How to unlink a Facebook account from Instagram

How to unlink a Facebook account from Instagram

If you've previously linked your Instagram account to another social media platform, but would like to stop sharing your posts with your other accounts, here is a simple way to unlink your accounts from Instagram.

How to stop sharing Instagram posts on Facebook and other social networks?

Instagram allows users to link their posts to other social media accounts including Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr. This allows users to instantly publish their Instagram posts to every linked social account. If you wish to unlink Facebook and other social media accounts from Instagram, follow these steps:

  • Open your Instagram app and go to the Profile tab.
  • Enter in your profile and tap the Options menu (3 vertical lines), then scroll to Settings and Privacy > Accounts Center:
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  • On the bottom of the menu, tap Accounts:
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  • Here you will see all accounts that are linked to your Instagram account. Tap Remove
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