The discussions
Too many people on my wi-fi??
Hi! I am wondering if too many people using my Wi-Fi at home?? Is this costing me money? And is it possible that my connection on the internet gets ...
Is it possible to use two ps4 online in the same house
Can i use two ps4 online in the same house as im thinking of getting a 2nd ps4 so my son and i can play the same games online together. I was also...
My wifi is always turn off
I upgrade my sony vaio e series laptop to windows 10. But after some month my wifi is disable and when I try to turn on it then its always back to tur...
Configure router wifi to share internet wifi
SolvedDear All, I have just installed internet at home. When i connect my computer via network cable with modem,I can use internet as normally. But i wan...
Mobile hotspot not working in my laptop
Hello, My mobile hotspot not working in my laptop even I can ping all sites but browser is not opening any sites plz help me on this
Hello, i have a 3725 router running, ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.4(25, and when i run detection software like (Belarc Advisor) it shows my rout...
I unable to browse even though net connected
Hello, i connected to net but unable to browse >
Nas cx4000 username or password is not working
ClosedHello, I am using Nas CX4000, its connected with windows server 2012, suddenly username or password is not working. Is there is any option to re...
Network problem
My land phone is working properly but my modem is not connected to the internet. Please help me out
I have a connection but no internet accesss
Hello, So yesterday i connected by router and modem and ethernet cable from router to laptop for setup. it worked fine it found the router and st...
Urgent internet problems
Hello, my name is jada. i need help with my home computer i need to know if the home computer cannot connect to any wifi connections. or does the ...
Bluetooth setting everything is ok but not working
Hello, Plz fix a problems ..... Bluetooth setting all OK... I did cheak everything .... Device Change bluetooth setting.. but...
Cant connect to the ip address of dlink
Hello, why i cant connect to the ip address of dlink Configuration: Windows / Chrome 46.0.2490.71
How stop belkin from being dual band?
how can I set my belkin with dual bands to be only at 2.5 GHZ, not 5GHZ?
Unable to connect to wireless network
SolvedHi guys and gals, A weird problem for you. Any ideas are more than welcome! I have 2 wireless networks - SSID1 and SSID2. I can connect to SS...
Could not connect to netgear23
so i fixed my laptop a few days ago and it wont let me on the internet only around 12:15 to 1:55 is the only time i can get it to the internet and all...
Can not find my wifi
I can not find my wifi in nokia c3-00 please help send me an email answered
Network drives
hi, i had 2 win xp pc,one is have share drives and other one is connected is the share drives.i upgrade the second one with window 7 but now when i t...
Linksys the fence guest password
How do I get the pass word?
Secure the wifi on belkin router
Hello, I have a belkin f9k1001v1 router. I am using it since long time and it was working fine. but since few days, it was not working fine. so my f...
Solved/ClosedHello, Keeps asking me for my password. Configuration: Mac OS X (10.10.5) / Safari 9.0
Asus laptop that will not connect
Hello, I have ASUS laptop that will not connect to the wireless Internet provided by my in-office router. I can pick up wireless from my Sony xper...
Internet drops when phone in use
SolvedHello, I have a US manufactured phone and am using a UST0018 ADSL splitter to allow caller id function. Each time im use the phone, the internet w...
Ethernet works when plugged directly into pc, but not router.
Hello, Hello, My main modem and links router are downstairs on the first floor, and ive connected a 75 cat 6 cable to my room on the second fl...
Wifi driver hcl me xite 45
Hello, Hi, I have 'HCL Me xite 45 and i found that wifi driver is not installed on my laptop, So i am unable to use internet with wifi. Can anyone p...
Samsung galaxy tablet 3 lite internet connection problems samsun
Hello, I have a samsung galaxy tablet 3 light the internet on it keeps shutting itself on and off it won't stay on I don't know why but I can use the ...
How to change wifi password
Hello, is not open, i want to change my password Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 45.0.2454.101
Netgear router not working
Hello, I have a netgear dgn2200v4 router and it was working fine but one day it just decided to stop working. I know nothing is wrong with my Internet...
Connecting problem
Hello, how can i connect my laptop with wifi roughter network Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Connect but can not access the internet?
Hello, I did my usual security update and once it was done I could no longer connect to the internet. It looks like i need winsock program? But I ...
My laptop not recognizing any wifi connection
Hello, My laptop (lenovo) is not recognizing any wifi connection. In our company, we have wi-fi connection but laptop not recognizing the wifi con...
Problems accessing router setup
Hello, hi I have a Belkin N300 wireless router, I have this router connected to my desktop via the Enet cable. trying to change the default name and...
Facebook blocked
Hello, sir my facebook account have blecked please help me my facebook account information Username - Deleted by moderator College - Delete...
Samsung password
ClosedHello, I am writing from my phone, but its my samsung tablet that is the problem. I cant remember my password . Please help Configuration: iPho...
Tethering to my iphone
Hello, I used to be able to tether my acer inspire to my apple iphone but I have obviously changed a setting and can't get it to find the connection...
Bsnl wifi connection with ramptel modem
Solved/ClosedHello, Recently I purchased a BSNL authorized Ramptel modem online and configured it as per the instruction in the package. I have been able to se...
Unable to connect to internet
Hello, my hp mini connects perfectly well to my wireless router but can connect to the internet please help me
Reasons for ethernet to disappear
hi dude please provide some information reasons for ethernet to disappear
Cannot see a printer on a windows xp home network
SolvedCannot connect to a printer on a Windows XP PC to a Windows Vista Laptop. The Canon MP490 Series Printer is working connected to a USB on a Windows...
Wireless printer not connecting to wifi
Hello, My wifi signal is great for my Mac, but can not get the wireless printer light to come on and connect for printing. Configuration: Mac O...
Modem not coming up on the screen
Hello, Please help, my modem is showing green, but its not coming up on the screen. Configuration: Mac OS X (10.11.0) / Chrome 45.0.2454.101
Wifi limited connection
Hello, i have an HP laptop that is connected to the internet but it i saying that its limited connection though it is working fine on my phone wh...
Router password recovery
Hello, Hi I have just bought my self a new laptop and I can't get net on to my new laptop as I can't findfor is there anyway to bypass my passwo...
Wireless internet not working on laptop.
Hello, I have an HP DV6000 (which all together I do not like at all) and just solved one problem of it not starting correctly. Now that it has boote...
Access to a web site just from my uni?
SolvedHello, Configuration: Mac OS X (10.11.0) / Chrome 45.0.2454.101 Hello! I don't know if this is the right forum for this Today i figured out t...
Design local network for small office with 10 nodes
hello Sir, please tell me how can i design local network in a small office....and what are the accessory that i need purchase, and how to configure th...
Install my network usb model n300ma
I lost my cd to install my network usb model N300MA how can in installed without cd?
To install wireless usb adapter without cd
Hello, I lost my CD that came with my wireless USB adapter. My adapter is PowerOn DMG-01. Is there anyway I can install same on my new PC, please.
Cannot connect to the internet
Hello, So i tried all the steps but still not working. I tried to ping google and got "ping request could not find host check t...
How can i know who is using my wifi
How can I know who is using my wi fi.