The discussions
No drives were found message during win 7 install.
I have a DVD copy of windows 7 that has worked for years and now I'm getting a "no drives were found" message during install. I have tried loading th...
Monitor and keyboard no signal
please i need help i used the computer yesterday but this morning i try putting it on,but the monitor is not giving any signal and also the keyboard ...
Intel pentium 8175 kqu windows 7 32bit drivers
I am Use Intel Pentium 8175 KQU Windows 7 32BIT...I want this System Drivers...
I put my laptop in sleep mode that time antivirus was scanning,
Now I am trying to on but it is not able on. There is no indicating light also. Plz somebody help me
Panel lights get lighted up but no image on the laptop screen
Hello, I have HP pavilion dv 6000 laptop. It was working fine till yesterday. since yesterday I am facing a problem that there is no image on the ...
Toshiba system recovery not working
ClosedSo im trying to fix my friends laptop. He tried to download something called windows ultra which had to be fake since he cant connect to internet and ...
Toshiba c850 no audio device found
I allready install XP on my toshiba c850-b906 but no audio device found can anybody help?
Remove write protected from usb pen drive
remove write protected from usb pen drive
Automatic shut down problem
Hello, i have brought dell inspiron 15 3521 laptop. but it does not perform properly. it automatic shut down mithin the starting of 2 minute. please...
How to remove write protection in my pen drive
Hello, My sandisk pen drive 32 GB is suddenly protected. Pleae tell me how to remove write protection in my pen drive Configuration: Windows XP...
Micro sd card not detecting in my pc
Solved/ClosedHello, my sd card is not dectecing in my pc and in my 5300 phone it is asking password. please help me to solve the problem and i cant loose the data ...
I am trying to reset my system from f2
hello i am trying to reset my whole system, passwords and all, and i am on the insydeH20 setup utility and the keys will not move to allow me to do so...
Mouse buttons are not working both left and right
My mouse buttons are not working both left and right does any one know how to fix them please
Cannot wake my laptop up
I booted up my Compaq Presario CQ56, went away for approx 15 mins and it had gone to sleep. On my return, I could not wake it up. It seems to be sti...
My sony vaio laptop has has a hardisk inserted but doesnt read
Dear all, My sony vaio laptop is turned on and shows a vaio logo then after a while takes u to a page that says windows cannot open vaio then i asked...
My pendrive software not successfully installed in windows 7
Hello, I recently bought the HP 16 GB pen drive.When plugged into the computer its detecting but its showing that device software not ...
Please help my laptop
One day I turned on my laptop and I typed my password and the laptop says "we don't have enough source please type your first password." But I don't e...
Asus laptop not turning on.
Hello, My Asus laptop does not turn on immediately. When i hit the power button the green light goes on like the laptop is on but it is actually off...
No sound through earphones
i was using some headphones and then bought a new pair of earphones and plugged them in and they played audio fine. then i re downloaded the realtek h...
Adata usb drive not showing up in my computer
Hi all I have an Adata 32GB flash drive, and when I put it into my USB drives, the laptop makes a sound that it has been inserted, but it doesnt show...
Toshiba laptop- no display on screen
Hi, My Toshiba laptop has been a champ for last 4 years, but last month it encountered a problem of NO-Display on screen, NO-booting. Yesterday, I c...
Fn key doesn't work
please I need help, the fn key doesn't work the laptop model: toshiba satellite c850-b908
Youtube sound problem
i have hp laptop the sound was working good suddenly during i am watching video on youtube my speakers stop working but the headphone still has soun...
Laptop dosent start
My laptop dosent open,when i press the start buton it dosent start and when i put out the battery and put the energy it doesent start.After some hour ...
Dvd drive not working
today i put a dvd inside my drive , as i open my laptop it doesn't show any message to me can you pls tell me whats the problem .....
Pc screen freeze
My Acer 2700 was regularly showing most of my files as "corrupt". On attempt to install an anti-virus the battery run flat and pc switched off. Upon ...
Wd 1tb hard disk drive not detected
I am using 2 Hard disk drives...both of WD....1 of 320 GB....other one is 1 TB 10 EARS hard disk drive( WD GREEN CAVIAR)... Last night my 1 TB driv...
When i connect it on any pc there is no action
I am using a Kingstons 8GB pendrive. When I connect it on any PC there is no action. Sometimes the power light of the pen drive blinks, but never show...
No signal...
I removed all components of my pc for cleaning after completion of it ! before assembling i saw that processor pins were disturbed so i carefully arra...
My computer screen wont turn on (gateway)
I've tried multiple steps and ways to try and turn on my laptop. Its a gateway NE56R10u and I will plig it in and lights will flash but my screen wont...
Unlock my 2690 keypad security code
Closedi have forget my nokia2690 keypad security code . plz.. help me urgently
Cd or dvd that burned it doesn't play it
Hi guys can you help with my Samsung DVD writer. I'm using windows XP professional, when I put CD or DVD that burned it doesn't play it. But if I put...
My wd passport locked
hello... I have problem with my WD Passport. It is immedietly locked, and I have tried to enter the hint password but it did'nt work. How to solve th...
Pen drive is not detected on pc
How can i install drivers for i ball pen drive
Reset toshiba portege 7100 to factory settings without hdd passw
Hello, I recently was given a very old toshiba protege 7100. when it boots up, the only option i get is to input the hdd password which i do not hav...
Pendrive problem windows can't formant this pendrive
hi,this is sai. my pendrive is not open. i inset pendrive into usb port it shows a message "windows can't formant this pendrive". plz give answer this...
How to reset factory settings in dell studio 1555
please tell me how can i restore factory settings in dell studio1555
Hard disk having low hard disk space
my laptop computer having low hard disk space and i dont want external hard disk.. what should i?
Long beep
Hi i have a problem with Jetway Mother Board] N68S3 ver: 6.0 when i turn it on it no display any bios or start Up. i hear Beep warning its take long b...
Sata hdd intermittently loses connection
I am having a problem where an internal SATA HDD was consistently (every time) not being recognized by the BIOS of a Windows PC (I can't recall if it'...
No timer tick interrupt
Hello, Hi I have problem with Dell gx280 when I power on it beeps error 4X then it show's NO TIMER TICK INTERRUPT
Pc on,off
Hi guys good day ... can u help me this one problem to. when i turn it ON my pc after 1 or 2 seconds it automatically off like no pwer......
Laptop giving tititi like sound for 2 minutes
when i start my laptop on that time laptop giving tititi like sound for 2 minutes after that it works normally
Usb problem
Dear I have connect my printer hp2015d in my computer but printer are not attached and show the massage of access denied please solve my proble...
Pen drive not detected
Hello, i hv a 2 gb moserbaer pen drive..It was working properly but from some time my pc cudnt detect it.on opening MY COMPUTER "removable H dri...
Laptop dosent power on charging only..
Hello, i have a dell n5050 which dosent power on charging only after showing a bluescreen death kerneldata inpage error some time froze while usin...
How delete write protected files on usb?
I follow your step by step as below : Start Menu >> Run, type regedit and press Enter, this will open the registry editor. Navigate to the follo...
Surface rt
Has anyone used one of these? What is your opinion if you have? Can I map a drive with, or just access the workgroup Documents, music and pictures? ...
Toshiba laptop i get the balck screen
when i turn on my Toshiba laptop i get the balck screen, then it goes to the screen with the Toshiba logo on it, then it goes back to the black screen...
Laptop screen remains black