The discussions
Remove write protection of kingstone 8 gb pendrive
Hello, My Kingston pen drive is write protected. help me removing write protection Configuration: Windows 8 / Firefox 35.0
System of power supply
when i supply the power of my computer. than a sound comes from me and not start the computer
Hard disk not showing
Hello, i have a WD 1TB hard disk suddenly it stopped showing up in my computer after i rebooted one day i tried it on many other machines an...
Scandisk pendrive
Hello, my scandisk pendrive is write protection plz. tell me to remove it Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 40.0.2214.115
Please help me in os installation
My friend told me to help him reformat his pc coz he forget the password .The os is windows xp. The harddisk is fine and functioning well. When I trie...
Lenova laptop keyboard problem
Hello All, Hi am using lenova laptop .In my laptop the key 'p' is not working .please help guys.And some of others keys are also not working like de...
Dell wireless keyboard fn key
I was told by a Dell tech support person to press the FN key plus power switch to do something I might need to do. Upon my asking him where is the FN...
Matshita dvd-ram uj860s error 10 (wont start)
SolvedHello, i have an asus F5R series notebook that will not recognised dvd's in the drive. device manager shows code 10 (device cannot start). have tried...
Can i bypass my password to restore my laptop
ClosedHello, I can't remember my password to log into my dell inspirion labtop and I'm trying to restore to factory is there anyway I can bypass the passw...
Hard drive recovery
mare computer me kuch personal files thi jo 2 months pahely kisi waja se delete ho gayi hai kaya wo files recover ho sakti hain
Problem with keyboard
Hello, pls i need a help.. when i press "V" they tipes me "vbfgrt45" why?? Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 40.0.2214.115
Keyboard stopped working!!
Hello, I left my computer on and came the next day to see that almost all the keys are not working. Only few buttons like a b p k w x v m and 1 7 ...
Mouse stops working
Hello, Whenever i touch a button on my keyboard, And try to move my mouse , It stops moving for a few seconds, Does anyone know how i can stop...
My power button indicates light but does nnot power on or off
my laptop had an overheating problem. i had to open it and clean dust deposit. after coupling it back it didnt power on again. i discovered i didnt co...
Hp laptop trips off on its own after some minutes
Hello, i have a problem with my Hp laptop, it trips off on its own after some minutes, I tried finding out if it is a battery problem by removing th...
My power button doesnt work!!!
Hello, my ipod 3rd gen screen is all white and my lock button doesnt work, help!!! Configuration: Mac OS X Lion (10.7.5) / Chrome 40.0.2214.115
Laptop won't start
when i press power button, power indicator glows one time n den nothing happens. after 4-5 tries my laptop starts normally. any solution?
The disk is wriat protectiot
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 40.0.2214.115h
16 gb pen drive is not working
Hello, my 16 GB pen drive is not working since last week please tell me how to repair Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 40.0.2214.115
Some keys not working
Hello, my keyboard keys are some not working.i want to convert them to numbers how????
Keyboard not all are working
Hello, The 5 and 6 our not working on my laptop.took battrie out and cleaned it. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 35.0.1916.138
Pen drive is write protected
Hello, My Pen Drive is Write protected so I can't Delete any thing and can't format In Sandisk. Pen drive. me sir pls.. Thank you ...
When i playing hard games my laptop was off automatically
MY LAPTOP HAVING A PROBLEM. it is when i playing a hard game like need for speed my laptop was shutting down automatically. pleases my dear Friends...
Sony vaio s series not turning on
Hello Everyone, I'm having trouble with my Sony Vaio S series laptop. Recently, I opened up to fix the sound. However, now it doesn't turn on at all....
Windows & bios dont recognize hard drive unable to restore data
hi everybody, i have a lacie Porsche p9230 3tb external hard drive, the drive is only six month old all my media is stored in this drive. one day th...
External hard drive issues!
Ok sooooo. I'm stupid. Why I'm saying that is one, I knoe or at least thing I know how this all started. I plugged my hard drive (had everything major...
Microphone problem when using skype
Hello, Please help me...the microphone on my laptop is not working .. whenever i use skype it says its not configured.. i tried to fix it but i ca...
No signal
Hello, Last day my pc was upadting windows, and it turnd off, then when i trues to start it, the screen just say:no signal, Ive tride everystep y...
Want to remove password from sd card
Hello, i want to remove Password from SD card i followed that above steps in my file manager i could n't find mmc store file ..can you pls...
Error message computer cannot repair computer automatically.
Hello, I have Toshiba running windows 7 . laptop shut down unexpectedly and start giving me this error message . 1- startup repair is checking yo...
How many memory slots are on my motherboard
How can I find out how many memory slots are on my motherboard
My dell laptop don't load after logo shows
Hello, My Dell inspiron 3520 don't boot after shows the logo and windows goes on automatic repair but doesn't work..... Configuration: Windows / ...
Laptop going off randomly and not switching on.
SolvedHello, my computer went off automatically. when i tried to switch it on, it made a weird sound and didn't switch on. I connected the power source and...
My keyboard wont work
im currently using the on-screen keyboard. i have a windows 7 hp laptop my keyboard was working not too long ago. please help. nothing on my keyboard ...
Keyboard not working properly
Hello, MY keyboaRD nOt wORking properly.if i press one from number key it gives upper CharaCter that is !>>>same with the other keys also >oroblem i...
Computer beeps three times and no display
Hello, i have intel motherboard. as you suggested i replaced a new RAM but still beeps three times and no display!!! plz suggest me Configurati...
Keyboard problems "t and y"
Hello, Please help! I have a Hp2000 notebook. Two weeks ago my keyboard "t and y" suddenly stopped working. I tried two different system restores, I ...
Lenovo ideaoad yoga screen keeps getting different colors
screen keeps getting different colors with lines on 3/4 of screen. when I push a corner of the screen it may stop or just keep going on and off??? I ...
Rebooting issues
Hello, as soon as I turn my laptop on my screen tells me to reboot, or select proper reboot device. What can I do to fix it?
Monitor says " no signal detected"
Heelo guys so I've been using my PC today doing some browsing and stuff and then my and driver reminded that it needs to update and since I was using ...
Lenovo not turning on beeping every 10 seconds
Hello, My lenovo T440 is not turning on plus it is beeping every 10 seconds with green light from fn key+ yellow lights from F1+f4 at the same time....
Download songs on my usb
Hello, id like to know ow to download songs on my USB please
Key boards of acer 4738z problems
Hello, i have acer 4738z with windows 7 32 , problem is some key of key board like 1,3 and where i press 0 type is / or many other p not type when t...
Can't find hideen files on my external hard drive
Hello, there Where would I find start on windows 7 to show the hidden files on my external hard drive? thank you Configuration: Windows 7 / In...
Keyboard keys all screwed up please help me!!!
I spilt a glass of white wine over my Dell Inspiron N15R Windows 8.1 last night everything is working fine except my keyboard all the buttons are work...
No signal on monitor after installing new psu
SolvedI recently installed a new PSU and graphics card done correctly, wired up good got it running but I forgot to power my disk drive so I turned it off w...
Acer screen
Hello, my laptop screen just won't turn on,the laptop is fully charged but the screen just shows black ...what should I do because I have assignment...
Vaio laptop suddenly turns off itself
Hello Gurus... After reinstalling windows 7, i updated few drivers from: they were of webcam, sound and...
Locked that folder and afterward forgot the password
Dear All I had some of my family pictures with me in my laptop, I applied lock folder and locked that folder and after ward forgot the password. I ha...
Laptop forgotten passwords
ClosedHello, i need to know how to set a laptop back to factory setting, because i forgot both of my pass words? Configuration: Windows Vista / Inter...