The discussions
Dv6705au xp os drivers
help me in getting rid of windows vista i m hating it on my notebook. notebook model HP pavilion dv6705au.
I may have deleted a process
Hi, I was playing a game on my computer the other day then it froze so I ctrl+alt+del but nothing showed up so (stupidly) I just started hitting other...
Xp will not boot
Hello, the problem i have is i want to repair xp but the windows cd will not boot to the install screen' the system keeps booting off the hard d...
Reformatting windows vista to xp
Hello, I am wondering how i can reformat my alien ware laptop down to windows xp. I need to do this because i can't remember the password i put in, a...
Pc restarts constantly
Hello, I turned on my pc loaded with windows vista and the machine comes up as usual and when it is time for me to put the password it starts to boot...
Error message
Hello, As soon as I switched on my computer I get an error message Ox80070426. It tells me to clik on start button and just run check settings but I ...
My computer wont load my desktop
Hello, i have a problem with my desktop it wont load up.. it just starts at the username and password stuff, then an antivirus like shield just sca...
goodmorning it seems that i have a virous when i try to open my drives C,D by double clik it says that cannot be open and recommends to open it wi...
Computer keeps restarting
Hello, I'm having the same problem a lot of others are having. I recently had a bad virus (the one that turns your cookies to "accept all" and caus...
Unable to boot from windows cd
Hello, I am trying to reformat my computer and I want my bios to boot from the cd rom. I get the message to press any key to boot from cd and when I ...
Accessing my hard drive problem
Hi everyone, So here my problem. Last month I installed windows vista on my machine and after that was not adapted to vista so format the hard drive ...
Recovery problem
Hello, i am having a problem similar to your guy's but the problem is i try to start up my computer but when it gets the the "windows" screen with t...
Hello, I would like to know if I can change from xp professional to vista operating system, and how? Thank you for any help
Messed up =keybo`ard
Hello, my l`abtop =keybo`ard h`as been doing this 5for `a while now. It did stop but now it st`arted `ag`ain...o5f course when I h`ave `assignments...
Empty space in my add remove list
Hello, this anormally just started and whenever I will try to uninstall something in the add or remove programs I get empty spaces and when I try to c...
Copy and paste problem
Hey there, I have a very strange problem with my pc having SP2 installed on it and the fact is that I cant copy and paste in excel nor internet explor...
Windows installation problem
Hello, Well my problem is that I cannot install windows xp actually on my computer. When I launch the installation and when it comes to the phase whe...
I have rpoblem
Hello, Hello, m cee First i'll tell you how the problem began. I was plugging in an extra hard drive into one of my CD drives slot and while doing...
Error in xp cd
Hello, I'm using dell inspiron 640m laptop(runs on XP home edition SP2) which I'd purchased 2 years back. But then i had no problem. Now I've formatt...
Hello, How to make a bootable cd? I want to burn windows but i don't know how to make it become bootable disc?
Windows xp
SolvedHello, well I'm sure this has been asked before I just can't seem to find it. Question!! I can not log on to my Dell desk top. I click on the user ...
Please would someone give me some advice?!!!!
Hello, I don't know if my problem is unique or not but I need some help with this because I am having a hard time finding answers. It has been ...
Problem with installing xp
Hello, i dont know if im supposed to write this question in this forum or not but still...... i have got a problem with my pc for the first time...
Ie drop down address window
Hello, In the past when I typed in an address it was saved in the drop down from day to day. Recently, we had an upgrade to a T-1 line for our off...
Cant access files on windows
Hey there, I have some files in windows Me that were encrypted and now I want to have access to these files on windows xp but cant do that any help p...
Searching for a powerful processor
Hello, Im in search of a processor of about 5ghz and im thinking about a core2duo T8300 which means I can get a speed of 2x2.4ghz = 4.8ghz running un...
Windows 2003 server
Hello, i formatted server and installed windows 2003 server. the server shared folder / system is not showing and is accessible the server shared ...
Hello, i want to buy sony vgn cr353 laptop and want to downgrade to xp(for project purpose). is there will be any problem doing this? i heard from m...
Thumbs.vbs missing
Hello, everytime i start my computer, always get this message C:/thumbs.vbs missing... i manage to quarantine the vbs.solow virus on symantec, but...
I need audio driver for xp sp2 of acer 4720z
Hello, i request any of u to give me the site for audio driver of xp please
Windows 98
Hello, I have two older computers with Windows 98, Second Addition on them. Is there anyway I can get updates for them. I have a laptop with Vista(...
Growth function
Hello, I cant get the GROWTH function to predict the next in the series from Y = X^2. I have just started practising using forecasting functions a...
Xp loading bar at start up
Hello, I need help with xp start up loading bar, why is this happening?
Sound card
Hello, hi dear my problem is bigger problem there is problem on my video is play but sound is not play this is mute plz my problem is solve th...
Usb not opening
Hello, sir my USB is not opening when i do dubble click or even right click at USB drive 4 open .it says (this disk in drive f is not formated .do u...
Hard drives problem
sir, recently i have net connection to my system and from that time onwards i am unable to access my local drives. whenever i click on my local drive...
Hello, who u know that problem and hw solve it??when start computer it run ..hw remove it? please help ??
Lights flickering
Hello, i have a problem. when i turn on my A/C unit, my lights in my house flicker. i am wondering how this is happening and what are some easy ways...
Frequent restarts
Hiiiiiiii, my operating system is Windows XP. While running any programme or application such as while playing games, watching movies, listening songs...
How to make window vista perform faster?
Hello all, My laptop using window vista but its performance are slow compare to my previous window XP. Beside I upgrade memory to 3G RAM, it is any...
Problem with sound
Hai Friends, I am using Acer Aspire 4720z laptop. Recently i have formatted with XP Service Pack 2 OS. After that my sound is not coming in any cas...
Change language
Hello, how can i change widnows xp language in running duna wan format windows thnx
Get on internet and it freezes
Hello, when i get on any of the computers at my home then when the computer is trying to load a big page then it freezes for minutes. And then after i...
Found new hardware
Hello, hi i have a laptop i use it in my office there is a HP laser Jet 1022n printer connect with netowork. When i start my computer it shows found ...
Error message
Hello, when i start computer the message come like "Error loading c:\windows\system32\dymgclai.dll" the specific module couldnt found.. wt i do for...
Windows xp problem
Hello, My IT didnot give me an XP CD when they sold me the comp, now my OS has become corrupt due to virus attack, can you help me with a solution? i...
Network connection
Hello, I am having a headache. I am two laptop that both have wireless adapter and a desk PC. I am a broadband connection. 1) I want to connect t...
Computer is going crazy
Hello, Sometimes when I try to sign on or off of the internet my internet explorer will open numerous windows, up to 65 internet explorers and just...
No start menu
Hello, I have a problem that I am not getting any where with. I start up my computer and then I enter my password for my acct. It goes to the main sc...
Formating and openning the drives
Hello, hi, I am unable to format the drives D:,E: and F:. so they can not open and my system hangs , how can i remove this problem? pls reply me.