The discussions


Hello, Function SpellNumber(amt As Variant) As Variant Dim FIGURE As Variant Dim LENFIG As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim WORDs(19) As String ...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Dec 2013 by

Conditioning formatting

HI All, we have mandatory annual training requirements and I have a spreadsheet which records the date training has been completed. we have seve...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Dec 2013 by

Date formula

HI I want to set the formula for excel for when I insert date in cell ex. 1dec2013 then I will select any empty cell date change in to 31dec2013

1 reply Last reply on 18 Dec 2013 by

If command across multiple cells

Hi Guys, I can successfully use if command with text on a single cell, however I want the true or false outcome to be based on multiple cells. T...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Dec 2013 by

Find and extract text from a cell content

I need to search a cell for content and extract and display a portion of the cells content. How do I do this? Here are more specifics. lets say...

2 replies Last reply on 15 Dec 2013 by

Date function using if_ else statement

My requirement is while writing a function using if statement : In a range of cells in say: P10: P20, containing dates, I want to writ...

1 reply Last reply on 15 Dec 2013 by

Require formula

I want to type only 1 in excel cell but require to come 100 and the same that 2 for 200, 3 for 300, 10for 1000, 50 for 5000, 100 for 10000 and so on. ...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Dec 2013 by

Excel if argument

Dear All, I'm trying to use IF argument in a excel document for a calculation. But it is not working. I'm using more than 8 IF argument. My excel i...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Dec 2013 by

How to move data to different sheets

I need to enter data into several different sheets and then would like some of the data to transfer automatic to a log sheet so I can then sort it. C...

5 replies Last reply on 10 Dec 2013 by

Moving data from rows into columns for every


Hello, I have data in a single column and would like to transpose it into a row for every three rows with a space delimiter, for example; The colum...

20 replies Last reply on 10 Dec 2013 by

Excel vba

Hi, I have a VBA data entry user form where in 200 people will be updating it and updating different excel sheets and will be saving it. All the d...

9 replies Last reply on 9 Dec 2013 by

Comparing columns

I have a list of 77 names in column B and need to compare them to a list of 156 names in Column C- My objective is to determine if any names in column...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Dec 2013 by

Excel macro: combine selected rows


Hello, I have source data in Excel looking like this: CustomerID SalesMonth SalesAmount 12345 Jan 15...

6 replies Last reply on 5 Dec 2013 by

Excel if statement for dates

Hello, I was wondering if there was a way that I could set an if statement that would change the color of box to red if it's 2 months ahead of tod...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Dec 2013 by

How to use recorded macro in different cells

Hello, Kindly help me to resolve this issue, I want to insert data in 4 different cells each i run my macro sample data: Sub Insert() '...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Dec 2013 by

Excel fiasco

I'm trying to auto create salary slips. I have a list with the information ect of the employees and have created the first payslip in the next sheet. ...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Dec 2013 by

Conditional fomatting with range values

Here is my scenario: Column A has ranking from 1 to 5. Column B has zone/ classification from 1 to 7. Column C has ratings. These ratings are bas...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Dec 2013 by

Combine rows using condition

Hi, I Have spreadsheet like this: Col A Col B 02003SM TB4 02003SM TB5 02006SM TB1 07017SM C461 07025SM C462 07128SM C479 07139SM ...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Dec 2013 by

Conditional formatting multiple rows in excel

Hello Community, I need to create conditional formatting in Excel separately for a number of rows (e.g. high lighting highest and lowest values in ea...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Dec 2013 by

Varible column (a,b,c etc) within a formula

I have a sheet 1 with raw data inserted. Each Sheet 2,3,4 within the same workbook has another spreadsheet that needs to read the raw data from sheet...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Dec 2013 by

Help with a formula please!

Hi. New to this but it seems like a good forum. I NEED HELP PLEASE! I will try to explain my dilemma. In Excel if there is a specific day/date in a ce...

2 replies Last reply on 5 Dec 2013 by

How to learn macros

Dear All Please suggest how to learn macros

1 reply Last reply on 5 Dec 2013 by

Conditional formatting with multiple drop downs

I have a spreadsheet that has multiple drop downs. I'm trying to get Excel to highlight errors made in one column if a particular option is chosen ba...

8 replies Last reply on 3 Dec 2013 by

Copy worksheet misc data in sheet 1 to new row in master sheet 2

Hi, I'm a complete newbie to Excel macros.. Sheet 1: Sheet 1 is my work sheet where i manipulate data. Upon completion of fine tuning the data, ...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Dec 2013 by

Vlookup across multiple values to return only one

Bit of a long one to explain, but im sure there is a quick answer. I have a barcode scanner which is used to input data. This data goes into column...

5 replies Last reply on 2 Dec 2013 by

Need help with sorting and copying from multiple worksheets

I need to copy a report from several sheets, Workbook 1 First i Have a report Sheet with a fixed header in the first several rows A Sequence of O...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Dec 2013 by

If...allow text

A1 has a drop down list with HM01 and Off Spec, B2 = text depending what is selected from the list in A1. So B2 =if(A1"HMO1",'DISHCODES'!B3).....whe...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Dec 2013 by

Compare 2 lists of names

Hello, I have 2 lists of names with last name and first name. However, one on list there is a comma and a middle initial on the other there is jus...

1 reply Last reply on 28 Nov 2013 by

Auto populate sheet 2 basis data on sheet 1

Hi I have raw data on sheet 1 one of the column is "group name". Data is related to 150 groups, however I need data for only 24 groups. Is it possi...

1 reply Last reply on 28 Nov 2013 by

Sum ifs function in excel


Is it possible to have a criteria range for a range of dates and have it add for a date less that the specified criteria? 11/1/...

4 replies Last reply on 28 Nov 2013 by

Invoice no


Hello, After Long period i came here to ask some thing to my friends that is i want to raise the invoice as per the cell value i have given some e...

6 replies Last reply on 27 Nov 2013 by

How to change text in a cell based on another cell

I am working on an asset tracking sheet and I want to use conditional formatting to change the text in one cell based on the text in another. Refe...

1 reply Last reply on 27 Nov 2013 by

Worksheet problem in excel 2003

I have a worksheet that I have a yes,no drop down menu. I then have 4 cells below that, that currently have conditional formatting to them that change...

1 reply Last reply on 26 Nov 2013 by

Delete worksheet from list macro

Hi All, I am trying to delete some worksheets within a workbook from a list containing the names of worksheets to be deleted, listed in column B2:B...

1 reply Last reply on 26 Nov 2013 by

Bank reconciliation


Hi Am trying to automate bank reconciliation Any ideas as what the code is. In the work book i have 12 worksheets for receipts and 12 worksheets ...

32 replies Last reply on 26 Nov 2013 by

Tally problem

dear all i want to create a bill in tally erp9 and when i enter the date suppose 24/11/13 then cursor can't go on next text and if i enter 2/11/13...

1 reply Last reply on 26 Nov 2013 by

Column combinations

I have a table that has numerous columns. I need to calculate the total number of units used when the combinations of Cells A and B Appear. For exampl...

4 replies Last reply on 24 Nov 2013 by

Adding a day to the date

I need a formula to add a day to the date. For example, today is Nov 22, 13; I want to add one day to have Nov 23, 13 in another cell. I saw a number ...

3 replies Last reply on 24 Nov 2013 by
Zohaib R

Vba macro to calculate values in cell(s) from multiple sheets

Greetings to the greatest trouble shooting team we have around, I am stuck in a situation where I have multiple sheets in a workbook, say this work...

1 reply Last reply on 23 Nov 2013 by
Zohaib R

Macro for linking two workbooks, comparing one document id with


Hello, I need help in creating a macro for linking two workbooks, comparing document ID's in one workbook with the status of that Document ID's in ...

2 replies Last reply on 22 Nov 2013 by

Skip a value

suppose a1 a2 a3 = john,michel, robert, respectively and b1,b2,b3=10,9,10 then from values of b cell i wanted to print name in g cell who have corres...

1 reply Last reply on 21 Nov 2013 by

Comparing multiple columns for list of items

Dear experts I have list of names with multiple words in column A List of names with multiple words in column B List of names with multiple w...

3 replies Last reply on 21 Nov 2013 by

How to delete a line from excel cell


Dear all How to delete a line from every cell in a column??

4 replies Last reply on 20 Nov 2013 by

Running a macro permanently

Hello, I have copied and edited a Macro to a workbook to save a certain cell as the file name. The problem is that you have to click on Macros fin...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Nov 2013 by

2010 if function help


I'm looking to combine a IF function for one cell with a date function in another. The aim is to have something like this: =IF(A1=2099,"James Jones...

3 replies Last reply on 18 Nov 2013 by

Conditional statement

i want to create a conditional statement to formulate below if A1=>0 then equal the value, then if it is blank then get the value or number from A2...

2 replies Last reply on 18 Nov 2013 by

Need a cell value to change automatically based on a future date

Hello, I need to submit weekly reports on the number of students in classes (currently enrolled, graduated, etc.) The problem I have is that sometime...

5 replies Last reply on 18 Nov 2013 by

Iam trying a lot to make the formula succes, but its not helping


Hello Ther!! Iam trying a lot to make the formula succes, but its not helping all people ther Kindly help me on the below formula it gives resu...

3 replies Last reply on 17 Nov 2013 by

Formula to move appropriate data to new sheet

Hey everyone, I wanted to attach my spreadsheet but no such luck. Essentially, I have a spreadsheet with people's certifications. I have one col...

1 reply Last reply on 16 Nov 2013 by

How can i transfer data in a row in a work book to another book

Hi, I will be downloading data each day which consists 150 rows. Each row contains a data set pertaining to an individual item. Each of these ite...

2 replies Last reply on 15 Nov 2013 by
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