The discussions
My computer
Hello, My LCD screen turned to blue and out of computer, what should i do now? please help me Configuration: Windows 7 / Safari 535.11
Dvd problem
Hello, when i am inserting the DVD -cd in to my dell vostro1510 ,it is not reconising the DVD what is the problem and the solution of that. thankin...
Laptop(vga) to hdtv(hdmi)
SolvedHello, my laptop has a VGA output, it doesnt have an HDMI output sadly :( But i want to connect it to my Sony HdTv. I saw a cable on eBay saying vg...
Acer aspire
ClosedHello, I have an ACER Aspire One D255-2331 will not boot. Has a blank screen. Power light not on. Have changed power cords and done many of the...
Ram addition mishap
Hello, Today I decided to put more ram in my gateway DX4200-09 desktop. I turned it off, unplugged it then inserted the new ram into the empty slo...
Realtek hd audio2.1 headset settings
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 10.0please tell me the realtek hd audio2.1 headset settings.please urgent
Mouse goes from ecternal monitor to laptop
ClosedHello, I have a vista laptop and an external monitor. I have no problem with the external monitor. My problem is that my mouse goes from the external...
Can i use my old laptop hard disk in new lapt
Hello, How can i use my old laptop hard disk in my new laptop as i need to get some important data but my laptop is not getting on. i took it to t...
6 on the keyboard does not work
Hello, Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 7.0i have dell laptop, currently for some reason the number 6 on the keyboard does n...
Need answer
ClosedHello, I try to start up my hp dv5 , but all it gives me is the beginning , and the hp loggo !! and i can click ESC to go to the BIOS setup , but wh...
Keyboards not working
ClosedHello, my wireless logitech keyboard is not working but my mouse is. I tried plugging in regular keyboard. That did not work. I went to control...
Cd player won't write
SolvedHello, My laptop is sony vio. the cd payer is not able to write , but ir is able to read. how to fix the problem please help me
Fn key in toshiba l300 not working
SolvedHello, Somehow I must have pressed a FN function key combo and now I only get the Alt Red symbols when I use the shift key. For example, "shift"...
Laptop l300d laptop black screen
SolvedHello, can someone please help me out? When i switch my laptop on, the laptop powers up and i can hear the laptop running, howeer the screen stays ...
Hd6670 boot problem
Hello, My specs: Core2Duo processor, Intel DG31PR motherboard, 2GB RAM, 1GB powercolor HD 6670 GPU, Corsair CX 430W PSU, windows 7 32bit. ...
Hp pro book black screen
Hello, hi i have a labtop that is an HP pro book that is like an all in one with a monitor, & a place where you place your labtop to use your m...
How do i factory reset my toshiba sat. laptop
Hello, I am try to factory reset my toshiba sat. l300. 15 inch lap top with out disc. I am having some trouble. I first turned the lap top off by h...
Computer posts, beeps, then restarts.
ClosedHello, skip to the end for my questions, I recently was given a used Intel motherboard with a stock cooled Intel Celeron 3.06Ghz CPU, and 1.5GB DD...
My laptop won't load!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello, I tried taking out the battery and unpluged my charger plug and holding the power button for 30 to 60 seconds it didn't work. I turned it on a...
My sound is not working
Hello, my sound is card is not working when i am opening my media it showing that u have no sound device or sound sevice is not install properly pleas...
How ttransfer my data to drive c from drive d
Hello, I'm having trouble with my laptop can't transfer my data to drive c: I'm using now my Drive d: it always says C\: Is not accessible..what sh...
Acer monitor
Hello, I have an Acer Aspire M1641 Desktop Computer, I have had it for about two years and it has been serviced SIX TIMES! I just got it back today af...
Toshiba satellite l300 series laptop...
Hello, My laptop will no longer boot up. I get a black screen and do not know what to do. Please help! Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet ...
Laptop trouble display disappears and turns i
Hello, I have trouble with my toshiba laptop. When I turn on my toshiba laptop everything seems to be running normal for just a few minutes and then...
Toshiba laptop blank screen
Hello there, I need help please. I updated my laptop bios and since then nothing is coming up on the screen. i can hear the fan and hard drive spinni...
Enter key on keyboard
Hello, My enter key is not working on my laptop. Is there another way as far as the shortcuts go without having to hit the enter key....Neither of ...
Xbox360 on laptop
ClosedHi i have an xbox 360 av/vga cable and want to get the picture from my xbox 360 to my laptop so i can record to do this i think i need to change my la...
My computer won't boot
My computer will turn on but will not boot up. I've placed my memory cards in other spots and nothing but when I turn it on without them even in there...
Laptop wont come on
Hello, I have an Acer inspire 5532 My power button lights up on my computer, but the screen is on and I don't hear the hard drive or the fans runni...
Restoring toshiba laptop not working
ClosedHello, i have been trying deperately to restore my toshiba satelite l300 with no success im running on two os unbutu and win7 off grub i tried p...
Usb works on one laptop, but on no other comp
ClosedHello, I have a generic 256 GB thumb drive,, It works on my laptop,, But ON NO other computer, It shows up,, but when you double click it,, it comes...
Hdmi cable
Hello, i have plugged my hdmi cable into my computer and tv the picture is coming through great but there is no sound. When i go to the control panel...
Windows 7 pendrive problem
ClosedHello, everytime i insert my pen drive (scan disk 4gb) into my PC. win 7 asks to format it but it is unable to do so. also i dont want to format t...
Cpu kinds
Hello,people i dont know what cpu to choose which is best ? Pentium 4 3.0 GHz L2 Cache 512 kb pentium 4 2.8 ghz l2 cache 1024 kb pentium 4 3.4 ghz ...
Help me recover my wd element hard drive t
Hello, i suspected virus in my hard drive and after a while, am unable to format my WD element eternal hard drive.the drive does'nt appear on ...
Laptop windows recoveryerrorkeyboarddontwork
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Safari 535.11 hi my toshiba laptop does not work stay on windows recovery screen and the keyboard doesnot w...
[urgent] labtop wont start up at all
Hello, it was immediately after a clean shut down, its on vista home premium x86 the LED for batter and AC adapter is working 1¬2 sec after i p...
Mr tom jordon
Hello, Hi my toshiba sat pro will not load any think.all i get when turn on is a black screen,the windows 7 unlimit what load nothink will.pls h...
Intel® pentium® 4 processor ht technology
SolvedHello,i want to know if my processor is fast & is a dual core or not. In Pc Information Is Like This : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (2 CPUs) s...
No sound
Hello, my laptop went through water flow.....after repair also my audio isnot there any solution.plz helpme.. Configuration: Wind...
Laptop won't connect to monitor
Hello, When I connect my laptop to the monitor, it shows up until it gets to the log in screen. My laptop screen is broken so I cannot see what it is ...
Touchpad problem
Hello, my hcl leaptp touchpad stop working after connecting the internet,plz help me
Laptop screen black and no response
Hello, I have tried all this and get no response, I took my battery out and left for a few hours,re inserted in and started up and all worked fine,l...
E1505 dell laptop black screen windows start
SolvedHello, I am working on a project laptop. thinking the problem may be software related I fdisked the master boot record and formatted the whole ...
Monitor, keyboard, and mouse are not working.
Two days ago I realised that my monitor, keyboard, and mouse were not working though they were doing wonderfully before that. I put no new software or...
Pendrive is write protected
Hello, It shows error that, pen drive is write protected. Kindly advice me solution Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 10.0.2
Using toshiba laptop screen and a monitor
SolvedHello, I have used my external monitor before but have forgotten how to use it. I used to be able to slide the screen over to the other monitor b...
Please help (blank screen)
Hello, As i was working on my laptop a 'dr watson' notification came up. The laptop was frozen and the mouse could not move. So i restarted the co...
Accer aspire d255 whitescreen...
Hello, i have here an accer aspire laptop who's problem is whtescreen after a minutes. whitescreen varies depending upon the usage, sometimes when...
Disk size confusion
Hello, Can you please tell me why we can't find a hard disk of capacity 750GB/1.2TB AND SOMETHING LIKE THAT? We find harddisk of 250GB, 500GB, 1 T...