The discussions
Monitor turns off after load up page
Hello, just got a pc and when i turn it on it goes to the load up page but it looks like its crashed lots of blue lines and dots but the loading up ba...
Hello, How can I use my webcam without CD, my webcan is a TRUST model s/n 728002198 please help me.... thank u very much... : )
Motherboard buying help please
Im looking to build a brand new pc i was having a look at the gigabyte motherboards i have a tight budget $80-$170
I can;t get i tunes back
Sound is missing
Hello,i dont nw y volume is not cuming i went 2 control panel,then volume but its showing no audio devici i checked all connections of specker n its...
Data is not copy on pen drive 32 gb
Closedsir please help me i have 32GB pen drive . but on pen drive if any 1GB data file copy in my pen drive the data is not saving only 512 MB file saving .
I lost my pictures
Hello, I accidently pushed a menu button that formatted the memory disc in my camera. I can not retrieve the 100 pictures that where on the disc. ...
Vga cable needed
Hello,i need to know what type of vga cable i need to connect my laptop..compac to my tv..magnavox hd
Pentim 3 problems ram not recognised?
SolvedHello, i have recently put together a small pc for my son for him to do homework ect on, its an INTEL DESKTOP BOARD D815EEA 512 MB RAM 20 GB HD (...
1gb ram installed on computer
SolvedHello, tried to install new ram on my desk top but keeps beeping and wont run, can anyone tell me why i have checked the ram board is the correct one...
Retrieve data from old hard drive
Hello, My old hard drive crashed and deleted all of my pics and files on it, I bought a new one and installed it. Now I have the old one in a box loo...
Add sata hard drives to my motherboard
Hello, My Motherboard Is a ASUS A7M266-D DUAL Socket A Motherboard With 462 CPU AMD 762 Chipset Has on board IDE for My Drives I Have Two of them. ...
Please,my dell inspiron 5100 laptop will boot
Hello, My Computer's starts booting, and shut downs after 2 seconds. I mean the power supply cuts within that time. Please help me solve this probl...
System problem
Hello, my system is turn off today i am working time automatically next i start the system again the system is not working only long beep sound what...
About the cpu fan.
Hello, i have removed unplucked my ram and plucked back but it is still not coming up. What should i do next?
My pc doesnt want 2 boot up
Hello, I did everythng u've mentioned bt der r no beep sounds wen i switch on my pc. Wats next?
Not update
Hello, my computer not update the anti viurs internet problem
Free call
Hello, I went free call to Saudi Abaria from Pakistan.
Dvds with light scribe label cannot be read
Hi, when creating a light scribe label for DVDs with my external dvd writer SE-S224, I'm having trouble reading the files. It appears to be a rand...
Hello, how caN i install my webcam i lost the cd and i forgot the name of my web cam
Cd-rom/dvd-rom missing in the device manager?
Hello, my cd-rom/dvd-rom is missing in my device manager, i accedentally format it, how do i reinstall it??? problem
I was reinstalling Windows Vista and the computer froze. I rebooted the computer and it didn't go to post and still won't. When I power on the cpu fan...
My lg dvd player dp9911p can't play any disk!
Hello, I have the LG DVD player DP9911P. And someone accidentally drop it last night but nothing happen apprantely. But the problem is that now I can...
Pen drive no format
Hello, I have 2 gb U-Max pen drive when i open it windows give message pen drive is not formated and when i formate it windows gives message "Windo...
When i start my computer it hangs up everytim
Hello, when i start my computer it hangs up everytimes . it requires 3/4 times to restart . after that it works ok . once it is ok there is no proble...
Disk error
Hello, my laptop suddenly turn black and showing ctrl+alt+del and restart but it remains still same please suggest me a solution
Video display on laptop is blank most times
Friends - have been stuck on this issue for a month now and would appreciate your insight. My problem - - is a Dell E1705 laptop - (with...
Problem with start up
Hello, im just wondering if there is some one that can help me i have looked at every thing and still have no idea the problem is when i start up m...
No sound from my toshiba laptop headset
Hello, No sound is present on my toshiba satellite 305 when I play music or U-Tube stuff. The speakers still work even though the headset is plugg...
Asus dvd witter not working
Hello, friends, I have ASUS DVD writter. It working fine till last month. Then i reinstall my window and everything running good. But when I insert...
Can not open my usb stick
Hello, Just simply I can't open my SUB stick. Actually i was working with one of the file which is open from the USB continousely, but when I saved...
Sound not working
Hello, i have just brought a new hd tv and i have tried to connect my xbox and the sound doesnt work... what can i do even tho every thing is conn...
Hello,my quesation when we switch on the computer first the system start running or monitor
Problem in my pendrive
Hello, my name is anish, i am using kingston 8GB DTI/G2 pendrive . i have a problem with it when i insert in the usb drive , it is showing a message ...
Hcl sound card
Hello, how can i download hcl soundcard device ?
Cpu fan
Hello,there is power in my cpu but the cpu fan has refused blow and also there is no signal display on my monitor. What should i do please?
Startup problems with p4
Hello, My pc keeps restarting and im not 100% sure what to do, changed power supply and ram already, hard drive is working and No virusses are on it....
Hdd and cd witer prob
Hello, i am not able to add my IDE HDD and CD Writer on single data bus, only at one time one device is shown connected
When i call or some body call me he can't ear
Hello, i have some trouble with Magic Jack because it about 3 month's ago i buy a Magic Jack so there are no one can ear me when i call or ca...
How to use my verbatim micro sdhc adapter
Hello, I have a Verbaim micro SDHC Adapter for my 8GB memory card that I used for my phone. I could store things on it with my phone like it the pass...
Not recongnising
Hello, I have a creative zen , version 1.21.03.Overnight my computer stopped recognising that the mp3 was connected. Th adaptor still works to cha...
Swiss keyboard
Hello, I had to reinstall xp pro on a laptop that has a swiss keyboard. Currently it only functions in standard english style. For instance the Z is ...
No sound
Hello, i have problem with my laptop is the sound is stop working suddendly there is coming no sound driver is install in this laptop and mylaptop is...
Hello, How do I prepare a new hard disk drive for the installation of a Windows 98 system? I have a Windows 98 start-up disk. Please explain the step...
Hart disk
Hello, im shaggy pls sol that problems my primary hard drive is not detected how to fix that
Resolution problms
Hello, My icons are very big on my screen . I've tried to resolve it in Display , but ..... when I want to dragg the button , it doensn't move . Thi...
I just want o share an experience of mine
I have an experience to share with you guys. Me and my cousin went to UK to visit my father coz he works there. When I was about to call my mother...
Disk read error
Hello, I have problem its disk read error occered