The discussions
On start up
Hello, myacer aspire one does not display start up i can get task manager up,but cannot find explorer exe anyware.also does anyone no about default i...
Nothing shows up on my screen
Hello, I had a virus attack on my laptop and after running series of anti-virus software, I was still having some problems so I decided to uninstall ...
How to connect my n72 to my laptop
Hello, This is amit.I want to know that how can I connect my nokia n72 mobile to my hp mini 110 laptop through bluetrooth.send me the steps that's ar...
Privacy invacion
Hello, My wife gave me a computer about two years ago as a gift, what I didnt know was that she installed a key tracker software and gets into the co...
Windows xp shows script error
Hello, when i working in my machine suddenly an error message comming like windows\system32\regedit.sys stringent error how i can rectify t...
Os not found
Hello, i have a windows vista sony vaio laptop! and recently i accedently hit my laptop and it wont find the OS now..and wont strat up...i have done ...
Changed hardrive
Hello, I changed the hardrive in my computer. I get a black screen. Trying to load windows xp but i keep getting a black screen with a flashing wh...
Hp dv6000 vista drivers
Hello, anybody who is having drivers of hp dv6000,please send me that.wanna format my system.
My dell 14z wont start up properly
Hello, i just recently got a dell 14z laptop and it doesnt start up properly. It will start up fine if its plugged in to the wall but if its starting...
Icons and task bar will not show
Hello, My computer will not show the icons or task bar. i have tryed Ctrl+Alt+ Del to bring up the task manager and it says "task manager has been di...
New hard drive empty ethernet
Hello, I had a very severe virus and a bad/old hard drive. i completely replaced the hard drive with a new one and windows downloaded fine however ...
Windows xp has refused to install on my pc
Hello, I own an HP Notebook which in the past gave me problems with some programs so I decided to format & re-install windows xp. When I try to do so...
Video driver
Hello, please i need the video driver for my presario f700 compaq model,that is compatible with the new windows 7. i appreciate your efforts and hel...
My account has been dis.... plz help me
ClosedHEYYYY plz plz help me my account has been disabled i didnt do anything i jus diactiveted my ather account n i made my new one soo i long in and it...
I need hp compaqcq40 webcam drivers
Hello, i need hp compaq cq40 webcam drivers.for window vista window.
Xp reinstall-no video and multi media control
Hello, I reinstalled xp home edition. Now I am missing multi media audio controller and video controller. I have a Dell Dimension 2400. Any suggesti...
My pc post but not pass xp
Hello, I have been working on these all night. My PC POST but blank afterward. Long story short, at first, it POST then stayed on the XP logo...
I cant start windows xp home edition
Hi, I need help. After i turned off my computer with Shut down button (I needed to do that really fast) I cant start windows xp home edition.. It come...
Dell laptop backup reduced to 40mins with win
Hello, when i installed windows 7 in my dell laptop, battery backup got reduced to 40 mins,but it works fine with xp and vista.can u please help me?
My pavilion dv don't have estereo mix
Hello, i have a pavilion dv 9700 pc and it don't have estereo mix i tryed to ask suport HP on line but they don't respond me someone of u know how ...
Changing limited account to admin account
SolvedHello, Recently I changed my admin log (a) and made it as a limited user and created another user account (b) and made that user as admin. My probl...
No sound
Hello, i don't have any sound when im on the web using explorer or firefox. the sound on the rest of my computer is fine does anyone have any suggest...
Compro tv mate 7134 driver for windows 7
SolvedHello, Guys I'm looking for SAA 7134 driver for my Compro Gold tuner card. Previously i was using the card with with XP & since i have installed W...
How can we format with pendrive
My system not haveing DVD drive,CD drive,that why i want to format my system using with pendrive plz give solution?
Internet deleted after removing virus
Hello, i had a virus on my computer a couple of weeks ago.. i got rid of the virus and now my internet is deleted would anyone no how i would go by g...
Double start buttons
Hello, I have a Dell Studio laptop running Vista. Down in the left hand corner where the start button is located I have not only one but two start b...
Attachmentsin windows mail
Hello,icant open or download attachments from my windows live mail
Problems with computer
Hello, i have problems with my computer first off i have a virsus on my computer and second i forgot my adminstor password so now im using standard...
No driver audio
Hi sir I want to install Audio software and sound software to my DELL LAPTOP Inspiron 1525 as free software
Activation needed
Hello, how to activate windows xp media center 2002 sp3,please told answer in 2 days only 2 days left,,,
Logical disk extend
Hello, OK I'm at the disk management in vista, I have a 500gb hard drive and here's my partitions C-VISTA 255.72 GIGS D-MEDIA 150 GIGS E-RECOVERY...
After using alt and f10
Hello, After I used alt f10, I get an error code and then it restarts the computer. When it restarts I get ntldr missing. Do anyone know why?
Can't open windows live email
Hello, I was told to go to windows live and it downloaded my email from my yahoo mail. I can't open the mail from my window's server, I get an error...
My microphone is not working
Hello, i have problem in microphone on my laptop, and it is not working. how to slove this problem? i use xpsp2
To install xp removing vista
Hello, in toshiba satellite pro u 300- cant change the sata drive....what can i do to install xp os in my laptop? plz help!!
Computer will not restart...
Hello, My PC just shut down as I was loading music to my itunes. When I tried to turn my computer back on it goes to a black screen and says windo...
Hello, Having an issue with my internet. All connections are valid and running at 100%, but every time I try putting in an address. http:/// just p...
My computer keep loging off
Search an e-pal
Hello! My name's Betty, I'm 13 and I'm French. I search an e-pal for improve my english... I prefer a 13-year-old girl, I think that's more easy. ...
Hard drive
Hello, My hard drive isn't there in disk management.
Laptop will not work
Hello, I have a Gateway 2610 tablet and it will not turn on. The fan comes on for a second, the light for the battery comes on, and thats it. I'...
How to restore a toshiba laptop ?
Hello, how do you restore a Toshiba laptop ?
Acer page freezing
Hello, i have a problem sumtimes wen am on facebook and click home my page freezes and jus keeps loading but nothing happens and i carnt exit the page...
No sound
Hello, I have a Dell desktop with win xp. I had sound via headphones, and suddenly it was gone. When I go into "sound and audio properties", it say...
I can't get into the myspace either
Interesing things on laptop
Hello, keys x,c,v,m,.,t dont work (i press the button and nothing happend) help plz
Can't proceed to format desktop to windows xp
Hello, i have here a hp proliant ml110, i try to format it to windows xp but it cant continue the windows setup because an error occured, it said tha...
Xp driver neeeded
Hello, i brought a new hcl computer with preloaded window vista recently with product key no. H282V-VG2VK-MVX47-MRG33-8V3JJ . The problem is t...
Regedit is disabled
Hello, When i run Regedit it displays " Regedit is disabled by the administrator" what to do
Language problem
Hello, I have a problem with, Windows 7. Recentli I bought new Laptop, but Win 7 is in Korean. Is it poosible to change it into English. Another prob...