The discussions
Connect to hard disc
SolvedHello, I am unable to give connections to my hard disc. I have the cables and from which part i have to connect to hard disc Please help of out ...
Speakers won't work
Hello, I just got some new speakers. They're plugged into the wall, and the light is on, so I know they have power. I also plugged them into my la...
My hp pavilion dv7-6154ea wont turn on
Hello, trying to turn on my laptop to use it and nothing is happening. the power button isnt achieving anything. I plug in the power cord and all th...
Hp dv6 pavillion 2040ev blink 3 times
hi.i have Hp Dv6 pavillion 2040ev and when I push the power button blinks the led of power putton 3 times.Why may be happen this fuction?? resenlty...
My cd is not booting when i restart my sy. :(
Hello friends , Can anybody help me to solve my problem ,i want to format my computer i restarted the system with correct windows xp cd but when i...
Laptop won't start (booting), but fan spins
Hello, I have been into a problem with my laptop. I just does not boot but the fan spins and the only light that shows up is the wi-fi. Pos...
Monitor blacks out,cpu fan works,no restart
Hi guys and whatever help you could give me on this bizzare issue would be more than welcome. Sometimes my monitor will just black out,the cpu fans...
Dumping memory crash
Hello, Please help me... I have an acer that I am fixing for a friend, he just got a new hard drive and I installed windows 7 (same as what he ha...
Toshiba laptop display not coming
Hello, I have both ubuntu 11.10 and Windows vista OS in my Toshiba laptop. Last time when i updated the ubuntu as told and when i restarted the sy...
No database sony walkman mp3player
Hello, Hello, i have a sony walkman mp3player nw-e013f.when i select the music player it is showing "NO DATABASE".I am not getting any ide...
Toshiba laptp got hot,shut down,won't restart
SolvedHello, I have a toshiba satelite A215 and it seems to have got hot and shut down and now it won't restart. I've have problems over the years with ...
Help, please! my data and local d missing.
hello sir, extra hard drives (local D) I suddenly lost. I want to ask, if local D is gone, do all the data is also lost. How should I do if want to r...
Cd/dvd drive does not work
Hello, my cd/dvd drive draw wont open load a disc or do anything i have tried deleting the upperfilters didnt work. I have got an up to date disk ...
Toshiba laptop help
Hello, My Toshiba laptop Model No.5A211338W keeps Saying Intel UNDI, FXE-2 ( b u i l d 003) Copyr ight (C) 1997-2000 Intel corporation For a...
Toshiba key on my laptop will not work
Hello, One of my keys will not work on my Toshiba laptop, it is only one and i need it to access my email, facebook, and my password to login onto...
My speaker's aren't working
Hello, i'm having win 7 and realtek hd audio driver installed.but when i am checking sound in control panel then it says that i have no audio de...
My toshiba
My Toshiba laptop Model No.5A211338W keeps Saying Intel UNDI, FXE-2 ( b u i l d 003) Copyr ight (C) 1997-2000 Intel corporation For athoros PCIE...
Sata hard drive not shown on my computer
Hello, I just got a computer from a friend that was full and crap so I cleaned it out so it can now run and I went out and bought a used Seagate 8...
Help!my power supply is making noise !
Hello, I am experiencing some "problems" concerning my PSU. I noticed since a few months ago, that when I start the computer by pressing the power...
My laptop is showing a black screen
SolvedHello, I have a satellite pro l450d-12x and i shut down and the next day i turned it on and it says windows boot manager its been months since my l...
Hdd not detected
Hi, My OS cannot detect my seagate 500GB sata hard disk This problem arise few days ago when my HDD works just fine until my computer faced ser...
My compaq mini laptop sound has ceased workin
Hello, my hp compaq mini laptop sound just stopped working all of a sudden in the middle of a song. i dont know what to do. pls help, am really scared...
White screen..? on ipod.. :(
Ok so nothing is working i have the newest ipod touch and ive tried holding down center and off button but that does not work. How long are you soppo...
Problem in formating usb flase drive
Hello, i have a 2gb moser baer usb flasedrive but while i am trying to formate it i can't . it show me write protected so please help me to solve th...
Keys not working g,h and backspace help pls
Hello, keys not working g,h and backspace help pls Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 535.19
My dell laptop is not on and not charging
Hello, my laptop is not on n not taking charge as well i need help plzzz
I pod nano not charging or getting on
Hello, My I POD NANO is not charging or getting switched On.I just bought it from Thailand and is under warranty Please suggest any solution. ...
Hard disk cannot read
Hello, please help me guyz, i lost my data, my seagate hard disk cannot read to other computer, very important files that i cannot back up please he...
Ipod nano 4g 8gb white screen death need help
ClosedHello, Plzz help me fix it I need help and i've tried fixing it by pushing the menu and play/pause and center buttons and it just resets it and do...
Intex pc webcam it - 102 wc
Hello, I Want to download software for intex webcam it - 102 wc please guide Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 535.11
Sony vaio reboot?
Hello, Message reads reboot and select property boot device. I've alt+f10, ctl+alt+delete, took out the battery, held the button. Nothing is working...
Hcl laptop sound drivers xp
Hello, i have formatted my hcl laptop, & chang the window 7 to windows xp please provide me name of sound drivers wich support in my laptop fo...
Hp pendrive not detected
Hello, my hp 8gb pendrive (v112b) is not recognised by any laptop/ desktop pls help me.........
Pavilion media center m8100n won't start up
my hp pavilion m8100n acts like it wants to start up, but there is no display on the monitor. my machine makes one short beep, followed by a pause, th...
My hard drive died after a blue screen error.
Hello, could you help me guys. i have a WD 640GB Scorpio Blue 2.5" Internal Hard Disk. here is my story. at first everything was working we...
External hard disk accidentally formatted >.<
Hello, i got a problem first,my computer didnt detect my external hard disk,it was solved after i assigned the letter but unfortunately,it f...
Pc doesnot boot!
Hello, i was playing game. monitor got off. red light was there. than cpu was not working. i try to restart. but cpu power light blinks once. and noth...
Magic jack re-activation
Hello, I CANNOT ACTIVATE MY NEW REPLACEMENT MAGIC JACK ?? Configuration: Mac OS X / Safari 530.19
New 24" flat screen monitor.
Hello, I bought a new flat screen monitor, but the picture doesn't come on and I've pressed all the buttons on the side and nothing. My old monitor wo...
Black screen with blinking cursor in top left
Hello, I have a dell inspiron 1545 and the other day while I using my laptop it just shut itself down and restarted but as soon as the dell start ...
Lost my sound system
Hello, even I lost my intel(R)Celeron(R) sound driver please if you know please post it From, Sophia
Pen drive detection problem
Hello, my 4gb pen drive is not recognized by the PC when it is inserted. please show me a solution Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 5.0
Laptop not working (power light glowing)
Hello, Since yesterday my Toshiba Satellite Laptop is not working :( . The power light and the battery light are glowing, but the processor light is ...
Laptop / pic probs
Hi I have had a problem with my toshiba laptop.. all of a sudden it will not download any pics. I have bought a new camera and all devices are ok but ...
Toshiba factory settings
Hello, I have a Tobshiba Satellite lap top but I do not have the disk to reset my computor back to factory settings. My lap top is not new. Could yo...
Dell latitude d630 doesn't power on
Hello, My laltitude D630 is not powering on. I have removed all accessories for the the tests, ie., memory hard drive, optical drive, batte...
Shift key problems
Hello, when i press my shift key on the left it enters 9(9(99(9(99, and for the right shift key, it enters lLlLllLlLl. what should i do? pls help me....
Pc startup failure
SolvedRespected sir with due respect I want to say that when i turn on my pc its gives 3 long beeps and lcd remains blank. Additionaly the rear fan also do...
Battery usage
SolvedI would like to know whether we should take batteries (e.g. AA or AAA) outside a device when we are not using it. Thanks!
The missing boot manager
Hello, I have tried everything I have read here so far about fixing the missing boot manager. Can anyone please let me know of as many ideas ...