The discussions
Track office log in and log out timings
Hi Team, Thanks for providing me an opportunity to be a part of the wonderful Team. I would need a Macro to track the shift timings of the emplo...
If cost is 18.66 what would be 0.6% of it (calculation method)
Solvedand if basic pay 65000rs what would be the 2.5% of it(calculation method)
Copy data from one sheet and putting it below a particular cell
I have a excel with 3 sheets . My requirement is to pull data from sheet1 ,sheet2 and put it into sheet3. There would be two headings in sheet 3 1...
Moving information from 1 set to another based on an if
I have two worksheets. 1 is Proposals 2 is Projects When a row in Proposals is given a Project #(a cell in that row) I need the cells in that row to ...
How to move data from one sheet to another
I have an excel spreadsheet, and I need a macro , in sheet1 I have several values of 7 numbers in a cell, example 1|2|3|4|5|6|7| up to 93|94|95|96|97|...
How to formula the table
Table 0 to 1000 value is 2 1001 to 2000 value is 3 2001 to 3000 value is 4 3001 to 4000 value is 5 4001 to 5000 value i...
Conditional formatting with dates
Hello, Your help would be greatly appreciated I have a cell with a date in it (A1). I want that cell to change colour if the following criteria is ...
Date issues
Hello, i have the following problem with excel 2010 on windows 7 pro. i select col A and format it to Date yyyy-MM-dd i enter 2014-01-08 in A...
Data import from a notepad
Hello everybody. Hope you are doing well. please help me in the following situation. Suppose i have a notepad file where there are some company rec...
Need macro help
Hello; thanks for viewing this question.... I need help creating a macro, with detailed instructions on how to put it into excel and actually make ...
Solvedsum a column if two other columns contain a specific text each so sum (if (A1:A20=1 and B1:B20 = "A", C1:c20)
Copy data from current work to another
SolvedHi All, Please can you help me with the VBA code which copies columns from current active workbook to another closed workbook at the end of rows.....
Excel column linking query
Hi, I would like to know how to link one column with another therefore having the second column recognise it at the same. eg Typing a name in colu...
Excel 2007 - conditional format using calendar months
I'm have a workbsheet that has a bunch of dates that show when people have completed their annual training. What I'm trying to do is take the train...
Conditional formatting from another cell by range
SolvedHey, I need helpppppppp i want to change the color of a cell based on the range value of another cell eg. i need a1 to be red if b1 is < 70%, Y...
Hi, am trying to correct a formula. Each time am using this formula: =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B15;'Liste des Prix Net'!$A$1:$B$8;2;0);(P15/Q15)*(L15/1000)...
Auto sheets .... with common data?
Hello, I would like to have a new sheet generated on open of workbook with sheet name generated in sequence (i.e. main sheet has common data the...
How to attach a work book
Hi Sirs, I was asked from a forum member to attach the sample file When I failed to attach as desired. Pl help me regards ansharma
Excel formula
SolvedI need a formula to compute one equation if one criteria OR another criteria is met, and a different equation depending on another criteria If nu...
Copying simple form data into new databse
Hello, I'd like to create a simple form that I can then copy into a spreadsheet and will update another workbook for data. My form is very straight...
Compare and return the oldest date
I have a shared workbook comprised of a full report sheet and sheets for individual employees that is being used as a weekly report. Employees enter ...
Excel if help
Hello, I am looking for a function I think an IF statement for some accounts. I want to say IF ( The value in column B="Tom") THEN (Add the v...
Comparision of excel sheets
I just want to ask for your help by providing me codes / references to compare the data in two worksheet, which it means to compare the data in sheet ...
Changing cell color dependent on date in a different cell
Please help. I created an spreadsheet in Excel 2010 for new hires form tracking. I now would like to have cells change colors to remind me that certai...
Code to move a row based on fix values and paste it
SolvedHello Gurus, This is my 1st question and I m a beginner in macros .I wanted a code to move a row based on a fix values and paste it in the same shee...
Simple macro
SolvedI am trying to create a Macro to filling in a series of columns starting with the current cell. simply if cell A1 is selected and you hit the ...
Fill amount from a cell if date is before end of month
SolvedCan someone please help. I'm trying to track outstanding bills due by the end of month as in the following example: If date in cell B5 (due date) i...
Excel referencing
Hi Experts, I am having the following columns in the excel AA BB CC REQ_3.1_1 REQ_4.1.1_2 ...
Convert number to words in excel
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- there is some problem while we convert number to words ............
Macro to copy the same values between 2 sheets to a new one
Hello all, I'm not very familiar with macros in Excel and I hope to find a solution. I need a macro that works with 5 sheets (sheet1,2,3,4 and 5)...
Run time error 424
Hello, I'm new to VBA. I've tried everything I can think of to avoid receiving run time error 424 when I try to run the following. Any help is much ...
If sheet 1 column 4 says hol then it fills in columns a1,b1 and
Hello, I have 2 sheets in excel 1st sheet has: 1st column has employee Team A1 2nd column has employee number B1 3rd Column has Employee name C1...
Excel- how to sum specific data
Hello, how can I sum only specific cells together? Column A - Regions Marche Puglia Lombardia Emilia-Romagna Lombardia Puglia Trentino-...
Nested if function with minute and time function
hey guys. so i have this problem which is to write a formula to calculate the cost of minutes used in a computer shop. here are the conditions: ...
Calculate date and format without showing both number and date
Hello, I am trying to enter a line item in an invoice that states the Week ending date like this "HOURS WE" then states the date on the invoice (F2 w...
Find highest value and state its cell name
SolvedHello, I have the following issue: in A and B: Marche 160,994 Puglia 463,251 Lombardia 405,626 Emilia- 542,009 Lombardia 451,468 ...
Copy the data in filter
Hi, I want to know that how can we copy the certain data in filter? Help me someone Please..........
How to extract date in a string
Dear Friends, I need your help in extracting data in a string. Example : Student name , Class, section, DOB, Address, email ID. Sachin...
Excel vlookup ... problem
Hi,i have 3 columns(Ticket Number, Site ID and Date), i need to copy Site ID and Time according to the Ticket Number from 1st Excel sheet to 2nd exc...
Changing the day in date by default
Hi, I want to know that how can we change the day in date default by dragging down? Best Regards, Drakshayini
Moving data from column to row
Hi All, Please help me with the macro code for pasting the column data(which is shown below) to row. Data is have like this A Cell B Cel...
Search for a string and if found, select that row?
SolvedI know this is a very simple question but I can't find the answer I need. I am using Excel 2007 but I can get to a computer with Excel 2010 if necessa...
Re: financial modelling
Will appreciate any advise on the best approach to doing financial models for established companies and start-ups trying to raise venture capital fund...
Ms xl formulah
how to show conditional result in another cell in ms xl? for example, if A2 is >5% then the result would be 20 in B2
How to add times in hour and minutes format
SolvedHello In the first column I have start time, in the second finish time and the third column the time elapsed ie A minus B = C But if I add colum...
I want to find the student grade
I want to find the student Grade My formual is : =IF(OR(C12
Copying text from sheet 1 to sheet 2 in same workbook
Hello, Greetings everyone, I am a new user here. I wondered if anyone could please help me with copying text data from sheet 1 of a workbook to...
Getting multiple values out of one cell
I trying to copy into another cell data from 1 cell that has multiple values that are seperated by blanks. Example a1 has 123 456 789. I used the ...
Extracting name from column
I would just like to extract the name from a column: 224. Can someone help me do that?
Conditional format based on cell containing function
Hello, In column J3:J32 i have functions that determinates grades (=IF(I3>=90;"10";IF(I3>=80;"9";IF(I3>=70;"8";IF(I3>=60;"7";IF(I3>=50;"6";"5"))))))...