The discussions
Samsung laptop display screen blank
My samsung laptop shows blank screen after starting it . I also trying the function keys like f2 & then f9& f10 but@ the last stage as & when it come...
Power problem
Hello I have a Dell inspiring M5030. When I insert the a.c. adaptor and press the power bottom the power led on the adaptor goes off and the laptop w...
Switched on my mercer laptop but nothing appears on the screen
Hello, I switched on my Mercer laptop but nothing appears on the screen, the screen does not come at all, what is the problem?? Configuratio...
Laptop connect to tv with hdmi cable
I am trying to hook up my HP laptop to my Sony Bravia Tv. I have an HDMI output for the laptop and an HDMI cable. I have tried simply plugging the cab...
Powering on dell pc and only greeting an a...
Hello, When I power on my Dell PC I only get a lowercase a with an arrow in the top left corner. I have tried everything...powering off...removin...
Hp 15 screen does not turn on!
So, I got this HP 15 for my fiance about a MONTH ago and he's already having issues. The switch on the bottom that is SUPPOSED to hold the battery in,...
Laptop power is on but does not appear on the screen
Please I need help my laptop power is on but does not appear on the screen
Hp laptop wont turn
Hello, when i tried to get on my laptop this morning it wouldn't turn on. it worked perfectly last night. i tried taking the battery out ...
Putting up a picture for this account.
Asus frozen
Hello, My Asus computer tries to boot up but during the process a error shows up,"Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We are just colle...
No bootup sector on newly replaced laptop hard drive
I cant bootup a newly replaced hard drive with the original reinstallation disk for my dell inspiron laptop. I keep getting the message "no bootup sec...
Booting up "no signal" , switching off is instant, no run down.
SolvedHello, Windows 7. I have tried the 30 secs/ 1 min button trick to no avail. Just before "death" the screen split in two halves (left side on right...
Toshiba does not go to the home screen
When I switch on my toshiba laptop it has the normal toshiba leading innovation but with no loading symbol at the bottom of the screen and it does not...
Toshiba satellite l300-242 black screen after booting up
Solved/ClosedHi there I have a Toshiba Satellite L300D-242 with Windows Vista, bought around 4-5 years ago. I've had a few problems in the past with adware b...
Toshiba laptop reset to factory settings
Hello, my Toshiba laptop is stuck at the logo when i want to format and repair how do i solve this problem please help me.
Mp3 player
Hello, I have just bought a HccToo MP3 player but when I plug it in to my laptop it makes a sound but I am unable to locate it even in device manager....
My laptop keys are all mixed up
Hello, my laptop keys are all mixed up
Laptop keyboard typing "s" instead of "j"
Hi everyone. I have Windows 10 on an Acer Aspire S3. Three days ago, I started notice that when i type "j" the outcome is a "s" (Even with maiusc,...
I can log into my laptop using the cursor , after that the cursor freezes
My laptop is stuck on toshiba leading inovation screen
Its just stuck on the loading screen I tried takin out the battery and it doesnt show any options
I am have problem with my laptop, i forgotting the pw
please i really need help, Toshiba windows 7 Satellite
Laptop not starting
My Cell inspiron15 laptop is not starting. It seems to be showing no life at all. The charging sign doesn't light up nor do I hear any sounds when I p...
Windows error
how can I repair windows errors on my laptop for free?
Gateway netbook turns on then goes to a black screen
Hello, my gateway netbook was fine when i was using it then all of a sudden it shut down on me. i thought it was the battery at first but the netbook...
Laptop spacebar not working
Hello, Please my Toshiba satellite C655 , windows 10pro spacebar is not working Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 48.0.2564.95
Blasting sound from my charger adapter
Hello there, Warm greetings. I have a HP laptop bought 7 months back. Yesterday while working on my laptop, I heard a blasting sound from my ...
My laptop needs your help
Hello, My laptop needs alot of help, for starters it has trouble booting up, first it booted up to a black screen with only the cursor then i took...
Power problem
Hello, my lenovo flex 2(14) is not powering on i have tried it for about two days now but still the same thing Configuration: Windows / Chrom...
Acer one 10 reset factory
Hello, I want to ask about reset factory on acer one 10. When i do the reset factory without backing up the data, will my data on drive D: will er...
My mp3 player wont work properly
Hello, i plug in my mp3 player to my laptop and it says its charging fine but wont come up with the device on the laptop but i dont know why it was...
Touchpad not working
Hello, i have a toshiba labtop satellite c850 p0011 with operating system 32 bit where my touchpad stop working Configuration: Windows 7 / Chro...
Dell vostro 1500 laptop.
Please i need your help. When press the power button, my laptop shows only the blue power light, the fan and the disk drive are all functioning but th...
Headphone problems
Hello, So i have a headphone that will plug in to the computer and it will be detected. But when i listen to music or something the headphones won...
Recover deleted email
hai dear sir we r delit last moth email how to get again delited email
Free malware download
Hello, Can I download free malware for my pc? Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 48.0.2564.116
Blank screen dell inspiron
Hello all; My Dell inspiron laptop was perfectly working for the past 2 years, though with minor issues in between. However I restarted my laptop ...
No display on startup
I shutdown my Acer laptop the usual way after updating windows. When I turned it on, the screen was blank and only the arrow is seen on the screen. Pl...
Win 7 64 bits drivers for aspire v5 123
Hello, Do anybody knows where to find win 7 drivers for Acer Aspire-V5-123 notebook. I want to downgrade from win 8. Configuration: Linux / Fi...
Laptop keys not working properly
Hi! Just want to ask why my laptop keys not working properly? Its bcoz of virus? I really dont know..pls help laptop is Sony Vaio..
Toshiba satellite c50 "intermittent " display problem
SolvedHello, Can someone please help me with my issue? My Laptop has "intermittent" display problem. I say INTERMITTENT because the display does not alw...
Won't read my camera memory card
any suggestions as to why my computer won't read my memory card? my husband is able to read it on his computer
Screen won't turn on
Hello, I have a Dell laptop inspirion 15 series 3000 and all of a sudden the screen is black but it's switched on I think because the cd holder open...
Toshiba laptop goes off when i turn it on
hallo my toshiba satelite laptop just go off when I turn it seems to load properly but its only go off immediately.first it was not charging...
Toshiba satellite will not boot
Hello, my toshiba satelite do not turn just go off before it reaches the loading bar..I transferred its hard disck to an other laptop an it...
Compaq won't start up
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Opera 9.80 my laptop won't start up only power button led light my charger ad battery are ok coz have try wth d...
Hello, everybody! please help! my laptop will not turn on
Hello, Please help! my laptop won't turn on when I push the power button. I have a Toshiba Satellite L455D-S5976 and its about 6 - 7 years old (I kno...
Acer laptop gone for good?
Hello, I own an Acer laptop, not sure which, and it's 2 years old. It started crashing when I got a new charger after the old one broke. It now wont b...
My monitor says no signal
Hello, Sometimes my monitor says no signal although I switcj my SU on... I have read ob this site Itself to hold power button or resetting the CMOS....
How to fix my sony vaio
SolvedHello, Im having a problem with my sony vaio.When you power it on a black screen appears and it says a bunch of words and ends with caldera DR-DOS 7...
Mouse pad problems
Hello, my Toshiba laptop model is Satellite p55w the problem is the mouse pad and keyboard pad totally stopped working any keys are not functioning ...