code on excel to set a value on a cell that is found by using such an excel function =ADDRESS(MATCH(N7,'Sheet1'!...
Copying cell information
Hello, I would like to copy + add up the numbers in the cells. However when I change the filters, the numbers brought through change. The informatio...
Using if formula for dates
hello, i want to make a sheet for my job to track the allotments, i want it to count the days allotment sent for signature till it is back from sig...