The discussions
Flashdisk error
Hello,I recently inserted my flash disk to my computer which had 11 folders but none of them appeared.Only the files which were not in the folders app...
Audiosound problem
Hello, sir my headphone is not working when i connect my laptop compaq presario c791tu in window vista but internal speaker are working. when i con...
Acer laptop dvd change
Hello, my problem is acer laptop dvd change in the aspire5000
Monitor's black cuzi screwed up, now what??
Hello, I really messed up and need help please???? I unsuccessfully tried to connect my Dell 2200 inspirin laptop to a new tv so I could watch online...
Desktop computer wont come up
Hello, When I turn on my computer, all it does is whining noise and then stop. It does this over and over and never come up and never shut off. I h...
Drive says dvd-r/rw; cpu can't use dvd-r/rw
I'm trying to back-up my files onto some DVD+R discs I just bought. On the actual disc drive (on the outside) it says "Compact disc rewritable" and "...
Lcd for 5800
Hello, Whats the price for lcd for the nokia 5800.i droped in water and it cant show any more on the screen
Fiddled with my bios settings without backing
Hello, I write to you on a seperate computer from the one with troubles, What follows is a tale of incompetance at its rawest dumb form. I recently...
"no signal" message
Hello, when booting up moniter says "no signal"
Hello, No peoples isnt this the reason here is the solution open notepad writhe this : Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_...
Audio mixer
Hello, hi i have the sound driver there but when i click on the volume mixer its all blank and when i go into control and try enable it it wont let...
Pen drive write protation
Hello, i have 2gb pendrive when i format the drive the message show " the disk is write protected cannot format it" then how to solve the issu...
Format pen drive
Hello, I recently purchased a 64 gb pendrive (Kingston) . I tried to format it, but during formatting its file system is only NTFS but not formatted ...
Two beep sounds no display
Hello, while switching on my lapto, two beep sounds and a long bee s coming..and no display... wil u please help me to troubleshoot.
I cant burn a dvd
Hello, i am try to burn a dvd and it woulnt even load the blank dvd whats wrong with it and how do i fix . please some one help me.....could i be...
Internet setting
Hello, i want my internet setting on sony ericson f 305
Local disc not opening
Hello, Sir,My local disc F shows free space of 6 GB out of total 40GB but when i try to open it shows' F:\is not accessible.The file or directory is ...
System not booting from cd rom
Hello, mai pc formate marna chahta huun per system cd rom se boot nahi ho raha hai, hdd aur cd rom dono alag idi cable se attach...
Usb not detecting
Vista won't load past welcome screen
hello , my laptop is a toshiba and my windows Vista Won't load past welcome screen , could it be the hard disc? could it be damaged ?, i tryed to re...
Wont charge
Hello, My laptop will not charged when plugged in its a gateway i dont know the model its a vista and I plug it into the wall and theres a green ligh...
Lan prob
Hello, somebody please help me.I culd not simply solve the problem with my ethernet showing limited or no connectivity that's y the broa...
Hard drive problems
SolvedHello,i formatted my HP laptop now i am trying to install windows XP ,but its failing to recognize the hard won't accept any operating system...
Ac adapter is not able to charge the laptop!
Hello, I got a problem in adapter & got it repaired, but the idot reversed the connection i.e. +ve & -ve supplies. I was not aware until I failed to ...
Toshiba satelite m300 hdd error...
Hello, I am using a Toshiba Satelite M300. Model # PSMD0G-02500P. Does not Boot from HDD or CD ROM when HDD is pluged in... When i Plug out the ...
Usb port
Hello, All of a sudden my USB ports dont want to install new flash drives, it gives me a messages of Found new hardware. Ones that were installed o...
Having trouble burning cds
Hello, Ive got an acer aspire computer and regualrly burn cds up until now its always been fine but a friend gave me some new cds to burn for them an...
Unable to open my files in usb flash disk
Solved/ClosedHello, i have a problem in my flash disk... what should i do... i cant open in my computer, in run E:, and i also tried to format it... but the window...
Internet sound
Hello, I need to know what program to download in order to listen to the sound on youtube.
32 gb pen drive not format
Hello, I have purchase a 32 gb pen drive kingstone when i format or copy or delete data its shows the drive is write protected ' plz help me how to f...
How to upgrade my system
Hello, am using, P4 Intel D845 GEBV2 2.4 Ghz 40 GB Hard Disc 256 MB Ram. CD Writer. IBM 17" CRT Monitor. I plan to upgrade RAM and Hard Dis...
Building brand new pc feedback wanted <
Hello, I have decided to build a new pc for internet / office/ home usage with good performance /stability and wanting some feed back on what hardwar...
G:/ is not accessible
Hello, I have a problem too i plug my USB external hard disk and it's already detected and the drive show up in my computer but when i clicked it it ...
Nero takes more time than the estimated time
Hello, Nero takes more more time than the estimated time, is that coming from my dvd drive ?
Usb (pen drive) not showing in my computer
Hello Everyone, i need a help , i am trying to connect my usb(pen drive) to my computer , but it is not working. when i am unstalling my usb drive...
Computer cant reboot
Hello, It all started with my pc switching off due to loose power cable while there was some work was doing. Well when tried to power it, its just ...
Hello, when i put my p.c on then the monitor everythings fine but when im about to sign in the screen goes blank. but i noticed when i put on youtube...
No driver of motherboard
Hello, i can,t open my motherboard cause, i have no driver to use.
China moblise v16
Hello, i have use china mobile V16 Sunny, iwant GPRS Subscriptin Loop mobile , i also Activated India@ 9821726875
Hey hey hey
Hello, hi i just wanted to ask... my phone is an Iphone 3g (china mobile) and i like to erase some of the unwanted files there.. i just bought it in...
Not able to recognize my pen drive
Hello, My pen drive is not being recognized. it doesnt proceed any further. any help!!! --ksh
Creative mp4
Hello, hi my creative player is not able 2 on . wt do now ?????? . . actually wt is my problem is when i was transfering video to my player it was st...
Hdmi 3 loses audio on bravia kdl-32v4000
SolvedHello, Been Googling all over but haven't found a solution, gone through my User Manual with no luck, so I'm at my wits end! I have Sony Bravia ...
Blue screen error oxoooooo24
Hi, My old laptop which is a dell inspiron 6000 has just recently died (i think) , i received a error message on it Stop: 0X00000024 and 4 other sets ...
Need factory settings
Hello, i have a dell inspiron 1521 laptop, i lost my restore cd and i want to go back to factory settings can someone please help?
Xps 1710 display issue
Hello guys, I have the same issue on XPS 1710. I get a flicker of a BIOS screen then black but works fine on external display. Is this just a case ...
Screen blinking
Yo, suddenly my screen started blinking when i turned on my pc, i checked the cables and still nothing, should i change for another one ?
Help please newbie with suround system
Hello, a friend gave me his creative inspire 5.1 digital 5700 and his creative extigy and im trying to get it to work with a reltek sound card and ...