The discussions
Black / blank screen. please read carefully.
I'm using HP Probook 4520s with i3 330M, 8GB DDRIII and Mobility Radeon 530v (43xx / 45xx series). A few days ago I installed Windows 8 RTM Enterp...
My laptop is working but the screen is not?
Hey, So I have a Pavilion dv4 and I was not smart one night and closed my laptop when I had maplestory running because I thought I was fine. The nex...
Laptop connect to tv vga and rca no audio
Hello, I have a windows 7 compaq presario cq56, i connected it to my tv a 24in seiki flat screen tv. Ive connected it via vga and the picture work...
Help to transfer pics from camera to laptop
Hello, I would be really grateful if anyone could help me. When I click on transfer pics from camera the computer says it cannot find a camera co...
Pc turning on, no post
Hello, I have a problem with my PC. It turn on but nothing happens. The Monitor power LED just blinks. This has occured ever since I restarted my...
Keyboard not working!
Hello, im using a Sony VAIO E Series laptop and had it for only 2 moths. i might have clicked on something but now the keyboard isnt working. the...
My dell laptop won't work
Hello, I've had my Dell Inspiron 17r for less than a year and it's not booting up properly. Whenever i try starting it up it acts as if it s doi...
Files on my flash drive turned into shortcuts(deleted)
Hello, Sorry, for asking the same question. The files in my flash drive also turned into shortcuts but the different case is that I accidentally d...
Pendrive problem
Hello, my hp 2012 model pendrive was not able to open any laptop. pls give detaild information to work it Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 24...
Write protected
Hello Sir, I'm using sandisk cruzer blade 8 gb pendrive. It is showing write protected. It has no on/off switch. How can i solve it? I tried...
I can't use my right arrow key
Hello, I can't seem to use my right arrow key!All the other keys work!My computer is a Toshiba Satellite 755 and its only 6 months old!Please help me
Forgot micro sd memory card password
Hello, Configuration: / Opera 9.80 i want to reset my memory card micro sd
Lenovo laptop problem
Hello, sir , i have a problem in my lenovo g560 laptop, my laptop is shutting down at any time, and its lower side(near the battary) there will be...
Beeping sounds
Hello, my laptop is making 5 beep sounds for 3 times on start up. It means what? & how can i stop it. I am using windows 7.
Dell laptop dies randomly then won't start up
Hello, My dell inspiron M5110 has resently randomly started dying out of no where. The first time it did it it took it about 5 tries to restart. t...
Pen drive is not detecting
Hello, Pen drive is not detecting in any of the system. No message will be displayed after connected. So please give me any suggestion about how t...
Laptop display problem
Hello, I have a problem with my laptop, I hibernate it last week while going to the toilet when I tried to switch it on the screen won't display any...
Keys mixup windows8
HELP! My Microsoft keyboard is now mixing up keys (" = @ and £ = hash) since getting a new computer with windows 8. I reinstalled the driver to no ...
Hal.dll error - need to repair xp
Hello, I am using a non-supported windows 2000 pro. Don't have download capabilities, just email capability. Need info to boot and repair windows XP...
File system on usb drive changed to 'raw'
Hello, I have 2 USB external drives which are no longer accessable because the file system has for some reason been changed from NTFS to RAW. How c...
Cd rom does not recognize cd
Hello, helow i have a problem about 3 cd rom was working properly but sudenly now it does not show cd and show the message"insert discs i...
Unable to access files in mypassport 070a
Hello, I have a My Passport 070A drive that's not reading anymore even though I used it less than twenty minutes ago and now it's saying that I need...
How to speed
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 15.0.1 how to make speed plz
Hello, how to open the webcam of hp probook 4420s? Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 24.0.1312.52
Why does my pc crashes when try to startup
Hello, I have a dell Inspiron 8500, it's very old but use to work fairly well but yesterday i woke up and turn it on as usual, it loaded the windows l...
Hello, My computer is beeping, sony vaio vgns380p 3 sets of two short beeps, help? Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 24.0.1312.52
"consider replacing your battery"
Hello, hi, i have dell inspiron n3010. ive had it for 1 year and 7 months now. just yesterday in class, my laptop was working perfectly well and...
Shadow - cache
Hello, when trying to boot up in system I get a blue screen with this message, Process1_Ininitliazation_Failed and when I try to go to safe mode t...
Laptop wont boot
Hello, I'm having difficulties currently with my Toshiba satellite laptop. I closed the lid last night as I usually do before I go to bed and...
Cannot detect external hard drive
Hello, My acomdata external hard drive cannot be detected by PC laptop (vista, window xp) or Mac. It can be detected by both PC or Mac before. ...
Microphone is not working in gmail,g+
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 24.0.1312.52i have a great problem in my gmail,g+ vedio call microphone is not friend cant ...
My hp 4gb pendrive v165w not detected by my computer,
Hello, my HP 4GB pendrive v165w not detected in any PC. i have tryed so many tiomes to make it ops... but i can't success ... so i reques...
Making a partition
Hello, I can't be able to make partition in my sony vaio more than 2 drive plz help me
Acer aspire 4738g wont boot up
Solved/ClosedHello!! I've had my laptop for about 1year and 6 months now. Few months ago it started having a problem. First was I was getting the blue sceen....
Can't open disc c and d by double clicking
Solved/ClosedHello, I'm new at here. I have this problem. I can't open my C and D drives by double clicking on them, instead the drive are beeing opened in my XnVi...
Do i have problem with my hard-disk?
SolvedHello, I would like to share problem of my laptop. Please help me. My laptop is HP-Pavillon dv2000. It works fine and sometimes when start to use...
The dreaded message...
Hello, how are You 2day? Hope things are well. I am having trouble booting My laptop. I am receiving the message, "\system32\hal.dll missing or corrup...
Overclocking failed n not working usb's
SolvedHello, my pc wen I turn it on it comes up black screen with red writing saying overclocking failed with explamation marks !!! it says ur sett...
Can't read data on my cd anymore
Hello, i have data saved on my cd's they where the old ones where they had shiny colourful looking labels on them well i accidentally put a piece...
Dell laptop black screen flashing cursor
Solved/ClosedHello, Was watching movies on my laptop and fell asleep. Woke up with funny beeps coming from the laptop and my cat sitting on the keyboard!! Just swi...
Hello, my computer fan used to ran fast a little and then run slow it keeps on happening and anytime I try putting it on the indicator turns orange ...
Toshiba 4gb pen drive not recognized
Hello, I have toshiba TC58NC6688G1F 4gb pen drive .all the window did not recognised it. How can I solve this problem Plz send me the proper ...
I need it -305wc driver for windows7
Hi, i need it -305wc driver for windows7.can you pls help me
Black screen during login. please help.
Solved/ClosedHi, so today I was playing a game on my laptop,I have a Sony Vaio with windows 7, and I decided to stop and delete some stuff on my laptop, to make it...
Sound problem with virus
Solved/ClosedHi I got a virus on my system and my anti virus does not detect the virus when am doing the scan.And now I am not getting sound and when I put an aud...
Pc recognized flash drive, but wont open
Hello, I have a PNY 16gb flash drive, and i inserted it into the pc, the computer knows the flash drive is in there, but it will not do anything to ...
Toshiba satellite motherboard
Hello, i would like to know if anyway have an idea of how much the motherboard for toshiba satellite a210 cost. can i fix it myself and how? thanks ...
Bus controller on motherboard
Solved/ClosedHello, i have the above on my laptop when i turn it on.. rhen it says press f1 to default or f2 to boot... but nothing happen when i do this,, the...
Fn key is not working
SolvedHello, I have a hcl laptop. Whenever i press "Fn + num lkkey" then num lk's indicator is on but its not properly use a numercal function.means a...
Keyboard generates incorrect keys
SolvedHello, i have acer aspire 5251.... my laptops key board does't generate correct keys... shift + 2 = " shift + 3 = £ shift + backslash =...